{MEGATHREAD} Console Players Still Feeling like 2nd Class Citizens. [400 likes, 1500 responses]

You feel like that because every console player does feel seconded.

I find it hard to complain about a game I enjoy so much. I mean… we all enjoy it enough to come to these forums to talk about it, to me that says something about the quality of the game. Sure, PC folk tend to get a bit more than us console folk, but at the end of the day we still get a great game with free added content and some of the best QOL aspects on any multiplayer game. And eventually PC enhancements make their way to console… if you’re patient.

Reality is, consoles and PC’s are not created equal. When it comes to development, you can’t just write a line of code and have it work on every platform. It’s going to take additional resources for any company to be able to create and deploy changes to all the various platforms. I think the thing that many overlook here is that Blizzard has been so good about responding to issues and communicating with their user base that now we all feel entitled to a response. It happens any time a dev or publisher opens the lines of communication as much as Blizzard has. Have a little faith and a little patience and I’m sure we’ll continue to see improvements for console plebs that bring our experience closer to that of those in the PC Master Race.


Fully agreeing and following this post. We have been more or less shut away really, the aim on console is terrible (the worst FPS aim settings out there arguably on console). Linear Ramp is almost a year old and still broken and no, Aim Ease In doesn’t fix it but makes it Exponential Ramp. Its ridiculous how long console players are waiting for the bare necessities in Overwatch (report system took 15 months) and personally it’s shameful really. In my honest opinion, I think Blizzard should let another developer handle Overwatch on console or at least give Blizzard some advice because other developers have given us what we needed at launch, a great aim system (especially in COD and Rainbow Six Siege) and listened to the community. As said earlier: I fully support and follow this post.


I wish they’d give console some love. It’d be nice to know that we’re not a side project under PC, which in itself is under OWL now.


Blizzard, it’s really stupid to neglect part of the community like this, it needs to stop. Responding to console shouldn’t be that hard, if it is, you’re doing something wrong.


Look mate. If you don’t care about wanting to help us get our concerns addressed, then please don’t bother posting in a thread that is asking for said concerns to be addressed. Especially even more so if a given thread (such as this one) has nothing to do with you.

No one is saying “stop being so good to PC players; treat them !@#$ty too!” Or “nerf PC versions so they aren’t as good”. We are just asking that our money spent is as valuable as yours.

Asking for equal rights isn’t the same as asking for special rights or restrictions on others. We paid the same, if not more (more likely it was more), than you guys on PC for the same game. We deserve and are owed the same value of product that everyone else received. That is all.

I’ll further add as well: if you guys were the ones being shafted instead, how would you guys feel if the same thing that’s happening to us right now was happening to you guys instead? I don’t think you’d want us tearing into your threads if that was the case either. Keep in mind, the concerns that we’re wanting to be addressed that are in the OP are Overwatch-specific; NOT FPS-genre-specific.

If you won’t listen to our concerns, then answer this: Who can we talk to that will listen to our voices and concerns with regards to the Console versions of Overwatch? Your first answer to that would not likely be Blizzard. If they truly were/are listening to us on Console, then a good chunk of the QOL items and controls that we’ve been needing on Console, and a good chunk of which we’ve been asking since the very beginning, would have already been implemented.

Have I made myself clear on this to you?


I’ll post in this everyday just to keep it on top, these things need be addressed.


Consoles always get the diluted version of the game, how is Overwatch any different from PUBG? FFXV? Even Capcom has announced Monster Hunter World PC will have additional features not included in the console version.

I would be careful i want all these things address. But they sticking with the Forum Guidelines and one of them they frown upon is “Bumping” so we can’t do that anymore… However feel free to reply to anyone else OP on the topic and i expect the post to live.


Does it excuse the LACK OF RESPONSE that the Overwatch Devs have given to Console Players? No, it doesn’t.

And don’t confuse the Overwatch Devs with the Community Managers/Other Forum Mods; they are two different sets of people.

