Megathread part 4.1 (oct 2018) beam buff not enough!

To prevent trolling target that wants to come through could hold R (I think its X on console to reload) to teleport through.

In all seriousness, I don’t really worry about it because most players don’t abuse the troll factor. Those that do generally get banned hard, and many just want to win and have fun. I find more problems in the chat than in the game, in game troll factor is not really that problematic in the long run.

Peeps would more than likely just try to save teammates, and clutch save them off of edges. We still can get peeps back to point faster, plus now we team up with Mei and can now help her get the team up.

If her turrets where to heal in ANY way it would be this:

gives friendly target X shields and shield regen while locked on.


Shields+shield regen. Are another matter.

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I don’t get a lot of these complaints TBH. How is she taking Mei’s job away exactly? Mei’s wall does help allies get to certain areas but that’s not the primary use of that ability. Mei’s walls are primarily used to wall off and isolate enemies away from their team. Also her walls won’t make you disappear and re-appear in different areas. They won’t teleport dva bombs and junkrat tires.

Also how is her photon barrier becoming useless? It’s a giant infinite barrier spread across the map. If you stand on one side of the barrier it protects you against damage (WIDOW HEADSHOTS PEOPLE!!!, RANDOM HANZO ARROWS). Yeah they can walk right through the barrier but so can you and your team. The only difference is that your team can shoot through the barrier and they can’t (that’s basically how Winston fights with his barrier). At 5000hp even junkrat will have a hard time breaking that barrier down.

Sym is taking away 1 of Mei’s jobs, not her whole purpose. Generally that wall is used as you state, but several peeps have used it to get teammates into a favorable positions. Mei is overall really good in selected against deathball and tankish comps, where she is good at separating teams, shutting down tanks, and gaining access to higher grounds. The new Sym does the same job in that respect because she does everything needed to deal with deathball and tankish comps. Her barrier seperates teams, her primary is good against shutting down tanks, and she can gain access to higher grounds. She isn’t an exact duplicate so you can run both but they are way too similar to me and most wanted her to be anti dive over anti deathball. One being better at different aspect of it then the other doesn’t remove that they also fill that job. A job that wasn’t really asked for, we asked for anti dive. We were already damn close to it just needed drastic power shifts; we got the power shifts, but not the job.

For your ult argument, its only really useless against dive. Which can easily bypass it, since that what dive does. I just find the damn thing boring, and many here came up with way more interesting barrier ults. Some zoned, provided utility, damaged… This seemed the most straight forward option. I don’t like it because I’ve seen it hundreds of times in different games and KNOW that the devs could have been more creative. Nothing else was creative here from them, most was copypasta from other champs already the game. The ult space was where they could really shine and they go with that option.

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But what im wonder is… her new ult is a barrier…

So if a friendly sym ults.
And there is an enemy sym…

Sym’s new weapon is a barrier eater. So in short, an enemy sym would just go and feed on ‘your’ syms barrier for ult charge? <.<

Barrier power exchange yoyoyo?

Sym always was good against Sym lol

Her orbs shot through her barrier, and her primary took care of turrets. Duel of Fates every time.

Dat self conflict is real tho


At least with Sym’s new ult, my DPS will finally learn what “Break that shield” means!

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LOL!!! SOOO true. Only problem is, people will begin to think you are a full DPS and blame you for not killing things. Believe me Sombra mains (such as myself) have been dealing with this issue for a long time.

Tank/support: “Our DPS needs to kill that barrier. That’s you sombra”
Sombra: “I can’t kill it because all I have is a small SMG. Killing that barrier’s is Junkrat’s job.”
Tank/support: “Excuses don’t win us the game”

Now just swap the Sombra for Symmetra and you will understand. People just don’t understand what UTILITY PICK means.

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These are the only changes I want to the rework.

  • Lower the damage of her primary fire and make it into a soft lock

  • Lower the strength of the turrets a bit and increase max turret count to 6 but only 3 can be carried around.

I only want the orbs back with the speedup and 4 turrets. Realistically, they already decided on removing the lock because peeps can’t handle it and Blizz will never return it on a DPS (I wish it wasn’t so).

Edit: whoops forgot my because.

So they gave her three turrets, no auto tracking on her primary, and took out the shield gen…

They think a nerf is a “rework”? So because people in QP and Arcade can’t aim, they kill a toon outright. First Mercy, now Symm, can they just tell us flat out that they’re gonna wreck the rest of the healers , because I’d like to be known beforehand when someone is gonna F$%k me in the a$$

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Her turrets are stronger and can be placed more flexibly.
Her gun is now a powerhouse and a shield killer.
Her shield gen is gone because she has a new ultimate with arguably more impact in it’s niche, as well she also has far more utility outsie of her ultimate now that teleporter is a standard hero ability.

Don’t call it a nerf because you don’t like it.

