{MEGATHREAD} Console Players Still Feeling like 2nd Class Citizens. [400 likes, 1500 responses]

Started a new thread to specifically address the new changes.

Also, anyone notice comms seem back to normal? Had to turn the volume back up to hear everyone. Looks like this got fixed, but wasnā€™t noted in the patch notes.

I heard it was the case on Reddit. I donā€™t really use a mic though unless Iā€™m playing Copa Lucioball.

Wonder why this didnā€™t end up on the patch notes? Itā€™s a pretty significant fix. Know several people that quit over this.

Any opinions on the new aim assist? I have yet to try it still

So far so good, but Iā€™ve been mainly playing supports and tanks.

Still trying to get my head around the new options. Am I right in saying that 100 aim assist ease in is great for tracking enemies and 0 for predicting and then 50 for a bit of both?

I didnā€™t even notice the updates to aim assist until just recently where I out dueled a Hanzo in a small room as Lucio

Thatā€™s what Iā€™ve heard, but I feel more comfortable with 0 aaei on everyone atm.
Iā€™m kinda thinking the new aim system might work better with linear ramp tho, and a slightly bigger aim assist window than Iā€™m rocking right now (20-25). Iā€™ll pester some friends and use them as Pharah training dummies in skirmish.

Right now my aim settings are:
100 AA
20-25 AAW
0 smoothing

Thatā€™s your problem right there. I tested it and used to play with 50AAWS and could also hardly tell a difference. So I kicked AAWS back to 100 and tried with 1 in AAEI and it works pretty nicely. I used it with DZ and couldnā€™t test the others yet. But AAEI requires you basically to kick all the AA related settings to 100 to get full effectiveness. I have to personally admit, i was finally able to play in trainibg range eithout feeling the aim pulled away from tlme all the time. It really does work yet it still helps with flickshots. I havenā€™t played OW in e weeks, McCree in over a month and I was able to consistently and quite easily flick headshots (training range is obviously easier, but still)

Iā€™ll have to check out if linear is better suited or not. But the fact that you can ignore this setting if you preferred the old settings and giving new options is certainly a welcome addition.

I was honestly about to give up on the game and while, admitted this alone will probably not keep me for a long time if other changes to the game in general (not only console specific) are not coming soon I will just swith off the game and maybe return occasionally.

But itā€™s a good step in the right direction!

I actually tried to raise AAW from 20 to 100, and bumped up AAEI to 50, and it actuallyā€¦ worked? The behaviour of the AA wasnā€™t that intrusive around the character models. Normally it feels like Iā€™m trying to push my crosshair through mud when Iā€™m playing with a window that extends far beyond the character model (resulting in me hitting the outer edges of the Dual-Zone, making me overshoot instead) , but not now. It was quite subtle, actually.

I did however run into some problem when trying to single out a Reaper in a group of enemies. It kinda felt like the game decided that ā€œhey, you should shoot someone else instead!ā€, and adjusted the AA accordingly, which introduced the ā€œmudā€ once again.
I uploaded that one instance:
h ttps://youtu.be/W-o-m7mYX3A

I do deserve that death tho. Being a cocky mofo not standing on highground with no respect for sightlines :stuck_out_tongue:

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Iā€™m still trying to find a good setting for tracer and hanzo. Very tough indeed.

100 AAwindow and 50 AAease-in worked pretty nicely for me on Tracer the few times I got to play her in Mystery Heroes. I never play Tracer (or any dps for that matter) outside of Mystery Heroes tho, so take that with a pinch of salt. I might play her way too safe, so Iā€™m not having trouble with conflicting AAwindow :stuck_out_tongue:
But yeah, I liked that setting for every hitscan, but I might have to find a different setting for projectile heroes. Maybe lower AAease-in to 20 or sumthin

(I always rocked the same aim settings on every hero with the old aim system, but it might be time to differentiate a bit between hitscan and projectile)

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If Blizzard paid attention to the console playerbase, the game on Console wouldnā€™t be in the state that itā€™s in. The damage is still repairable, but it would need a lot of attention to fix. And I agree with Supernerd, Iā€™m not just gonna quit playing a game on a platform when Iā€™ve played it for countless hours since, Iā€™ve dedicated my life to it and itā€™s the only way to play with my friends.

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Jeez, new AA settings that can be tailored? Hmm, might have to dig out my disc againā€¦

Worth taking a look at.

After having done placements with this new system I have to say, I didnā€™t play a 100 matches with it, so I might not have learned/discovered everything.

However, hereā€™s my first impression:

The new setting helps improve linear ramp A LOT. it helps less on dual zone imo. I used to play DZ with 95 sens and using this system somehow makes the transition between both sensitivities feel even more clubky somehow. For me DZ is honestly very hard to play this way. NONETHELESS: DZ feels to be even better for hitscanheroes that benefit strongly from flicks (snipes, cree etc).

I didnā€™t test it with expo ramp but I have to admit, even though I have more free time, I find myself liking less and less this game. I donā€™t know if Iā€™m just getting tired of the repetition after playing since launch with hardl any breaks since.

I just didnā€™t play during my finals (3weeks) and still, after getting bavk the slughtest stuff gets me immediately tilted. Stuff like seeing one teammate run alone in 1v6 all match long, people not wanting to group up, Iā€™ve lost my patience with that stuff.

Anyway, linear ramp however does feel quite a bit better with this new setting. I set hitscans to 100 and projectiles to 50 for the moment. It has been working pretty well, BUT: it feels like a huge improvement to the point where I feel like Iā€™m almost cheating and others too. I see d.Vaā€™s perfectly track targets now every now and then during their boost. Tracer got indirectly a huge nerf from this. Her low hp pool along with this ā€œaim simplificationā€ makes her become an easy target. Same for pharah. I can actually much better fight pharahs as Zen. I can even 50/50 pharmercys in my rank.

Anyway, itā€™s feedback mixed with a little rant. The system itself is helpful, maybe a bit too much. But the game still feels to old and content, help is coming to slow as well.

Iā€™m in the stage where it feels like too little too late at this point. Thereā€™s too many good games on console to keep OW as my main game. I will still play it every now and then but I will become part of the more casual base, the one that ruins the game, only does placements, tries an event and be done with it until next event or big change.

PS: just noticed eternity seems to be not here any more! What happened?

When buying a console.

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Think he decided to move on. Far too long with no dev response or action. Of course after he leaves we start getting some console specific changes, like the aim revisions and the upcoming Pharah nerf. Hopefully he still yet lurks.

I still believe that Eternity is still here but itā€™s amazing how we have this new system which makes aiming so much better and a console exclusive Pharah nerf on the way too! Things are looking up for us people!