Megathread part 4.1 (oct 2018) beam buff not enough!

That may be op when you consider how that would synergize with some characters. Imagine Tracer, Orisa, and Mercy with this.

Unpopular opinion: Sym was always a DPS in the wrong category. I played her with 2 other healers and got all the gold medals. Iā€™m glad theyā€™re not making her heal, Iā€™ve asked my friends and they all agree with me.

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Love this post. Symmetra is so broken and I really hope blizzard fixes her for real this time.

Considering Tracerā€™s nerf that wouldnā€™t really be an issue. Also, would this be an instant activate where it takes a 100 cooldown ability and makes it immediately go to 80/100, or would this be an ability that makes all cooldowns recharge faster by 20% for say, 4 seconds? (Really think this is a great idea!!)

These are honestly some of the best suggestions Iā€™ve seen so far! Plz blizzard give this a look

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Given current Tracer nerf to Pulse Bomb, that alone is huge because it pretty much removes the usual ā€œoh, Tracer can deal with Sym ult by herselfā€ strategy. Iā€™m really sad the rework is already in progress, and I fear it will not be cancelled when that nerf alone makes Sym much more viable (Tracer still need more nerfs).

Letā€™s just see what the devs have in table for us, and hope it will more akin to trade-off than Mercy butchering.

The idea is to make it an impactful ult. It doesnā€™t have to have a huuuge radius like shield gen, really considering how many heroes can flank and destroy a Sym ult easily these days having that kind of an ult up for at least 30 seconds could be a game changer and not that OP

Im still holding onto hope they remake her turrets into ā€œdronesā€ that hover around a target (limited 1 per player, no discoballs allowed) similar to zenā€™s orb of harmony or discord.

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Great idea have felt the same way too!!

So if Sym is becoming a defense hero and they are in fact boosting her overall damage capability, what iā€™d like to see is an ability to program sentry targeting to either focus 1 hero (Increased range, overall more damage, but diminishing effect stacked) or to focus the closest heroes to each sentry (Far shorter range, more indivisual damage)

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Iā€™m just curious if I can deploy them like a grenade? Increasing distance and decreasing deployment time would be awesome. Iā€™d like a combo like orb+melee+turret+beam.

just anything to switch targets, id like.
Cause i get so annoyed when i get a six stack turrets up and going, the enemy team walses in, and the reinā€™s shield get targeted and i cant do crap but wait for em to be destroyed while orbing <.<


Iā€™m assuming that they didnā€™t implement that turrets targets champs only and only hits barriers if they are in the way yet? I havenā€™t noticed really because rein is in most my matches.

I concur, whether sheā€™ll be in whatever category, just as long as she can provide something that other heroes cannot, something that can make people say ā€œswap of x for a Symā€.

If we can get that NOW, then Iā€™ll be happy to gravitate towards playing her in comp.

If they have, its buggy as hell. So il assume it aint working.

Apparently, the devs have started to look into making Symmetra into a healer.

all sym mains in unison



Agreed, though Iā€™ll admit this is partially due to me wanting to see another healer :smiley:

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Hey! Iā€™m a Symmetra/Orisa main and I say, ā€œIā€™m okay with this as long as itā€™s not her main thing, like Brigette, and no healing turretsā€.

On the surface, I like the idea. This would doubtless require a Mercy-class nigh-reinvention of the character, but I doubt such an action would produce nearly the hue and cry.

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