{MEGATHREAD} Console Players Still Feeling like 2nd Class Citizens. [400 likes, 1500 responses]

well you console folks outta enjoy the upcoming pharah nerfs and aim assist buffs

Eternity is still around, they just haven’t posted to this thread as of late.

Looking at their activity, their last post was yesterday.

Maybe they can’t post on this thread?

Which console exclusive nerf? Jeff didn’t say about this

It’s not console exclusive. The changes should help with the Pharah issues in the upper ranks, which is a console exclusive problem.

Nah, it’s more-so that I didn’t have anything to say at the moment.

Them improving one thing with the last patch, after almost 8 months of not a single shred of transparency for the Console Player bases, is not enough alone to convince me that they care just as much about both player-bases (PC/Console that is). I will give them credit where it is due though, the new aim system is very nice.

If there’s any thread that I have open on the forums perpetually on my home laptop, it’s actually this one.


Seeing all these threads about Ana on the forums makes me nervous considering that she’s a lot more viable than she was beforehand (though still nowhere close to PC effectiveness).

I sincerely hope that if Ana gets nerfed Blizzard makes her nerfs PC-exclusive rather than slapping said nerfs across all platforms.

The first time that happened, Ana was picked less than Symmetra…and those weren’t fun times in the slightest.

A solid concern about Ana. I’m a bit more worried about the let us use mouse and keyboard, and then separate queues for controller users. Apparently the Xbox finally added native support, though it sounds like they are doing just like Sony letting the developers decide to allow it or not.

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The president at Sony announced an open Beta for Crossplatform play with Microsoft, Windows, Mac, switch, etc. Operating systems starting today and it’s for what other game but FORTNITE… but they did say depending on how that goes, they will remove their restrictions on 3rd party devs regarding cross-platform play, unlocks and other things like that. And this isn’t just some random Reddit post I found either, it’s on the official PlayStation Blog Website

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I had gotten a bit lazy at keeping the OP up-to-date; so allow me to change that.

Made some minor changes to the OP and increased the like count on the OP in the title.

Yes you are being treated like 2nd class citizens.
You have learned some kn0wledge.

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Look, I’m sorry if we have a different preference of platform to play the game.

I’m only asking that they increase their communication with us (the Console Player-bases, that is) a little more. That’s not at all demanding, and a single message tells us that they care and want to improve our experience for the game.


Looks like blizzard still hasn’t responded

But then again, at least on the developer side, a post hasn’t occurred in 2 weeks now…

Must be prepping for Blizzcon

More than likely yeah

This forum is all about Mercy.
There’s no more space for anything else, and devs just gave up, because anything they say will be used against them.

Overwatch tried to use a very “close-to-player” feedback exchange, actually giving us voice and explaining why we could or not ask for some changes / nerfs /etc. Then, stuff like this with Mercy happened where literally everything they said with goodwill got used against them on a desperate attempt to make Mercy broken again.

At the end of the day, Mercy ended up without feedback (expectable), and all the other threads got even more ignored. Devs and Mods don’t really comment like they did before, do I really have to ask why?

This forum are a hole full of Mercy mains, they’re by far the most active community here and they “control” the likes, the flags, and any blue post will be like the “moth meme”, over a candle or a light, they’ll ALL MOVE THERE AND DEMAND stuff.

So they left us. And all we gave now is Developer Updates (which even that generates threads of hate).


Hey, even as a PC player I feel for you guys. I hope you at least get separate balancing. It sounds like the banning/suspending is out of their hands, but who knows. They could at least release a statement on why it’s such an issue.


And we have a new issue to add to the list: event sprays no longer tell you how to unlock them. You have to google it.

I put a thread for it in Bug Report ;o

At least, this is an issue for PS4 players. I don’t know if it’s the same for XB1 players.

Hearing the same issue from them. Apparently someone noticed and posted instructions on Xbox forums.

Edit: Holy guacamole this is post 1500…

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I was just going to mention that.

I have absolutely no clue on how to get the new Halloween sprays :joy:

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