Megathread part 4.1 (oct 2018) beam buff not enough!

Honestly, I’m okay with anything as long as she’s viable

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Haha me too T-T
I hope she still has her babies though :frowning:

Ok I think I’m going through a mental state that was unthinkable 5 months ago…
I want Symmetra to heal…
With her turrets…
No but seriously, we really did tried our best to find a way to make her viable without any healing ability. However, Brigitte is the perfect example of how a support could be effective even if healing isn’t really her priority. If she stays in the support category, I feel like now she really needs to have healing abilities.

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It’s seems that people are forgetting that it would make sense if Symmetra got a secondary weapon in the form of her prosthetic. If we want to make the least amount of changes, her turrets could be her “secondary weapon” which would free up an ability slot. This means that she could get at least 2 new support abilities (assuming Photon Barrier is replaced/reworked). She can still be a support.


I’m really not sure which direction I want Symmetra to go in. She needs a specific role to excel in because at the minute she’s kinda pulled in many directions.

  • Non-healer utility Support - would need some seriously powerful, consistent and readily available utility to be worth taking a Healer spot. I like the idea of her building more things (light bridge, TP and SG as an ability, etc) or even having decaying barrier “overhealing” be her thing as it fits her aesthetic, but it might overlap with Brigitte a bit but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. “Overhealing” could work well when paired with a main healer but would be wrecked by Sombra, who’s going to be a menace.
  • Healer - She’d need a complete rework and many people argue that healing is against Symmetra’s intended design aesthetic, but I think it could be made to work. She’s a builder and if whatever she builds provides healing then I think it’d still be fairly fitting, though 1HP healing turrets would be abysmal. A healing version of her Photon Projector could be interesting? Ramp-up healing is something we’ve not seen before.
  • Defence - As a lock-on anti-flanker I think Symmetra could work wonders and fill a role that is sorely needed in Overwatch. Re-tuning her weapon to make M1 seem more fair and M2 more reliable would be a must, and making her turrets feel more fluid in their placement and usage would also be a priority. I think tweaking Symmetra into a Defence character would take the least amount of work.

Whichever direction they take Symmetra I really hope they give her an Ultimate more in line with the rest of the cast. One way to make her a viable Support would be to give her a powerful defensive Ultimate on par with Transcendence or Sound Barrier.

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Sombra only gets rid of shields with EMP, and since she no longer gets ult charge from health packs, she is going get less of them.

I’m just hoping that she still feels like Symmetra and not like an entirely new hero. She’s the only hero I truly enjoy in this game so if she’s not Symm, then I won’t know what to do :frowning:


This is true, and I suppose if “Overhealing” was bound to a primary fire it could be rebuilt after EMP and not be locked out. I still think Sombra would be a danger though, especially if you’ve just spent your time buffing your team’s HP and then EMP comes along and throws your hard work out the window =P

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I will argue minutia here. The area denial niche is going strong right now, as evidenced by Junkrat after his buff. This means that Symmetra’s problem is not her niche. It’s 100% her kit.

There’s a concept I feel the need to define before I go into my main argument, because it’s important to understand if my argument is going to make any sense.

Impact Projection - The ability to have an effect on the overall state of the game in a specific, intended way.

Example 1: Soldier 76 gets the high ground and activates his ultimate. Because he did this, the game will predictably unfold in a specific way: People will either take cover or die.

Example 2: Roadhog, Mercy, and McCree try to flank Horizon Lunar Colony Point A via the right-hand side staircase that goes near the low-g flank route. Junkrat is waiting for them and start lobbing grenades and mines down the stairs while protected from rushes by a trap. The game will predictably unfold in a specific way: Roadhog, Mercy, and McCree are all going to retreat and advance along a different route, or they’re going to die.

I define impact projection because I feel that it is Symmetra’s primary problem. Junkrat in specific illustrates why Symmetra’s issue is not a niche-reduction issue as he is a pure area denial hero while she is only half area denial, and Junkrat is not having any of her issues.

Symmetra’s actually issue is 100% her kit lacking the ability to project impact. Symmetra has buttons that she cannot hit in many situations.

Symmetra’s M1 and M2 are terrible at projecting impact, but only at range, and only if you define “impact projection” as “deal damage”. IMO, her primary and secondary fires are not an issue. Her M1 is short range, but high damage and auto-locking. When in range, she has very high impact. Her M2 is slow and easily dodged, but deals significant damage through shields. This tends to make people get out of the way rather than tanking the orb damage which makes sense considering her niche. These aspects actually play into her force projection and are what allows her to do her job at all.

Symmetra’s Shield Projector is very impactful, in theory. When it works it’s awesome. However it suffers from a general lack of control and a usefulness window that is a little too narrow. I feel that it’s usable and doesn’t really hold her back, but could easily be improved by giving her just a little bit of control. This ability is also not a major issue for her.

Symmetra’s turrets are potentially impactful, but nowhere near frequently, easily, or risk-free enough. They are the primary reason she has problems, and are by far the weakest part of her kit. Basically, in order to place turrets into good positions, Symmetra needs to either be on a team that is already winning or she needs to take far more risk to place them than they could ever capitalize on given the time required to deploy all six turrets and the level of exposure required to place them anywhere useful. Basically, she has to get far too close to the target deployment surface, and the turrets have far too short a range, for Symmetra to put them anywhere useful any time except when her team is being pushed back while on defense.

I also have serious problems with her ultimate(s), but I’ll save that argument for a separate post.


If she gets a complete rework i would like to see her been a control hero, kinda like Emperor on Dissidia NT, I dont know how to implement it to OW, but is a great type of hero, or let her build more stuff with a secondary weapon…

Just a couple of ideas of mine.
(I love the secondary weapon idea and think turrets should be placed there.)
New Passive: Repair Zone
Each turret destroyed within 10 seconds is automatically reactivated (1 per second) IF Symm is within 20 meters.
Even with the delay and slow still active she could cut a lot of setup time.

