Megathread part 4.1 (oct 2018) beam buff not enough!

Hey guys! Sym bug fix on the ptr, now allies that use a mobility ability to go through tp will now continue to use said ability.

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This is a FANTASTIC idea.
Add Shield-providing Turrets to go along with her regular Sentry Turrets, and you’d see her viability increase dramatically.

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Symmetra can litterally make anything. The possibilites could be so much more than just frail turrets and getting in the enemies face.

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I’d be happy if they augmented her shield-providing kit and granted her a new niche: Zone-Support.
Basically, the ability to act as a Support Hero from specific points on the map where she may or may not physically be.

I didn’t read this entire discussion so i apologize if i’m reiterating anything other people have said but here are my ideas for sym to be more inline with the only other builder in the game…(sorta kinda not really lol)

  1. allow sym to place SG on any surface that she can place a turret on (this would give her the ability to place her SG in more hard to reach places for flankers so that there wouldn’t be an instant tracer bomb and its gone)

  2. Allow her to “shoot” her turrets inside her orbs to place them in tricky spots or even as a surprise to the enemy team so that low hero in the back of the team isn’t safe behind a shield any longer

  3. give her an ability outside of her tp ult to move an ally from one location to another (maybe through a wall but only works through walls that have solid ground on both ends to keep people from trolling) even if she has to set up the opening and closing locations like she originally had to do with her tp.

  4. instead of her turrets each being on a 10 sec cd why not put each on a 3 sec cd or make it a resource meter where she can have the 6 out. or maybe make it where she can remotely detonate the turrets to do a small burst of dmg before the turret would be destroyed. or eve allow her team to see any enemy within LoS of her turrets.

hopefully this rework will put her in a better place than she is currently.

another change i’d like implemented would be that sym’s turrets no longer attack player made structures like moira’s orbs. this would force enemies to expose themselves to her web of death before they can take it down.

It’s been forever since i’ve invested time in Overwatch. I was never done with it for good, but I just was having so much fun playing other games instead of comp.

The new avoid as teammate feature got me back into it. Im still holding off on comp until the Sym rework comes around. but knowing this feature is coming around got me excited.

A lot of people are acting like this will kill offmeta mains, but really the worst thats coming is linger queue times. and I can deal with that easy.

Im happy though, because in my experience, most of the people who WOULD hypothetically avoid me for playing Sym are the same people who have just awful gamesense and teamwork skills. people like that avoiding me will honestly probably give me smarter and more skillful teammates

I say overall this feature is a good thing.


Hey Polyrhythm! Good to see you are still around. I have honestly been feeling down lately too, I’m afraid that this rework will make or break my faith in the game. I’m desperately hoping that they do Symmetra right and repair her reputation as a support hero that players want on their team.

It’s also the only thing keeping me playing lol, the hope that this rework will be as big as they are claiming it to be. Hopefully it repairs her! But I digress, I have to say the new avoid as teammate feature is a giant step backwards for Blizzard trying to promote teamwork and team play as it is literally “avoid as teammate”.
Why not put resources into a role select / required team composition / team builder / finder to promote teamwork or finding players that are like minded and you could play with?

I do appreciate this though because if I get someone toxic that decides to throw for no reason at all other than that they don’t like me (Which happens) at least I can avoid them and not get them on my team the next match and get another thrown match by them (Which also has happened to me before) .

Anyways, good to see this thread is still kicking lol

What about giving her the option to provide a constant shield or mini barrier to an ally by using her beam? For example Genji or Reaper ulting she can follow them into battle with her beam to give them a shield so they won’t die/be stunned? That would force the enemy to either A: deal with her to remove the shield while being ulted on or B: try and break the shield giving Sym ult charge

It’s like Mercy having to be attached to an ally or Ana choosing to shoot an enemy or ally, but there still isn’t healing so it’s providing a support feature.

I’m not sure if buffing her current kit would make her op in the situations she is already great in but here are some ideas of mine.

  • Make teleporter a base ability, doing 150 damage from her gun (not turrets) provides a charge to the teleporter with up to 6 charges. But now it only has 350hp.

  • Shield generator is now her ultimate, now has 1500 ult charge requirement rather than 1000 and has 600 hp rather than 400. When teleporter is not up it has an extra 150 health.

  • Photon barrier now on 6 second cooldown.

