{MEGATHREAD} Console Players Still Feeling like 2nd Class Citizens. [400 likes, 1500 responses]

Don’t worry.

I think I’ll be fine :blush:

Console will never have an E-sports presence. Why would they pour resources into it?

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Because it represents a notable portion of their customer base, and if they want that sweet lootbox revenue, it behooves them to put resources into supporting that player base?

But I know where you are coming from. In general, it appears they have dedicated the majority of their resources to OWL. I firmly believe they had no intention of supporting the game beyond an occasional balance patch after OWL launch. I think they were caught off guard by the demand for new characters, maps, events, and cosmetics, and have been playing catch up ever since. You can see it in the events and how the updates from year to year have been minimal for many of them.

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My only problem with this is Console Balancing & OWL. Aside from Torbjorn & Symmetra’s separate balancing (which wasn’t necessary) back in 2016, Ana & Widowmaker who are both worse on Console still haven’t gotten any console exclusive buffs. My second problem is only allowing PC players in OWL. We’ve seen Pros use controllers during Blizzcon and other times so I don’t see why they don’t allow it. I fact, my Pc rank is the same as my Xbox and PS4 rank.

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Don’t forget Ana did get healing aim assist on consoles.

Grats on maintaining the same rank regardless of system.

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(I don’t know how to post images, so this will have to do for this post :yum:)

[WARNING: Major rant incoming. Sorry for the huge post, I don’t know exactly how I can TL;DR this whole rant. Notifying this now so you guys are made aware.]

It’s time for me to call out more bull-crap on your end, Blizzard.
NOTE: It’s the owpathtopro twitter account response to Josh’s response in this link that I’m looking at here; not the main tweet or Josh’s response. That means I’m looking at the following response: “None to announce at the moment, although we’re always considering what opportunities we can offer our competitive console community.”
(Yes I’m aware it’s from March 29th; but I digress.)

None to announce at the moment. NONE TO ANNOUNCE! You guys clearly had all the time to announce all these tournaments for PC. These examples include, but are not limited to: Open Division; Contenders; World Cup; Overwatch League itself; and let’s not forget all the other smaller tournaments like PIT, Tespa Spring Series, Monthly Melee, etc. Yet you guys in the PAST 2 YEARS can’t even give your Console Players a single opportunity? Even DBLTAP Esports does a better job than you guys at making the case for a Console League.

Yeah, don’t even try to throw that “Always considering opportunities” bull-crap at us Console Players, Blizzard. You guys STILL can’t announce anything for Competitive Console Players? Let me give all of the following as friendly reminders to you guys at Blizzard.

  1. Overwatch has been out for 2 YEARS now (rounding for simplicity). And you guys STILL can’t give any competitive representation to your Console Players?
  2. You guys clearly have the time to simply RESPOND to your Console Players if you have time to respond to other threads. Even responding to THIS thread should take no more than 30 MINUTES (this timeframe even factors a meeting with your Console engineers for Overwatch!). The links I already have that are shown under the stats of this thread are enough to justify that.
  3. Adding on to Point #2, you guys at Blizzard hardly EVER respond to your Console Players even on OTHER Social Media. To elaborate, in terms of responding to your Console Players, you guys at Blizzard:
  • Hardly ever respond on Reddit (Bill Warnecke at least admittedly does a good job here, so massive props to him!)
  • Never respond within the Developer Updates on Youtube. I can give a benefit of the doubt to not responding in the Youtube comments; but at least release a Developer Update specifically for the Console Players to let us know of future plans from you guys!
  • Never respond on Twitter; and no, the response posted above doesn’t count because it shouldn’t take 22 months for you guys to respond on this matter. Or any other matter for that fact.
  • And most importantly, NEVER even respond on the MAIN OVERWATCH FORUMS of all places!

And to anybody that wants to argue point #1 above:
If Blizzard gives even a small fraction of attention to Console that’s similar to their focus on Overwatch League, it would take off. Console gamers are anything but uninterested in E-Sports. The success of Halo, Gears of War, and Call of Duty with MLG has proven that. Not to mention even Paladins and Smite on Consoles as well.

I’m not saying this as a means for me to get in for E-Sports (I’m a high platinum-low diamond player and haven’t truly played comp since Season 4; trust me, I know I wouldn’t be able to). I’m saying this as a means for OTHER Console Players to get in for E-Sports. You guys at Blizzard never respond to us. Not on other Social Media, not even HERE on your OWN FORUMS!

