Megathread part 4.1 (oct 2018) beam buff not enough!

So… what are the thoughts on the potential new Sym changes

That image of the 30 so players teleported with 6% teleport uptime looks insane

From that card Jeff showed us, I assume her teleporter is going to be turned into an ability.

Looks like to is gonna be a minor ability and can tp peeps outside spawn. So probably build it, anyone you target is tp to it. Charges are low because of up time, so I’m thinking 2ish. Bringing people out of spawn or a bad situation, that’s my guess; Sym delivery service.

I feel like the 6% uptime may be misleading.

Assuming the match was 10 minutes by average then that’s 36 seconds of uptime. or a minute and 12 seconds for a 20 minute ranked game

The way the teleporter currently functions has the entryway in spawn, and the exit built outdoors. This has to be either a skewed stat created by players repeatedly walking BACK into spawn to teleport again, or it has to fundementally NOT exist in spawn anymore

Respawning is only 10 seconds long. even if all 5 players teleported once, lost a fight, and teleported all 6 thereafter, you would only reach 11 players teleported and a MINIMUM of 18~ seconds passed accounting for walking towards the entry teleporter, and the health bars of heroes being able to last at least one second before being KOd

It has to be either a skewed stat, or a fundementally new preformance concept

And frankly, if the ability is no longer attached to spawn, I doubt it can be an ultimate anymore. what kind of ultimate would be a mere transportation ability? TP is an ult due to its gamesaving potential to reclaim a lost battle from spawn. But that many players in 36 seconds?

Logically it cannot be in spawn anymore.
If it’s not in spawn anymore it can’t be capable of the same gamechanging potential it currently has.
If it’s not game changing or at least a powerup, it has no reason to be an ult.

I’m calling it now y’all, my prayers have been answered. ULTIMATE TELEPORTER IS GETTING TRASHED.

Will this mean Shield Generator is her new true ultimate? will she get a new ultimate? Will Shield Generator even continue to exist? I have no flippin’ idea.

But this mysterious build of symmetra they’re testing does NOT have a TP ultimate.

(Of course, they’re far from finished or certain of anything, so who knows TP ult might stay)

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I’m puting this here for reference.

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I’ve been saying that it needs to be a minor ability for a while now, I suspect that they might be doing the same for her SG as well because it suffers from the same issues (less so, but still there). So probably a shield giving ability as well, but we will have to wait for more details.

I hope they stick with the idea that she is about shields, not healing. I’d prefer if she added shields but that was all, not actually restoring health. I really enjoy that concept for a hero.

I also hope they stick with her being a builder hero, because I find those to be super fun and Torb feels underwhelming since he can only have one turret at a time while sym can have six.

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I`m excited and concerned at the same time. The image needs a lot of context; maybe at this point devs like our speculations.

The first interpretation everyone is doing is that teporter is now an ability, which maybe a problem because could be the Mercy rework all over again, and we know how that ended.

Another is something is spoke in the other megathread, which is that Symmetra teleporter is now time based instead of charges, that could explain the card showed. As an ult it is a double edge sword as an ability would be awful, again Mercy rework.

Another one would be that teleporter works completely different, maybe like Portal where you launch an orb as the entrance and other as the exit, then it stays for a certain amount of time,6/8seconds? That could also explain the number of teleported players and the uptime time. As an ability sounds good(potentially op) as an ult sounds a little weak(but still useful in some situations). All this goes in line with the original concept, but improved, or could be this but applied differently, sort of.

Also: I don`t know you but with any of the other changes, not even first rework or Mercy rework i heard the phrase “dramatic changes”. Also he said that the rework will be available in summer; that means a lapse of time between 2 months and 5 months. And from what i can tell a hero development is around 4 or 6 months. Basically Symmetra is almost going to be a totally new hero,

I think they made Teleport a new ability. Just like Mercy’s resurrection. I think it’ll work but they have to revamp her ultimate. I hope they give her 250 HP too 100 base and 150 shield. I also want her range increased on her beams and give her more survivability.

I like a passive that regenerates shields if she is don’t damage with her weapon. This also regenerates nearby allies shields. So her shield generator becomes even more powerful. Plus that thing needs to be able to defend itself. It something is attacking it. A drone should come out and start doing damage to the person attempting to destroy it. Plus, make it regenerate health back over time and allow Symmetra to relocate it if someone finds it.