  • Turrets either now have 30 hp instead of 1 or turrets have no cooldown or cast time.

  • Another ability that would make her a ‘real support’ is a passive that provides her teammate with temporary shield health. Eg. dealing 150 damage gives teammates in a 10 meter radius 25 shield health stackable to 75 shield health which lasts for 12 seconds.

I just feel like so much of her is tied to her ultimate (much like old Mercy and now current Mercy). Once I get my teleporter I can basically sit back and wait for the enemy to come to me or help protect another teammate.

I want post a video than I made. i hope than like you.

( I can’t post links. is on YouTube)
Here I collected the suggestions that I liked most online and added some impressions of mine.
I hope that the commitment that I put in the making of the video is welcome.
I want to specify that in this video I’m just illustrating the possible alternative versions of Symmetra, and not to take these as random requests.
Only developers falls to determine if they are good direction or not.

Sorry for eventually English Errors :sweat_smile:


I am new to this discussion, but seeing as the Dev’s said they would be making massive changes to Symmetra I wanted to help our your discussion with a few ideas of my own. Some of these ideas will be crazy but bear with me.

I believe that Symmetra’s biggest issue revolves around her being countered by too many other heroes in the game. She probably is the most niche hero in the game. For example, her secondary fire moves so slowly that if you hit someone it is the result of luck.

  1. Replace Projected barrier with a 5-7 meter teleport that upon completion gives Symmetra a 100 HP shield for 4 seconds. The teleport would have a 8-10 sec. cooldown. This teleport would also have a .25 sec. cast time to differentiate it from Tracer Blink.

  2. Replace secondary weapon fire with a buildable barrier. Symmetra would be able to build two 3 meter wide by 2 meter tall 600 HP barriers wherever she wanted. These barriers will function off a recharge meter similar to Torb’s Scrap. The meter will recharge slowly over time. To build a Barrier 50% of the meter must be filled up. The meter can be sped up by dealing damage with Symmetra’s primary fire. In addition, when one of the barriers is broken the ability will go on cooldown for 2-3 seconds.

  3. Buff primary weapon fire’s range by 100%. Nerf lock on leniency by 50%. Nerf Beam’s damage by 50%. Add a -25% movement speed de-buff to any targets being actively damaged by the beam.

  4. Remove turret’s damage completely. Buff turrets to each have 75 HP when placed. Give Symmetra two types of turrets: slow and damage buff. The “slow” turrets will act the same as they do on live currently, but with out the damage. The “damage buff” turrets will each individually give a 20% aura damage buff to any allies within their radius. ALL TURRETS HAVE 75 HITPOINTS. Symmetra can only have 6 total turrets active at once.

Her two ultimates need a lot of work and I did not have any really good ideas worth mentioning here.

Thank you for reading and I hope these ideas are worthy of Blizzard’s attention.
(This is Posted on the main forums under the Title: Ideas for Symmetra Rework)

I don’t want them to remove proton barrier because her dragon skin has special lines for the ability and it’d suck to remove the lines. I also think it can be useful in blocking ults. What I would do is move her sentry turrets from her shift to a secondary weapon. That way they can make room for a new ability with-out having to remove one.

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I would like to share my thoughts on Symmetra as well. First, the most popular and impactful characters in the game are the ones with mobility and utility. So anything stationary will be useless (any form of turret, teleporter, shield generator), with arguable exception of 2CP maps. I think she should bring more utility to the team and build something that would be mobile or easily redeployed. Here is my thoughts:

Character design: building from hard light. Cool idea, but why doesn’t she use her tool, which is used as weapon, to build. Why does she build from hand movements? I think her tool/weapon should be redesigned to create and build. For example, left click does what it does now, while right click builds. Then, by pressing shift, a player can choose what to build: turrets, shields, a bridge, a wall. This way she could ‘shoot’ to build something.

Then, let her build different objects based on utility: make it possible for teammates to step on the turrets for example. This way Symmetra could help her teammate to climb to a high ground. Or make it so that projected barrier is put on a teammate or herself for certain amount of time. In other words projected barrier could be put in front of a teammate as personal shield for a short period of time. It would have a great synergy with ulting heros, like soldier, genji, pharah.

