Megathread part 4.1 (oct 2018) beam buff not enough!

I don’t think channeling is required as long as it stays up for 1/2 characters and gives more than 75 shields. No one likes having to stay in one place or focusin on an ally to give them support, it would only make her more vulnerable and take away time she should be helping the team.
I’d rather have her system work more like zenyatta’s.
Also my worries about brigitte are sort of the same as they are for sym, she doesn’t have much range or mobility… if she turns out great, blizzard should take notes for Sym’s time to shine

Am I the only one that think Brigitte playstyle synergyze really well with Symmetra? Adding a shield generator on top of her Rally and constant armor-feeding increases Brig effectiveness a lot, and both have small shields that can add up quickly to increase the defensive prowness of the team.

If you have not played Symmetra with her in your team in the PTR, please, do so and judge for yourself. Her addition made me wish even more for just small tweaks (ie, nothing needing “new art and animation”) for Symmetra instead of a second rework.


I like channeled like Moira/mercy only due to the fact that for one it let’s her control her sustain more efficiently for individualized targets (for example, 40 health is a lot of missing hp for a tracer, and not so much a Reinhardt, a channeled system let’s her squeeze more value than a cooldown if it’s the only support she has). Two, it helps raise her skill ceiling and helps her rely on turret positioning more effectively. Needing to channel means that she’ll need to watch her line of sight for orbs and her team, and be clever with turrets for flankers, and mercy/Ana will also be encouraged to use her nest since they share line of sight.

This is me overthinking it, but overall I just want her to have sustain. With Brigitte having a balanced form of nonhealing sustain as an ultimate, they have no reason to keep her shielding mechanics as undesirable as they have since release.

Since she is officially getting a proper rework, I’m literally thinking about the craziest ideas for Sym. I will post my concept later, but I have a question : do you think Sym will still be a support without healing abilities, OR she will get healing abilities OR she will be moved to defense ?


I have this gut feeling, whatever they do to sym her mechanical arm is finally gonna be used for something other than ammo and buildables


I hope so! I would love a secondary supportive weapon. I’m less worried about Sym now that they implemented damage mitigation sustain successfully with Brigitte.


Really, outside her ult and repair pack, Brigette doesn’t really have things that were suggested for Symmetra. The thing that is probably going to change the most is her Photon Barrier. She might have something similar to repair pack. They could make her into Brigette’s shield counter part.


As Jeff said we now have hero 27.
And the meta is more friendly to anti dive.
Bridgett ult seems also interesting, because it gives armor(better than shield) and speed boost. Which makes SG look bad.
I think this might mean devs will change a lot about this ult maybe.

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I think her ult is fine because Brigitte can block 900 damage across all teammates, but shield gen can block 450 but it recharges multiple times. In that sense it’s balanced, but the fact that Sym mains have been asking for shields interchangeable with healing for ages, and now they give it to a new support and it’s tracked (armor given is the special stat that’s tracked) is what a lot of us are salty about. We’ve been asking for that stat since shield gen was introduced, and her supportive ability is something we’ve been asking for since she left beta. So it’s kind of frustrating.

That being said, now that they’ve found out how to make a damage mitigation support, it makes me more hopeful that they can give Sym the proper fixes and refine her role as the damage mitigation support.


I recovered a rework i shared in the previous mega-thread. Because i am lazy i just copy it XD, here it is.

I`ve gathered some ideas for a rework that probably are too much, but, i want to share some of them.

Symmetra 3.0 The architect and the summoner.

-Photon barrier removed.

-Shield generator removed.

-Weapon almost the same, beam charge is now 30/60/90.

Now, in exchange of photon barrier is now light summon: this ability allows Symmetra to summon from two or three(see below) light creatures/ drones with different utility. Only one can deployed each time. I first imagine them as some kind of crystal owls flying around with a size a little bigger than a basket ball.

-Generator owl: 30 shields/10 hp, total of 40 health.
This owl can follow Symmetra,another selected hero or stay in a certain area.
While following symmetra will generate 50 shields in a range of 10 meters; While following another hero will generate 50 shields in a range of 7 meters, while in a certain area it will generate 75 shields in a range of 15 meters.

-Fire support owl: same health
While following another hero, this owl fires a barrage of projectiles similar to Mercy gun every two seconds with 10 damage each shot, works the same as Torbjorn turret. While following Symmetra, this owl is manually fired by pressing the ability button. While in a certain area these turret fires automatically in line of sight with an increased fire rate.

-Shield owl(debatable): This owl owl will create a frontal small barrier with 150 hp to Symmetra or any other hero while following, when shield is destroyed it will take 6 seconds to make another one, this shield does not recharge after taken any damage. While in a certain area it will create a small shield bubble with 200 hp and will move around in circles.

!To select what owl you want: after pressing the button you will select the owl whit different buttons,similar to how Moira selects her orbs.

!To place owls: after creating the owl with the same button you will control it, to follow someone tap over the hero, similar to the Zenyatta orbs; to follow you double tap; to send it in a certain area tap on the place you want it.

-New builds: similar to the light summon, Symmetra can now choose between two more constructs.

Turrets: the same

Jumping pad: costs the equivalent to two turrets.

Speed post: some sort of light stick that grants speed boost in a certain area. If you ever played Battleborn, it`s something like the ones in there. Costs the equivalent to three turrets, only one can be deployed.

Secondary weapon: Gauntlet.
The gauntlet allows to destroy constructs(owls too) from distance(20 meters).

And for last.
Teleporter: teleporter is now throwed, similar to portal, and deploys when in touch with surface. Beyond that, nothing else.