My rework idea is too convoluted to actually be implemented randomly, feelsbadman.

Teleporter -> E (In Portal Gun style, though weaker and on Sentry Turret’s resource meter.)
Shield Generator -> Shift (Additional option in Sentry Turret, though weaker.)
Photon Barrier -> Ultimate (As the most powerful barrier in the game, the standard of measurement of barrier power levels.)

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I hope I don’t run out of likes for liking your suggestions xD

I’m just going to mention my rework idea for her again here;

Sentry Turrets get moved to Secondary Weapon

New Shift ability: Teleport / Photon Shield

Toggle between placing a Teleporter pad with a single charge or grant (50 Shield HP) shields to an ally that stay with them until they die.
Photon Shield also grants the teammate Symmetra’s new Improved Shields passive.

Cooldown: 8 seconds

If Teleporter gets destroyed, a penalty cooldown time of 10 seconds is incurred; as long as Teleporter Pad is down she can’t use this ability or Photon Shield.

This gives her the best of both worlds of her current ults but also allows her to bring allies back into the battle with Teleporter should they fall one at a time in a staggered fashion. The amount of shields she can grant is lowered but you’ll see with the new passive I suggest, Shield HP given to teammates would be augmented and characters with default shield HP such as Zarya and Zenyatta would benefit even more.

New Passive: Improved Shields
Symmetra’s Shield HP regenerates after 1.5 seconds instead of 3. This effect can be given to teammates with Photon Shield.

I would like to see Photon Barrier stay but be changed to be more versatile and easier to protect yourself and others with.

Sentry Turrets need some TLC too.

She would need a new ultimate ability with this kind of rework and I’m okay with that. Her current ultimates are the most underwhelming in the game and I want her to have an active ultimate that can flip the tides in the moment. I have two ideas for a new ultimate:

Light Prison
Traps target enemy in a pyramid of hard light for 5 seconds; during this time the target can’t interact with anything outside of the pyramid. They are invulnerable and contained until the pyramid dissipates.

Conference Call
Symmetra channels a Conference Call giving her team a prompt that they can accept or decline. After channeling she teleports all who accepted it to her position.

Can’t be used while jumping
Won’t push teammates off edges of maps
Teammates gain temporary invulnerability like when they come through Teleporter
If everyone declines, Conference Call is cancelled and ult is refunded.
If she is stunned during the channel however she will lose ult.

I love Conference Call because it would be the only thing that could counter a Graviton Surge plus, a mass teleport with proper communication would be amazing. I actually think it would be so versatile and possibly meta changing. It would offer Symmetra a way to save her teammates or even just have everyone teleport behind enemy lines should she sneak in and perform a sneak attack.

Please Blizzard do us proud. The Symmetra mains believe in you

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Similar enough to mine, its in here somewhere.

Please tell me all of you SYM mains have encountered all invisible walls destroying our ultimate. I just put my shield gen down on Junkertown in the same spot that I always use and it got destroyed immediately. I tested this out with a couple of other maps and the tele and shield gen is getting destroyed on all invisible walls. This is a big problem because the spots its getting destroyed aren’t even spots that you are not suppose to access.

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Yeah, that’s been happening.

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Sym needs to be a non healing support, PLEASE


I think that got patched out or I haven’t come across the ultimate issue, but I’ve heard of it.

Also, if we’re still talking about the reworks:

What if we gave her main lock on beam a default attack value of say, 75 per sec with no increase, maybe increase range to 9 instead of 5.

Then- have her orbs be a cool down ability like say it holds 2 charges and takes 2 seconds to recharge, and would shoot at what is now a full charge orb.

Then-- have it so she can use both primary and secondary together. Lock on beam, and shoot orb (The orb would still go in a straight shot as it does now) that way she can have a bit of a combo attack. The orbs would probably have to have lower damage though.

And for her shield it NEEDS to have reduced cool down to 8 (at least) or make it a personal barer like it is on the comics, similar to Zarya’s bubbles.

As it stands now she has too much value in her ult for her kit. at least even it out so she’s useful without needing her ult like most other characters.

Hey so I know we all already know this based on the way things have been described repeatedly, but in case anyone was still unsure, Jeff finally said the magic word:

https ://

(just scroll down slightly from the OP)