Since she wields harf light, one new ability could be flash light to blind opponents . Imagine she has ability to make her weapon to blast a bright light every 10 s, which blinds people for 0.5-1s. Or when turrets destroyed they blast bright light in 10 m radius. Or if we assume hard light is more particle, then create a burst of light directed in certain direction and slow down opponents, like a strong wind. It could be E ability.

And for ult: 3 ideas -

  1. Her gun transforms into a Portal gun for 20 sec
  2. She can teleport anyone in the spawn room to her location once for the next 5 sec
  3. She creates a room 15x15x15 around her for 3-5 sec made of hard light walls: you can’t pass through the wall but you can shoot through it (polar opposite of standard barrier). Each wall has 1 turret, which will target anyone inside and near the room. In other words, she creates her nest and imprisons anyone within the room dimensions. Room remains for 3-5 sec even if she dies. And she can cook everyone inside that room.

Long read, but I hope developers would take a look at these suggestions.

Let her choose between 4 options when deploying her E:

  1. Electrostatic Mine (halts any movement abilities for 3 seconds in a 10m AOE when triggered by enemy. Single use trap per deployment. 3 second build time. Self destructs if Sym builds another mine in another location.)

  2. Jump Pad (propels allies X amount vertically. Six charges per deployment. 3 second build time. Self destructs if Sym builds another jump pad in another location.)

  3. Armor Dispenser (Lasts 60 seconds granting X amount of non-degrading armor. Unlimited supply but allies have to melee dispenser to apply the armor. Dispensers can be destroyed by enemies.)

  4. Health Pack Dispenser (Lasts 30 seconds granting the equivalent amount of health as the current small health packs at the same rate of replenishment. Allies have to melee dispenser to apply the health. Dispensers can be destroyed by enemies.)

Put her current turrets on her right click.

Possible New ultimate in place of Shield Generator:

Anti-Gravity Sphere: All enemies within X radius move with reduced gravity (like outside of Horizon Lunar Valley). Allies are protected from these effects and move at normal speeds. Lasts 8 seconds.

I didn’t really put much thought into that ultimate, so it may be a horrible idea.

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Symmetra just got her dragon lines for all of her abilities replacing them would be kinda weird. Although developers said that the rework might require new art and sound so she probably will get at least new one ability. Id more her sentry turrets from her shift to a secondary weapon to make room for a new ability on her shift. Like maybe “build mode” where she can make jump pads and bridges


So, something that’s got me thinking/excited
Aparently there’s a dragon voiceline that says “Unsummoning my Shield Well”.

Since checkpoint refunds on her ults never trigger a line, I’m wondering if this was recorded on the chance that Symmetra got an added mechanic to destroy/refund her ultimate! It’s definitely possible.


her shield skill: good doest need much change, maybe a bit shorter cd

her turrets: she should be allowed to choose between various constructs such as traps and health packs as well, perhaps even solid structures to block a path similar to mei wall but smaller, weaker, and longer lasting

her ult:
----tp should be a regular ability, i like the idea that she can cast it on a dead ally to tp them to her upon resurrecting or as a self/ally skill to move between two points.
----shield gen is very lacking, perhaps allow it to store shield charge proportional to ult charge so while it is up symm isnt effectively blocked from gaining charge, also allow her to detonate it to release all of the currently stored shielding, similar to luccio ult but instead of being based on his position and los it is based around the aoe of the generator.

her weapon: primary fire is alright, secondary fire is really not super great unless bursting someone in an ambush but in general isnt very useful, she’d be better off if maybe she could project a bubble shield onto herself or allies with a capacity equal to her current ammo clip.

stats: if shes made defence then she should get another 50-100 hp split between health and shields

passive idea: she could passively generate shields to fill missing allied hp in a small radius around her while not using her weapon, similar to luccio healing but more like shes using hard light constructs to fill their wounds

Heroes are called defense heroes for a reason, symmetra is more of a defensive hero. Not every hero can work on every map and in every situation, its just not possible without having every hero play the same. Some heroes will just have to suck in certain situations and be very powerful in others. I agree that she does need a buff, but she will not always be viable due to her style of playing. Personally, i think they should enable symmetra to place both her buildings (you would have to charge the ult twice)

Give Sym kit that’s a combination of Fortnite and Portal. She’s an architect for goodness sake. Let her BUILD things, like one-time use portals in walls, locked gates in doorways, platforms, stairs, trampolines… anything that could assist in new and unique ways besides vanilla healing.