Mei 12th: Fill this thread with bad puns!

Ni Hao Friends! and welcome once again to THE MONTH OF MEI Season 3!
A month long project where I post threads about Overwatch best girl Mei, every dei, for the entire month of… well… May.
Todei’s topic: Puns

Okay, I don’t really have time to pull a proper thread together because it’s mother’s day and my Mom’s here, So I’m just pushing this out. I want to hear the absolute worst, most cringe-inducing puns you’ve got. really PUNishing stuff.

I know Dad jokes would make more sense as a fathers day thing, but father’s day doesn’t happen in May.

Oh, and also: a-Mei-zing. there. now it’s a Mei thread.

go crazy.

Thank you for reading, and Check out the SUPERTHREAD™ (linked below) for more Mei all month long!

There was really cold pun I had in mind… but it slipped from my mind

I’d give you a bad pun, but unfortunately, I don’t have one.

Karen took them all along with the kids.