Mercy’s rework by far increased her viability even after the tuning nerfs, Moira is still as strong as ever, zen was barely nudged, Brigitte is still powerful even nerfed, and lucio and Ana are just getting buffed more and more

The supports have been getting fantastic treatment. And Symmetra isn’t getting nerfed


I think the aesthetic look of the lock on will say in some way. They said the beam will be “thick” but her Photon Projector is too small for that (pay attention to third person, not first). Imagine seeing a Symmetra shooting a Zarya sized beam or larger from her little gun. What they may do is give it the animation of a lock on.

Allow me to explain why you’re incorrect.

In my eyes, the only true buff she’s getting is her turret placement. The turrets overall going to 3, doing more damage, slow, and having 30 health means absolutely nothing. By “more damage and slow” they mean “3 turrets having the damage and slow equivalent to six turrets.” So shes likely getting the same amount of damage and utility out of the 3 turrets as six, and 30 hp is nothing considering Winston does 60 dps and can still sweep them. Now there’s just less to serve as a distraction or spread.

TP going on an ability is also a nerf. Think of it this way, yes, Sym gets mobility and adds mobility as a whole to the team via the new TP, however, she has a 25m range when placing it. Why would I want a 25m TP when she can already move her team across any distance of the map from spawn?

Photon Barrier going to her ult decreases her own survivability and I highly doubt it will actually be that useful or gamechanging. “A 5000hp barrier your team can dance in is a huge asset.” Ya but the enemy team can just walk through it considering the meager three turret defense and Sombra will end it faster than she put the barrier up.

Her Photon Projectors right click getting a speed and charge increase is good, but losing the overpenetration and barrier penetration is something no Sym wants. It is unique to Sym because she’s currently the only hero capable of constant pressure behind barriers. She will lose her ability to counter Torb and Bastion which has always been one of my favorite uses for her. The auto lock was hilarious and a defining trait of Sym. Removing it despite it being the most balanced aspect of her currently is just dumb.

All in all, with all the buffs/nerfs heroes have been getting, it’s clear that Blizzard wants to push another barrier meta with more use of Soldier/McCree/Orisa/Rein etc as opposed to dive and flankers. They’re reworking her to fit into this possible meta, but once there’s a new meta, she will be considered a dumpster fire again.


The orb change is a straight nerf, because you are losing a very unique weapon, ie, the only spammable ability that can ignore shields and pierce enemies, for a rocket-like attack that half dozen heroes have something similar, and a lot of players can actually defend against them (while the orb could only be eaten by Dva, or deflected by Genji).

Other than the orb, everything else is not exactly a buff or a nerf. It’s mostly lateral changes, where you gain something and lose something. Until we got some more numbers (cooldown, activation time, etc), we can’t really say if the new abilities are stronger than the current abilities or not.

What I can say that is infuriating to some Symmetra players (me included) is that they are changing all her abilities at the same time. That means nothing of current Symmetra will survive the changes, and that is pretty much akin to removing her from the game and adding a new character. I’m not opposed to one ability change or two. Her first rework removed one ability and added two, and I was fine with it. But removing one ability and changing five of them is going too far.


Exactly why i’m a Brigitte main now. I’ll still play Symmetra to fill out unique strategies or niche’s that she can create, but ultimately I said it and I’m staying true to it.

I fully intended to stop maining Sym if they rewrote the entirety of Sym 2.0. that’s exactly what they’re doing. Worst of all they’re getting rid of literally my favorite aspect of her, the Shield gen

Brigitte is now the support who increases allies Maximum HP. That concept is fun to me and Brigitte is fun to me. Sym will soon no longer be that anymore, not even close

FINALLY someone adress this! Shootable turrets are total GARBAGE, c’mon people, you will see a slow objetc flying to your side of your map… They even said that at this moment undeployed turrets are invulnerable, but maybe can be destroayable in air… JUST C’MON… Turrets are already very countereable being destructible and very low hp…

Just give us more range to place turrets like the new teleporter have without having to shoot them, just place them at range, it will be enough to put them in high ceilings, theres no need to be a projectile that can fly infinite lol…

This entire rework is complete garbage. Symmetra has literally NO SYNERGY within her own kit. I mean look at the Hanzo, Mercy, D.Va, Roadhog, Mei, Reaper, and Sombra reworks. They clearly had synergy withing their new kits. This just makes me mad that Blizzard won’t put any thought into making her have synergy within her own kit.

The turrets are clunky and ineffective.

The TP is extremely clunky to utilize.

Can’t imagine how bad the ult is gonna be to place correctly.

The ramp up off barriers is totally ridiculous.

Blizzard why? If you are not going to listen to us why don’t you just remover her from the game already?

They are removing Symmetra already with this rework. This is not a rework is just a new whole character that anyone wanted. You just need to see Briggite place in the game:

  • Short range weapon, just like Symm
  • Capable to counter flankers, just what Symm was intetended to do but fails because she was always underpowered af
  • Supporting team by giving HP advantage with armors, Just like Symm with shields LOL

They are clearly removing Symmetra from the game and giving her role to Briggite. Also dumping her in the “tankbuster” role, that again, anyone wanted.