New ability: Photon Purifier
Symm places a device similar to a large smoke detector on a wall or surface. Allies nearby are purified of any negative status effect. (Ana’s Anti-Heal/Sombra Hack/Enemy Symm slow/Widow poison/Zen discord)

Symm places an exact copy of SG or TP. It makes the same sound and has the same health. Granted it doesn’t do much, but It would help protect the real Ult. Even if they’re both with in view, destroying the wrong one first gives Symm time to kill the attacker first.

Here’s my concept :
Passive : Photon Halo
Symmetra gives 50 shields to allies in a 20 meters radius.

Photon Projector :
Primary Fire : Symmetra fires 5 light projectiles (much like Lúcio & D.Va’s missiles). However, within 5 meters, it works like Palutena’s Autoreticle in Smash Bros : the projectiles will automatically damage the closest target.
Symmetra has now a greater effective range while her gun still locks on at close range.

Photon Generator (15 seconds cooldown - It has 150 hp + 100 shields) : In a 35 meters radius, shields & barriers regenerate after not taking damage for 1 second, and ammo regenerates after not shooting for 1 second. This ability also allows Sym to use her next two devices…

Sentry Turrets (No cooldown) : She can only place 4 turrets now. They are doing 20 damages per second (30dps before) and an ennemy is slowed down by 35% (25% before). The slowing effect can stack, but it only add 10% (1 turret : 35% / 2 turrets : 45% / 3 turrets : 55%, and it’s the maximum). They are fewer & doing less damage, but are now useful to slow effectively an enemy.

Healing Turret (5 seconds cooldown - It was 200 shields) : It is basically Torbjorn’s Turret, but instead it shots light arrows that heal allies. Each shot restores 40 hp. However, if an ally has critical health, a shot will restore 60 hp. The turret can heal for 400 hp before being destroyed.

I feel like it worked well in my mind, but as I was writing my ideas, I realized that it’s kinda bad lmao. I couldn’t even come up with an idea for her ultimate.

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The worse thing is that Sym used to have a shield uptime AND shields given stat before the rework, but it got removed… for no reason.

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Yeah but it never tracked how much sustain you’re giving, which seems like poor implementation for the “shielding support”. They really need to look at her in game statistics and give Symmetras a way to gauge how much impact they’re having


So Symmetra can decide between damage or healing.
Her alt fire splits into swarm grenades when it collides with anything (e.g. a wall, enemy etc.) either following the enemy if damaging is set or following your team for healing is set. Her turrets also heal or damage depending on what is set
Symmetra’s barrier also should stick to surfaces when it collides with something, 3 seconds after it sticks to something, it explodes inflicting damage.

Symmetra now gains 200% damage and 100+ HP increase on her turrets when she uses the sit emote.


If symmetra is made into a healer I will stop playing her


agreed, I don’t care how they do it, but with brigitte’s “rally” being the most useful form of non-healing sustain in the game (about as good as healing without any healing) they really can now make shielding as good as healing. I hope they touch upon her “damage blocked” statistic and make it as useful as healing with endgame cards and everything. There’s no reason not to at this point.


I’ve basically stopped maining Symmetra and started “maining” support in general. Symmetra is just tiring right now, and I want to win comp games and not have major tilted teams

I still use Symmetra where I feel she is the best choice (as I do all of the supports) even if that means on attack, defense, or koth… but I’ve stopped playing her in more scenarios just because she’s my favorite hero.

Looking at the cast of heroes after seeing Bridgitte and all the talk about her role as anti-dive, It’s starting to feel like maining heroes really makes things difficult in comp. I know some of you are far better than I am and make Symmetra work in just about every situation, but I just can’t manage to do it… That being said, I didn’t realize how much I needed this. I’m actually having a lot more fun playing all of the supports instead of more or less just Symmetra.

Either way, playing all of the supports more often has made me realize more and more just how bad Symmetra’s kit is. A rework is definitely needed… and I know this is nothing new, but I still feel like consistency is the biggest issue Symmetra needs fixing with.

She has too many cooldowns, too much downtime, too little functionality in her abilities
And honestly… the Teleporter pisses me off. TP either needs to be reworked so it’s useful on more points, or it needs to go. Cause as long as the TP remains the way it is then the Shield Generator needs to stay because she has no good ultimate in most situations.

And don’t get me wrong, I love the shield generator and still firmly believe permanent bonus shields need to be earned, but it’s extremely harmful to Symmetra’s viability when she can’t have bonus shields from the get go to some degree

A. Fix TP and make it her true ultimate, move Shields to a more frequently available weaker but still powerful and earned ability

B. Scrap TP, and give her a molten core style ultimate on the Shield Generators effective output after placement

C. Rework TP into an ability that is about positioning instead of respawn speedup, and leave Shield Generator as her ultimate

I can’t see any other way they can keep Symmetra’s identity while still balancing her viability, shields have to stay, teleporter is an issue.
The teleporter sucking on many points is the whole reason she has the Shield Generator in the first place, and obviously SG has issues, and the existence of SG harms her nonultimate kits viability

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Unpopular opinions-but i think they need to increase her skill cap, even if it’s just for one skill and leave the rest easy to use.
Even if it puts the lower tiers off her-something NEEDS to give.
I would rather sacrifice a few players then leave her sitting in the puddle of mud that is F tier and the ‘one trick’ label.
It would at least give the more skillful players a chance to shine with her.

One more thing-Both Symmetra and Mercy are heroes that Are easy to pick up but they both bring players back to the fight near instantly.
Do you think its right that powerful abilities sit on such easy to use characters in order to make them useful?