Like I said, if you don’t care about wanting to help us Console Players get our concerns addressed, that’s fine; you don’t have to. But please don’t bother posting PC Master Race Crap if you don’t care. It gives the good end of the PC Gamers a bad name.


Glad you kept this going Eternity. Don’t stop and maybe the devs will hear our pleas in the near future and work on it. Until then you have my support.


I can’t believe how old some of these console specific items are that have gone on with no dev specific reply… I guess the title of the thread needs to change to something more deliberate: “Console players are 2nd class citizens thanks Blizzard”


Well, I just took you up on that proposal, albeit in a different way. Don’t want to risk the potential of the thread being locked because of putting ‘Blizzard’ or ‘Dev Team’ in the title. ;o

I figured I’d also put Vidiot’s thread from October 2016 in here as well within the Opening Post. Some of the bits in posts of mine were initially made by him, so I want to give respect to that by referencing it. Yeah, I am aware his thread got a reply from Jeff, but hardly anything has changed for Console Players since then. Not to mention that we’ve been asking for most of the items well before Blizzcon 2016 even occurred (which was when OWL was announced).

As the hashtag for it goes… #ConsoleLivesMatter


Keep this thread alive people!

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Eternity, thanks for putting this post together most of these concerns I have been frustrated by more than once. I have been feeling super frustrated with console overwatch to the point I uninstalled it. I love the game and I enjoy watching it via YouTube, streams, or the league but playing it on console for me has started to become a CONSTANT reminder that the current systems in place are hindering you more than helping you. Example is the linear ramp dead zone issue is horrible cannot whatsoever make small precise micro movements, aim assist has tracking and “magnetism” tied to one slider so you are unable to get the benefit of just one of those properties, and lastly to me the character hitboxes​ seem a bit off instead of engaging on the character they seem to be engaged just outside of the character so as you try and track a target the reticle seems to stop just short of the enemy causing me to have to try and “flick” my right stick which is super inaccurate most of the time. I have tried at this point in probably my 500-ish levels (I think that’s silver portrait) thousands of different aiming styles with different combinations of all sliders AA, AAW, AS, AEI and nothing has mitigated any of those problems… At one point the definition of insanity was doing the same thing and expecting a different result well I finally came to the conclusion that no matter what I do the results are not going to change for console overwatch so I begrudgingly uninstalled the game last night.

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Devs… please. Do you guys really care about your Console Players? Or are we just insane to you guys? Are we needing to be toxic just to get the attention of you guys?

This issue, and thread, has been alive for 3 months and counting. Still no response. In fact, these new forums have been around for a half month now. You guys on the dev team (so as not to be confused with forum mods/community managers) haven’t given your Console Players even a single response on these new forums. I know full well you guys have seen this thread (or even the one on the original forum) by now. Please, just a response to the Opening Post of this thread from you guys is not a lot to ask for. At least show to us that you guys see your Console Players as valued members of the community.

You guys have the time to respond to threads complaining about when Brigitte’s sit emote will come (of all things…), and state that it’s still being worked on. But you guys magically somehow don’t have the time to respond to serious threads like this? Yeah, I call bull on that. It’s time for it to change. Literally, a response in this thread is all that’s being asked for. A response at the same time would also be very much insightful for your future plans for the Console versions of Overwatch.


It doesn’t help when some players from the PC community find making inflammatory insults towards Console players just by virtue of the fact that they can make such comments.

We play the game just like you guys so why put us down for no reason?


Still supporting you guys, hopefully we can get the much needed services and gear we need for console soon

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I was just thinking about this the other day! It’d be nice to know what my friends are playing, so I know if they’re in a match or not so I can invite them to play instead of waiting ten minutes xD

I know this isn’t just a console problem, but I also would love the ability to mute individual voice lines. Like those people who spam ‘thanks’ to be toxic. I want the ability to mute them so it doesn’t distract me, and I can see who really needs help.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand… we keep being ignored.