{MEGATHREAD} Console Players Still Feeling like 2nd Class Citizens. [400 likes, 1500 responses]

I think it is always sad to see people get so frustrated with such a great game. Overwatch is so awesome and has so much potential. It shouldn’t be making people so upset that they feel the best option is to quit and never look back.

But there are so many issues that just aren’t being addressed and if they are being looked at, why is it a secret? At least tell us that you are working on those issues.

They always said console was suppose to have specific balancing too (and it really needs it) but for 2 years the only thing that is different is the turret damage of trash tier heroes.

Im hoping that they fix this stuff. Its one of the reasons I still watch the forums and follow the game. I still have hope that things problems will be solved. I want to come back and enjoy the game but its not looking so good.

Ive already left a post of why I quit:

I just want to mention, take a look at the last 5 replies here:
It’s the Dev Tracker.

How many of those replies weren’t really necessary to give, yet were given anyways?

It makes me wonder even further with why they can’t just take the time to reply to us, who have been waiting for a response for far longer. It’s only justifying our case even further than it already is.


I 100% agree. I said this earlier. lol

i linked your thread on reddit console site in my thread, its getting a lot of attention now, hopefully one day they realize.

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So very true!

I use the Dev Tracker to note something like: “They clearly had the time to reply to that, several times, so why can’t they tell us anything?”

I even ended up making a 2nd thread shedding light on further concerns for the Console base. What happened to it? It got locked just because I “called out the dev team.” I find that bit a little hypocritical on Blizzard’s end for two reasons.

  1. “Our Community forums are a place for users to express their constructive feedback and ideas with fellow posters and the Overwatch developers.” This is in the CoC; yet we for some reason can’t get a single response from the development team. And in addition, I did use the other thread to express this constructive feedback, and their lack of transparency.
  2. I’ve broken CoC in this thread in at least two separate occasions in what would be the exact same way. Yet neither of those two posts were actioned, much less edited by someone that isn’t me.

Much obliged

My primary goal is to take down ddosers and players paying for SR. But i also mentioned console specific problems and that you are amazing how much you are trying to help consoles with superdetailed threads :).

If you want me to edit something regarding you just let me know :).

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If it would help I can also tweet this thread to the official Twitter account

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Feel free to give it a try.

C’mon! Still nothing?! This is bloody horrible from Blizzard

It’s not really surprising. The devs hardly post on the boards anymore for any topic out of some fear of being misconstrued or abused.

Honestly surprised they fixed the PS4 version so quickly after breaking it yesterday. Which come to think of it, means they responded to a console thread! That’s good, right?

Direct transparency is the key with this thread. I interpret that kind of thing as indirect transparency, although you can feel free interpret it your own way.

Time for a stats update, and oh boy is this one gonna be interesting…

  • OP has 300 likes
  • June 18th marks 5 months since the last direct response that we, the Console Players, have gotten from the Development Team
  • 6.5 months overall is the amount of time this thread has been going strong
  • This thread has 12,000 views
  • This thread is 62nd most viewed in General Discussion, 7th most viewed in General Discussion among threads that don’t have a Developer Response, and 88th most viewed Overall on the forums.

Yeah, ain’t that something?


I am just wondering if your name is intentionally linked to the amount of time since anything was done about console overwatch >.>? Or is it just an unhappy coincidence that it has been an Eternity since then?

The latter; I simply used the first part of my PSN username to build my battle tag for here.

Trust me, if I wanted to spend the money to change it now, I probably change it to something like ‘BlizzPls’ :yum:

Isn’t it amazing how we the console outlaws stick together and support each other? It shows that we’re a great community. Keep it up!
I think it’s getting harder by the day for the devs to find the right words to address the amount of frustration we have. There are so many good and valid points on this thread which makes it hard responding to everything in just one post. I think we need a console specific Q&A, an influencer who could address this at an interview or a dev update.


im not letting this thread die. atleast not until i can afford a PC


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I really wished they’d do something :frowning:

So I took a break and i have to say OW did train me well in being less toxic! Every time i got on, I would tell myself I wouldn’t rage this time. And literally every single time the game would feel more outrageously disgusting, probably because I just list my patience with the game after two years.

There was a promotion for ‘For Honor’ at 15€ so I figured why the hell not? And even here which is known to be a rage inducing game I barely get toxic. I actually have fun even when getting rekt. I mean yes there are a few bugs but they are far appart now.
Losing is almost always your fault and the game does not hesitate to put you up against a high ranked guy.

OW is lately almost as bugged as Paladins and that’s quite a feat. Half the heroes have at least one part of their kit that is broken. The matchmaking is so blatantly bad (know how many times I played against 2 triplestacks of diamond while I’m the highest ranked with 2600 on my side of the team? I once played with 4 silvers and a gold against 3diamonds, 2 masters and a high plat. On top of that my immersion always gets ripped off because I just notice how uncomfortable I am with the aim of this game.

Now I just play OW very casually and spend most my time messing around in training range or even custom games.

If I can give you a tip: I spent too much time on the forums and seeing how it got us nowhere still, got me frustrated even more and everytime I would play I would immediately lose patience. I got off the forums and now just come heck once in a while, comment in order to not have to scroll all the time to get back on top and play other games.

I thought blizzard would listen if we stopped buying boxes, but either not enough people do that or it’s not enough.

If I have to, at this point, I don’t even mind quitting the game anymore if it gets their attention eventually. I just realised the game is so frustrating to me right now and with no response from the devs, it’s just not fun anymore. If i don’t have fun anymore… why waste my time hooing for them to fix it?
At this point, it is more realistic for FFVII remake to release on current gen consoles than the devs responding to us.

Have a PC and Xbox and the collector’s edition of OW for both. I play OW on console because for the longest time my friends only played on console and we’ve been gaming together since the Halo 3 era and I wasn’t about to be a crass jerk and tell them “I’m not playing with you because you don’t have a pc, learn to delay gratitude.” Fast forward to today where the last of them quit playing shortly after Orisa’s release and I’m 600 levels in with countless unlocks (paid or otherwise) that I can’t transfer, for whatever asinine reason. So, my PC sits for when I need a break and go back to TF2 and my console remains my source of Overwatch.

On an entirely different note, is anyone else experiencing a terrible matchmaking balance in QP? This whole weekend I’ve been matched on teams with Plats and Diamonds and I’m barely holding on to my gold rank at 1971 (which I know the cause of, I’ll climb back out). Even had a frustrating game being repeatedly bullied and dumpstered by a 3600 rated Tracer main. Like, what?! I can’t even queue with half these people for Comp!

Edit: 3 diamonds and 2 Plats on the other team. Wtf.
Edit 2: two 3500s on my team then a 3100 and a 2700. How am I supposed to play like this, especially when one of them rages at me in messages for not playing at their level?

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