Saying that you guys are “Always considering opportunities” is literally the only shred of comfort I see in all this for us. But even that’s stretching it because of the OVERWHELMING amount of time that has passed. Even 3rd party Overwatch Content Creators do a better job at responding to Console Player concerns than you guys. Not only in shedding light on said Console Player concerns, but even FASTER than you guys at Blizzard. I should mention that this is the case, even though said Content Creators mainly play on PC!

To anybody that took the time to read this whole rant, and to anybody that has supported this thread (either the original or the current thread), I must say “Thank you.” I seriously can’t stress this enough of how appreciated I am of it. Even if you don’t agree with this (I understand some will believe that this will have some controversy), the fact you took the time to read this whole post (or even this thread) tells me you do care, even if just to an extent. At the very least, if tells me that you see where our concerns are coming from.
Extra comment on this bit: Take note that I haven’t mentioned anything about smurfs on Console in this thread, until this bit right here. Yes, I know they’re a major issue on Console, don’t get me wrong. But that problem lies in the designs of the Consoles themselves, and as such it’s out of Blizzard’s control. But there’s a lot more things that are IN Blizzard’s control that they CAN address for Console Players.

And if you hate me (or my guts) and want to call me entitled for making this post (or even this thread), then go for it. Get it out of your system (keep it civil of course!). Just keep in mind though that while it might deter some others, it’s not EVER going to deter me. And if I’m on a slow path to hell, then I welcome it. I WILL see to it that us Console Players get a response from Blizzard on our concerns for Console-Watch, or I will die trying.


Couldn’t agree more with you… have yiu actually done a topic like this on overwatch reddit? Maybe we will get a resoonse there from Daddy Bill!? If yes, add the link here. I am really considering flooding the forums of reddit and here with topics regarding our issues. I know it is immature and childish but again, it’s the only solution that has worked until now.

Yes it got me banned 3 or 4 times, but they actually did respond after about a few weeks. I honestly don’t see a bright future for us anytime soon… and in regards ro getting attention, usually the devs are on the forums during OWL streams: looks like they are going through comments while watching a few matches.

However today maybe nobody will be as I think they have planned something “special”…

I haven’t done this on Reddit myself. I’d rather keep myself away from Reddit in terms of posting and only browse it (it’s a personal preference of mine). If someone else wants to do it though for this thread, then by all means, feel free to, and link it here. I give full authorization for someone to put this on Reddit as long as the link to it is posted in this thread too.

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Reddit? I hate that this dumpster fire of the human mind is the only place to get feedback for console issues.

Hi people. I slept late.

What’s new?

Hey sweet this got transferred from the old forums? I guess I’ll show my support once again with this new one, hopefully blizzard will see this now!

I got around to posting my angry rant on this thread (post 258 here).

Otherwise, nothing really .-.

Oh yes, I remember you told me about it before I went to sleep.

Can I tell you a secret? I’m scared to post on reddit… people on reddit are kind of huge A -holes… always talking down on you, according to people on reddit, no matter what you talk about, they’ll always say the opposite. If you say that there’s a problem, people will crawl onto your topic saying it’s fine. If you say sth is fine, you’ll have criers complain and say it’s not…

That’s another part with why I stay away from posting on Reddit. It’s much more of a toxic cesspool

This could be a PC Master Race hate comment, but isn’t.
This could be a Developer comment, but isn’t.

It’s just a bump.


I created a post about a pre-download For Archives on console, because i think the update Will be huge and without a pre-download It Will be annoying to install if you want to play the event as soon as it Will be realeased

I would like to put here the link, but i can’t. The thread name is “Pre-download on console for Archives?” If you want to share your thought

Also :clap:WHERE :clap:IS :clap:OUR :clap:HUD :clap:OPTION :clap:BLIZZARD:clap:

I would like console players to have the communication wheel enhanced to be able to say “im with you” while facing an ally

Preformatted text is a good way to go about it. This can be done by either clicking the button for it, or holding Ctrl+Shift+C. It can also be done by quoting a post from that thread and just copying and pasting it into here.
Link: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/pre-download-on-console-for-archives/55407

Toggle UI is at the very bottom of Controls. It was implemented on March 20th; it’s just that they didn’t note in any patch notes at all (Blizz pls).

Bind ‘Group Up’ from the Communication Wheel to a Control on your Controller. From there, if you are targeting an ally and use it, it will say “I’m with you”.