[MEGATHREAD] Symmetra 3.0

Been taking a break, mostly just been playing rdr2 until I hear some good news. Mostly just want tickrate and tp to be buffed/bug fixed.

Nice to see were still going strong. Its weird. Ive achieved and mantained a higher rank in comp playing mostly symm. But i dont have as much fun with her anymore. All versions of symm were and are underpowered. But 2.0’s kit had a nice flow to it. Honestly the biggest gripe i am having with the rework is who thought it was a good idea to remove the old barrier? That thing was such a clutch lifesaver. Baiting hooks, blocking shatters, cutting widow sightlines, peeling for your main tank? All gone. The teleporter is really cool too but there are many points in a map where it isnt useful unless its a turret bomb gimmick. Ive been advocating for the old barrier to return for a while and i still am. Make symm the jack of all trades she was meant to be. And also id like to peek a sightline for 1 second without getting blown to bits.


It would be cool to bring back the old barrier and it interact with the other barrier. For example ur ult is still shield barrier but if you activate the old one it makes a light based damage in between. Symmetra having another building ability would be fun similiar to how Torb got his old alt as an active ability. Ashe has alot of abilities for example and D.Va who is the top played tank also has many abilities. Perhaps adding more abilities to heroes is a better way to balance the game.

Yeah seeing old barrier go was what made me quit sym. The other thing I was disappointed with was losing pierce. I had spent the majority of my time in overwatch in theory crafting how to get the maximum value from pierce. Now all that time is waisted and I can no longer stay in gm;.;

I thought with the rework I may lose one of those two aspects of sym but when they took away both of them It ruined the character for me


Same dude my winrate went up a fair chunk but i dont enjoy playing her anymore the theme of her died with the update.

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Pierce made her so good against tanks in the stalemate, oof.


It’s time

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Wait wai WAIT
You really think you can accomplish anything? Blizzard does not care a bit, they don’t read the forum, or if they di they don’t respond to intelligent things.
I know the feel


Symmetra’s stealth buff is a step in the right direction :wink:

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I love how people that have literally 1 hour as Symmetra want to discuss how to play her and what should or not be fixed in her playstyle LOL It’s hilarious.

I didn’t care since her qol was so low. Unless I was ana, I never felt bad because I killed her 90% of the time on any other hero. This includes Mercy and Zen .

I just want the animation like moira’s so it isn’t so ugly to look at and it’s more matched to my crosshair. In general that’s what throws me a bit on zarya, and now symm is the beam to crosshair is off because of the cone and that made it hard for me to learn on zarya a while back, and it’s not really fin in symm since her beam feels different too.

They fixed her primary fire beam animation when they fixed her tick rate. The beam actually looks really nice now and it has a really cool effect where the middle part of the beam goes brighter when you’re hitting something.

Honestly a Moira soft lock would be a step back. Especially as people still seem to think she’s carried by her turrets.

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I think mercy, torb, symm… I don’t think there isn’t anything we can do to not be seen as no skill. I was just playing her yesterday and literally got called a no aim symm main on an account with ana as my main…
I literally had nothing else I could say :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:
Might as well make myself on an aesthetic aspect since her hate literally will never leave

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Wow. 19 days later. GJ to whoever necroed this thread.

19 days isn’t a long time considering it took the Devs 6 months to fix Symmetra’s tick rate.


I mean, I just found out that they said she was in a bad spot which is… Wayyyy better than with 2.0 and them saying “she’s fine. She has a good win rate”
So now we just gotta wait 2.5 years and maybe she will even be meta for once

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Win rate down, pick rate down… Success!


Well now she’s been breathed on in OWL so she’s OP and your overwatch is saying she’s meta and good for eleven minutes .


Throw enough healing on something, and anything can be good, just sayin’…

I’d run out and face tank with Mercy if I had a support structure capable of keeping her standing… That doesn’t make her an optimal tank, however.