{MEGATHREAD} Console Players Still Feeling like 2nd Class Citizens. [400 likes, 1500 responses]

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Also, I just learned something else pertaining to this thread. The first thread, made by Vidiot? That was made today, 2 years ago!


Appreciated for the info Eternity.

Holly canonically. 2 years :scream:

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Lol, Blizz needs to increase their communication with EVERYONE (but yes, console is even more neglected).

I mean how hard is it to have a weekly progress announcement, it doesn’t even need to have too many specifics in it. For example, when they said Roadhog was being looked into, they didn’t say what was being changed (though they did mention new animation), but it was heartening to know he was finally being addressed. I had to give weekly progress reports when I was in elementary school, if I could do it, they can do it.


Heck, even CosmicPVP (yes, the Minecraft Factions server is what I’m referring to when I mention CosmicPVP) still has community updates every week on their forums, despite the server overall being 5 years old now.

And unless it’s one, and only one, person typing up such a community update for the forum goers, and that update results in creating a huge wall of text, then making such updates wouldn’t take a lot of time out of a day to give either.

I know it’s not fair at all. But I find it kind of funny when a PC title is focused on the PC. But when a console title neglect the PC even though it is also just on the PC. The console people say should have got it for console.

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The original thread is two years ago?! That means over a thousand people commented on this issue and still no Blizzard response? That’s honestly crazy. In terms of engagement and communication with console players, Blizzard may have one of the worst records. The plethora of issues and troubles console players took the time to articulate and document, solely for Blizzard to fix it is noble, admirable, and pitiful. How can an entire playerbase of a video game company be so completely ignored?


Well, at this point they aren’t being very communicative on the forums in general. Too many bad experiences, it sounds like. Which isn’t surprising. It’s to be expected on a forum with little moderation, poor forum organization, and minimal structured communication.

That being said, we have had some issues addressed recently, even if they don’t involve a direct comment here. The recent aim changes are a good example.

Thanks, and at least there’s some PC players like you who aren’t jerks to us console players, I’m in the Overmoji Cafe Discord server and it’s a rule there to not platform shame unless it’s in the trash can room of the server which is exactly what it sounds like, a room for just garbage posts not suitable for the main area of the cafe


Forgot to update this at the time, so that bit is on me.

Anyways, there’s no more excuse for Blizzard regarding those that use M&K on Console. If you saw it on Reddit (it was cross-posted into a lot of sub-reddits, including the OW and OWConsole ones) within the past couple days, Fortnite has been able to detect when someone is using an M&K, at least on XB1. And that’s regardless of whether it was from a XiM or not.

See, someone decided to use a XiM in Fortnite and the game was kicking them from matches because it was able to detect the fact that they were using a different input method than a Controller.

So yeah; Blizzard’s current stance of M&K users on Console is now pretty much pointless to be listened to. It’s been proven to be able to be stopped thanks to Epic Games with Fortnite. Not like most people really listened to their current stance regarding M&K on Console to begin with…


Microsoft will allow M&K for XboxOne early next year. This means every game can support M&K. Overwatch on XboxOne will be unplayable. Blizzard doesn’t care for second class citizens

If Epic games can do that, I’m certain Blizzard should be able to.

Well, it is worth noting that it’s the developer’s choice to decide what is and isn’t allowed in their game.

Unless Sony/Microsoft release an official statement that all games on their respective Console is required to support M&K, this is always going to be the case.

It’s on the developers side to choose if their game support M&K on XboxOne. Blizzard hasn’t released an statement about this yet, I can understand why, maybe it’s an internal policy of support pc only. Pure PR

It’s the case on PS4 as well. Given that I took it upon myself to ask Sony on this matter, they stated that there’s no influence from them on this decision.

I know players who use M&K on PS4 for play Overwatch or Paladins. Nobody does anything.

Maybe someone else mentioned this, but I find it weird that the game doesn’t support Dolby Atmos on xbox. I mean, its on PC and xbox has an app for it. What gives? This seems like a super easy QOL fix.


Could be 2 reasons:

  1. They are trying, or are obligated by contract, to keep the console versions the same. Meaning they can’t take advantage of either one’s unique features.

  2. They don’t know how to, and don’t feel the need (or it doesn’t make economic sense) to learn how to take advantage of this feature.

1500 coments on this thread and still not a single answer from devs. Not to mention, the same thread in the old forum. Honestly, I can’t find a reason why console players are no treated with the same respect that pc players are. RIP

Alright, so you disagree with the Console providers and what not, you’re free to feel that way.

However, there’s no need for you to come on the thread and start bashing them for no reason.

No Console player wanted Pharah to be nerfed on PC, they just wanted her to be changed on Console.

However, Blizzard is reluctant to do anything platform specific; need I remind you of all the times Ana has been nerfed in the past despite her lack-luster performance on Consoles?

If there’s anyone you should have an issue with, you should have an issue with Blizzard, not Console players.

What you’re doing now is starting up unnecessary conflict for absolutely no reason other than to just anger people who for the most part don’t even bother others on the forums.

Just chill out, my man.


There’s so many smurfs on console since you can make new accounts for free, honestly I think that’s my biggest problem with console right now. Blizz doesn’t care about smurfs but on console it becomes such a problem when you can make as many accounts as you want for free and it seems like they didn’t even factor that into their decisions regarding smurfs cuz they were just thinking about PC where they can actually make money off of smurfs, and there’s tons of boosters or masters-gm players playing in plat or below. I’m not gonna be one of the people that says I can’t rank up cuz of smurfs, but some games are just really unfair cuz there’s usually at least one smurf and whichever team has the most or the best smurfs are at a huge advantage