This is it, this changes are to make Symmetra more useful; with the owls i intend to make her more viable in attack mostly and give her a more active support. The other constructs are to bring her a little more utility,alright maybe to much, but things can be changed. What are your thoughts?


In addition, i came with this other idea yesterday. One thing that keeps Symmetra behind is the lack of an active ult. If youve seen the OWL, Lucio, Zenyatta are important because their ults serve as a counter to other ults. Even valkyrie in its current underwhelming form, can change the tide of battle compared to shield generator and even teleporter. Even Bastion and Doomfist ults (which are probably the worst ults, with valkyrie right now) can add something in that fight.

With the rework posted below, i delete shield generator as an ult, now this would be her second ult:

Fortress of light.

How i imagine it right now is a bubble, slightly bigger than the one of Winton. It will have a duration of 4/5 seconds.
What this thing does different compared to Winston bubble is that this shield is unbreakable, everyone inside it is completely invulnerable, also the enemy team cant pass through it like other shields. To add balance there are two prices: First you move 60% slower while moving the shield, and allies inside it cant shoot, meaning that while your invulnerable you can`t do damage at same time.

This how i first imagine, i have some other things in mind, but i want to hear your thoughts in this early concept.

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Why owls? In India the creature that represents protection is the snake (specificly the cobra), just curious if there is a cultural influences or if its a personal preference? Plus flying light cobras would be sick :wink:

Edit: as far as I know owls are represented as harbingers of bad omens and death.


Because i`m going to transform Symm in the harbinger of death XD. Outside of jokes, because i like owls, also i take it more in the greek way as symbol of wisdom/knowledge, and also as my early concept to explain this things flying over allies or around, could be drones or anything instead. Cobras would be cool but from a counter perspective, the hitbox might be too tight to hit them XD.

Now I want a snake queen symmetra skin


Now we are talking, sym as assassin now muahahaha! Yeah I get it, most people do take the Greek viewpoint (more common in western teachings). I just know that Siddatha Gautama (Buddha) was protected by a cobra in rain under the bodhi tree when he reached enlightenment. The stories I know in India about owls is that they are bad and deserving of destruction. I would be down for the flying cobras if they looked right, like since they are rounded they could look more akin to rounded drones similar to the ones in say metal gear solid 2.

Instant buy first day for me, especially if the beam looks like a snake coming to bite you. Oh and the turrets are little snakes that shoot venom, hell to the yeah XD


I literally just want them to look at her place as a shielding support. Half of brigittes sustain is her armor, and symmetra doesn’t even have a lick of healing in her kit. The armor in brigittes kit works about just as effectively as symmetras but isn’t countered by placing buildables, and she has actual healing. If they want Symmetra to have a desired spot on a team they need her shielding sustain to be more in line with brigittes as well as actually tracked.


I agree, but if bridge is any indication we have something to look forward too. They already noted that they don’t want healing in her kit, so I can imagine that shields are gonna be pushed in her kit way more now. They just proved that it can be done in someone with a little healing and armor. Compensation by giving her more shielding is the next logical step, we might get that better now. I unfortunately think that they are going to change her gun though, even though I like it the way it is.


I don’t think they’ll change the functionality. They might nerf the damage, which was actually suggested many times on the original megathread as a compensation nerf for a more supportive kit. 30/60/90 is a compensation nerf that many people suggested if she could replace zen/lucio (now brigitte) as an offhealer. I personally don’t think it’s needed, but I’m all for it if I get sustain that’s similar to Brigittes rally on E/secondary weapon slot. I’ve said I feel like she needs her original shielding design refined as temporary shields a million times and have had people disagree with me on this but with brigittes release I stand by this even more than before. Orb combos are what I aim for either way, so a damage nerf wouldn’t really effect me unless I play poorly.

Now that they know that damage mitigation interchangeable with offhealing can be done, I do expect them to properly fix integrate it and stop gimping her kit. Even if we disregard the divisive subject of a rework and focus on the existing kit, proper tracking of her current kit is just as important as a well designed and implemented rework. It’s so nice to see that brigitte players can track 6000 armor, 7000armor , in one game i saw 11k armor given. That’s insane. It doesn’t even account for healing. And even after 15 or 16 months of having shield gen, I still don’t know my most impressive stats for shields given. That’s kind of lame…And since the devs aren’t tracking it, how will they even know how much of a support she is? I’m assuming that Sym has similar stats, in really good games maybe 7-8k shields generated, but it would be nice not to have to guess. And if that’s the case, and Brigitte naturally has her sustain halved between healing and armor, then she needs that damage blocked statistic to match the offhealers if she is given temporary shields, because if she’s only competing with brigitte in terms of shield gen versus rally, but not in terms of standard, non-ultimate “sustain”, then she’s not really competing with her…

That’s my thoughts on her, also just got off a graveyard shift so hopefully I could articulate my thoughts on it clearly.

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It’s just that… one of her best assets so far and her former identity as a support was that she was focused in damage too… sure, it’s nor reliable damage but it’s part of the fun… unlike moira who has to deal damage in order to heal, symmetra would have to focus in one or the other, never at the same time. I think it would actually make her feel less engaging as sometimes mercy 1.0 could feel like a heal bot… mini shield gens or a buffed photon shield (with way more temp shields and longer cooldowns would fare better):confused:
Shield gen is a good ultimate but it doesn’t feel like an engaging ult like tp does… channeling, shield giving structures… all of these are passive in some way, and I believe that’s one of the reasons playing symm feels boring for some people :frowning:

If she gives sustain to alies I’d like her to be able to do it quickly or in a way that doesn’t prevents her from doing something else than channeling the shields, you know?