[MEGATHREAD] Symmetra 3.0

I think the last buff has only improved symmetra in the dps department, but I expect more evolutions for the teleporter so that it becomes more and more coherent to use in its kit (speed and graphics to identify them in particular)

Symmetra is glorious now. My queen is finally free.

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Honestly? At this point I would say that Sym is weirdly enough both in the best place she’s ever been, and yet at the same time the worst place.

In many ways her current kit lets a brand new Sym player compete well against brand new players on other character picks. And in many ways her current kit lets skilled Sym players make enemy teams at the very least respect her presence. Two things that could not always be said at the same time prior to this.

But, at the same time she has lost her underdog power of being ignored which for the longest time could make Sym absolutely deadly. Sym has rarely ever been actually weak, but now people are aware of that fact and at least at higher ranks will attempt to minimize her impact.

In days of old, Sym had less strategies that worked in her kit, but most of the strategies that worked were really hard to avoid for the enemy team. Today, Sym’s kit allows for more potential ways to attack and defend but most are easily spotted and combated by experienced and coordinated players who spot or instinctively feel a Sym strat happening.

I’m honestly unsure whether or not the current Sym works in solo queue better than some incarnations of old Sym did. I will say though that the current release Sym is probably the best we’ve had for a coordinated 6 stack though. But most coordinated 6 stacks will usually want to use other strategies than just Sym strats.

Great, now we have a place that can get ignored like the Mercy one did

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There are tons of Sym buff ideas. Not just buffs but really good quality of life ideas that would make her much more effective without even needing to give her buffs. Symmetra has an absurd amount of potential and could be able to stand along side all the other heroes, but she is just being held back by the limitations of her own kit. I really hope Devs are watching all these threads that are poping basically every hour.

Can you add this to the thread please?

Symmetra 2.0 Primary Fire:

-Reliable damage (lock-on)
-Good damage (120/s)
-Defensive (Photon Barrier)
-Extra Health (+75 shields)

So 2.0 had solid, reliable damage at a close range with defensive capabilities like her Photon Barrier to help her along with +75 health to stop her dying quickly when going in.

Symmetra 3.0:

-Unreliable damage (awful beam)
-Amazing damage (185/s?)
-No defence
-No extra health

In 3.0 not only does she have no RELIABLE damage through her primary fire, but she also has nothing to help protect her while using it, no shield and no extra health. How does this make any sense? Let’s make it harder to aim and strip her of her defensive options on top of that.



Give us sym 2.0 back!


At this point i dont even want a revert, i just to settle on a design and keep on it until it works

Minor reworks at best, like single ability-wise, not character-wide

Just, settle on a design, im tired of re-learning symmetra

Thank you for listing my newest post, also old sym actaully has a table pickrate of 1 percent right before she was reworked because of her shield Gen with brig

This only happened with brigs addition to comp and tracers pulse bomb nerf made it so tracer couldn’t one shot old syms ult

So she was at her best before the rework


Ive made a thread with a poll about sym, feel free to vote


Bless your soul for making this <3

ive added some results in the Poll thread from what ive gathered, not done yet, but thought it should warn

Magy, thank you for making the poll. It will probably never be seen by the people who matter simply because the devs have lost touch with their own game. But at the very least you have given all of us the chance to state our feelings rather than keeping them locked inside like an unwatched kettle.

Personal opinion is that in some ways Sym 3.0 is stronger, and in some ways 2.0 was stronger. Objectively I would say they are about equal. However, it is my opinion that because of the changes 3.0 is only really strong with a good team, while 2.0 was strong on her own and could carry bad teams.

This belief of the power exchange explains for me why the SR has changed to peaking around Diamond. 2.0 Sym was strongest against unorganized teams and teams that did not prioritize shutting her down. This meant she peaked around gold and after that could be used but only by skilled players and they had to fight against their teams to succeed in most cases.

3.0 Sym does not do well at all in unorganized teams which explains why almost no one plays her in Bronze to Gold. However, 3.0 works best in an organized team, but the problem is that at highly organized team levels most teams are not as willing to use Sym strats when they can get the same results with less coordinated effort using other strats so even though it ‘would’ work they are not used as much. Thus the peak at Diamond makes sense to me since its at a level where organized teams work better, but not yet at a level where the arrogance and belief that only the easy meta should be used has fully set in.

I personally think that Sym 2.0 was better simply because a good player could carry bad teams with her while its far harder to do as 3.0.


Should this get updated to sym 4.0 or is this megathread over? Or maybe sym 3.5 what the hell is this Garbo change

Do the devs hate sym?

Yes, they do. 3 years and Sym has always been bad and now they nerfed her.


It is not that the devs hate Sym, it is that they are apathetic to her. They have no knowledge of how their own game works or how the community thinks since they have deliberately shut down all lines of communication and now rely entirely on OWL player blogs, big name streamer tweets, and reddit for their feedback - and even reddit is only skimmed over.

What makes this choice of communication / feedback miserable for Sym is that none of the popular OWL players, big name streamers, or main reddit threads will ever have a Sym perspective. So she just languishes and gets nerfs that the devs do not even realize are problems.

If you ever doubted that the devs are completely out of touch with reality look no further than the two Jeff / Geoff’s. During a live stream interview Jeff showed he had no clue what the current memes were. During an interview with Forbes magazine Geoff called the 3-3 comp “Ghost Comp”. I had to manually message the writer and tell them it should be changed to saying “Goats” and why the name exists.

If the devs in charge of important game changing decisions do not even understand their own game, then how the heck can anyone expect them to make reasonable impactful decisions? I would say I do not blame them for making bad calls, but it was their own decision to stop reading the forums.


You will not convince me that any of the changes in the recent balance patch were changes to benefit the game and not owl. The sym and brig reworks are hated and the sombra nerfs with 0 compensation are happening cuz of her prominence in owl when she sucks in ladder

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Hello everyone,

Even though I’ve been very satisfied with Symmetra as of late, and her powerlevel has finally been adequate, it seems the devs don’t agree. For some strange reason, her ability to be impactful in this heinous double-barrier meta is unacceptable. Meanwhile, heroes like Hanzo and Mei can benefit from being impactful not only in their suppose niche, but also everywhere else.

So, Symmetra is left with a primary fire that is more laughable when uncharged than before, a secondary fire that can do nothing against barriers, turrets that, despite being very good, do not justify picking her over a longer range hero, and a beam that requires such a high level of precision that she cannot be played effectively on console.

Cheers, and please retire Sym alongside me to play Mei,


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Poor sym players not even allowed to be the very best in their own niche