[MEGATHREAD] Symmetra 3.0

I agree. Sorry, I meant it as how annoyed I am with people talking about how good she is because steveo and owl and your overwatch.
If you pocket anything, yeah… It’ll be strong. But in general yes… Please stop fighting your symm and let her play :disappointed_relieved:

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It has honestly gotten so difficult to play Sym, I have switched over to playing Lucio. At least then, I know I’ve got heals, I’m obviously helping my team, and I’m harrying the enemy in such a way that they’re kept off balance.


:clap: Bring :clap: Back :clap:Symmetra’s :clap: Old :clap: E :clap:


Sym should generate personal sheilds over time to a certain limit while hitting enemy shields and enemy players with armor / sheilds.

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Saw Symmetra in OWL 2019.

Got me thinking about certain changes to make her more of a respected pick (not getting reported or lowering team morale) and considering the change in mindset to accommodate one-tricks.

Realistic Changes
Just add 50 more shield HP

Damage is good. Her other aspects require work. Deal with it.

Either add 10 meters travel velocity and/or remove damage fall off from orb explosion. 60 damage no matter how far off you are from the epicenter of the explosion.

Minus 2 seconds cooldown from 10 to 8 seconds.

Add 3 meters player interact range. Keep player object interaction range (turrets, RIP-tires, Mech-bomb, etc) the same. Has infinate duration until destroyed or replaced. Will ignore and destroy environment objects (railings, street signs, etc) when deployed and will ALWAYS deploy at Symmetra’s feet.

Nothing that can be realistically altered.

Only the following:

Ammo now is represented by the same bar for Reinhardt’s shield. When firing beam, Projector will now emit a small personal shield. Size of shield only covers front side from head to just above the knee. Ammo and shield strength are 300; firing beam depletes 1 ammo every 2 seconds and damage blocked depletes ammo equal to blocked attack value. When barrier breaks Symmetra is forced to reload. Attacking enemy barriers now restores more ammo per second.

Turrets (to justify 10 second cooldown)
Attack power decreased to 40
Slow effect removed
Turrets now attack all enemy players/player objects in 10 meter range
Faster flight and deployment speeds

Can now be relocated by activating it again. Can be repeatedly relocated until 20 second total duration expires.

Any will do. But that’s my opinion.

Her ult could have aditional effects added to it make it so the enmy cannot see you through it take make it harder for the enemy to prepair.

Her primary POTENTIAL damage is fine same as 2.0s beam. but the first level is just a joke for a dps.

this x_x level 1 has not a single purpose at all.
sym as a dps has 0 options of instant damage. orb doesnt count since it needs a huge charge up to deal actual damage- even 80 dps would be fine
if someone says her turrets you can tell hes bad against and with sym, since turrets have a huge delay upon lock on

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120 starting beam damage or i riot.

sym’s 20% speed increase in her charge beam seems not too noticeable, also to make her character more creative maybe you can throw a orb and shatter it with primary fire so it shatters in to multiple obs

it’ll be one more method in playing her

I think the last buff has only improved symmetra in the dps department, but I expect more evolutions for the teleporter so that it becomes more and more coherent to use in its kit (speed and graphics to identify them in particular)

Symmetra is glorious now. My queen is finally free.

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Honestly? At this point I would say that Sym is weirdly enough both in the best place she’s ever been, and yet at the same time the worst place.

In many ways her current kit lets a brand new Sym player compete well against brand new players on other character picks. And in many ways her current kit lets skilled Sym players make enemy teams at the very least respect her presence. Two things that could not always be said at the same time prior to this.

But, at the same time she has lost her underdog power of being ignored which for the longest time could make Sym absolutely deadly. Sym has rarely ever been actually weak, but now people are aware of that fact and at least at higher ranks will attempt to minimize her impact.

In days of old, Sym had less strategies that worked in her kit, but most of the strategies that worked were really hard to avoid for the enemy team. Today, Sym’s kit allows for more potential ways to attack and defend but most are easily spotted and combated by experienced and coordinated players who spot or instinctively feel a Sym strat happening.

I’m honestly unsure whether or not the current Sym works in solo queue better than some incarnations of old Sym did. I will say though that the current release Sym is probably the best we’ve had for a coordinated 6 stack though. But most coordinated 6 stacks will usually want to use other strategies than just Sym strats.

Great, now we have a place that can get ignored like the Mercy one did

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There are tons of Sym buff ideas. Not just buffs but really good quality of life ideas that would make her much more effective without even needing to give her buffs. Symmetra has an absurd amount of potential and could be able to stand along side all the other heroes, but she is just being held back by the limitations of her own kit. I really hope Devs are watching all these threads that are poping basically every hour.

Can you add this to the thread please?

Symmetra 2.0 Primary Fire:

-Reliable damage (lock-on)
-Good damage (120/s)
-Defensive (Photon Barrier)
-Extra Health (+75 shields)

So 2.0 had solid, reliable damage at a close range with defensive capabilities like her Photon Barrier to help her along with +75 health to stop her dying quickly when going in.

Symmetra 3.0:

-Unreliable damage (awful beam)
-Amazing damage (185/s?)
-No defence
-No extra health

In 3.0 not only does she have no RELIABLE damage through her primary fire, but she also has nothing to help protect her while using it, no shield and no extra health. How does this make any sense? Let’s make it harder to aim and strip her of her defensive options on top of that.



Give us sym 2.0 back!


At this point i dont even want a revert, i just to settle on a design and keep on it until it works

Minor reworks at best, like single ability-wise, not character-wide

Just, settle on a design, im tired of re-learning symmetra

Thank you for listing my newest post, also old sym actaully has a table pickrate of 1 percent right before she was reworked because of her shield Gen with brig

This only happened with brigs addition to comp and tracers pulse bomb nerf made it so tracer couldn’t one shot old syms ult

So she was at her best before the rework


Ive made a thread with a poll about sym, feel free to vote