{MEGATHREAD} Console Players Still Feeling like 2nd Class Citizens. [400 likes, 1500 responses]

Clearly they ignored the last thread so yea I don’t think they want to deal with it. It’s cool though. Continue on defending the clear bias’d actions. I’ve already spoken with my wallet and will continue to do so. I was the last of my friends playing OW in general. Including friends both PC and Console. I couldn’t bother to recommend it after dealing with the treatment on console.

Also to your MS/Sony “excuse”. I flat out told you that a company is literally doing everything Blizzard has said they can’t do. I can even play Fortnite on my PS4 with my friend who’s on PC. Something people say would never happen. Not saying OW needs to add that feature, but you know how many times people said it’d never happen because of Sony/MS. Again, don’t blame Sony/MS just because Blizzard says they can’t do something when another company is clearly doing it with no issues.



Bai then. If you’re taking it personal then that’s your problem.

That doesn’t mean Blizzard can do it though.

Here, lets add a POTG system to CS;GO then, right? Clearly Valve can do anything since OW is more relevent and recent over CS;GO.

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All I’m saying is it’s a cop out to blame Sony/MS when they in no way prevented another company from doing something blizzard said they couldn’t.

I won’t be the last to leave either. I loved this game and played it religiously but the community and company are pretty clear in their actions. Go through that last thread and you’ll see I’ve been trying to make it better for the console community, while your over there stoking the flames. Unless your a Blizzard employee you don’t have the answers and if they did have the answers they wouldn’t have ignored the previous thread which was very very large and had good suggestions as well as requests.


Because it’s impossible.

They’ve made the right call focusing (almost) exclusively. Consoles have too many issues that Blizzard can’t solve. It would lead not only to haveing two completly different games, but the console experience would still be inferior and at the cost of a poorer PC experience as well.

First off, there’s the controller issue. Controllers are poorly suited to FPS games, but the console version has to be designed with them in mind. In a game like overwatch this can only be accomplished through wildly divergent design between the two versions. It would quickly reach a point as to be unsustainable to develop them as the same game.

Even were they able to make the console experience suitable for controllers, there’s absolutely NOTHING blizzard can do about KBM users on console. That’s on the console manufacturers themselves, and Sony and Microsoft aren’t going to do anything about it. The more Blizzard tunes the game to support Controller users, the more of an advantage the KBM players will have.

In fighting these insurmountable hurdles there’s also another one put in the way by console manufactures. Both Sony and Microsoft make it difficult and expensive to patch games. Even if Blizzard wanted to give full support to console players, they can’t, because of the pipeline designed by these two companies. They both charge exorbitant fees to release patches AND subject those patches to further delays while they review things on their own end. It’s hard enough to patch for PC when Blizzard controls the entire pipeline, with Sony and Microsoft as further obstacles you are lucky they can patch the console version AT ALL, let alone to the degree necessary to make it viable.


Not to be rude but unless you work for Blizzard you really don’t know the real answer to this question. Speculate all you want but until they respond your response is only opinion. We had a good thread going before that got uncapped and still couldn’t get a legitimate response from Blizzard. I’m not interested in biased PC responses because like me, you’re not going to know the real answer.

I’m done though until Blizzard responds.


Console Overwatch sucks plain and simple, there’s no use in asking them to do anything for it because it, overall, just isn’t an enjoyable game anymore. All of the people who suck on PC can just plug in a Keyboard and Mouse and they’re masters on console.

There is nothing we can do, Xbox, PS4 whatever, smurfs, keyboards, and lack of care from Blizzard have killed Overwatch on anything but PC. Gotta get over it.


If this is truly not the case, then Blizzard should at least respond to serious threads like this and not let them get drowned out like they do. We are still members of the community.

By the way, Jeff has even stated himself in an interview that both Microsoft AND Sony have been very flexible with Blizzard, despite some complications. This was when he was asked about Console PTR in April 2017, you see.
Reference (replace commas with periods): www,express,co,uk/entertainment/gaming/792883/Overwatch-news-PTR-on-PS4-Xbox-One-Kaplan-Blizzard
And yes, I am aware that this source also references that it would make balance slower (see below). Just letting you know with this that there’s more flexibility for Blizzard than you think.

You don’t see us Console Players complaining much about slow balance, now do you? We’re not denying that there’s an approval process.

Then why did Blizzard promise separate balancing from day one if they know that they can’t follow on said promise? Do you even realize how bad, or broken, some characters are on Console vs. PC? Mercy was on the broken end of this spectrum. She should have literally never been buffed on Console prior to her rework (this refers to her Regen passive taking effect 1 second of not taking damage vs. its original 3 seconds, as well as her gaining temporary invulnerability when rezzing back when it was her ult). And don’t even get me started on Ana on Console, who descended into literal troll pick status following even just her bio-nade nerf (it got even worse when her damage was nerfed as well).

Hmm… Final Fantasy Series; Rocket League; Fortnite. ALL of them have Text Chat on Console, and it works just fine. Do I need to name anymore examples here, or have I made my point?

At least you guys on PC HAVE a chance to be able to get your bans appealed (bans and suspensions are the same thing here). If we file a ticket to Blizzard asking for such an appeal, they tell us to go to MS/Sony, and vice versa. As a result, we remain stuck in this loop and nothing gets done for us with regards to this.

All things said and considered, anything else you want to try arguing to me?


Agreed. One day I’ll 360 no scope on console. One…day… raises fist in the air


I think you are misunderstanding a lot of what’s being said.

Maybe we would believe Blizzard wasn’t just ignoring us, if they ever responded to us, they never talk about console, they act like it doesn’t exist.

The balance isn’t slow, it just doesn’t happen. They don’t try to balance console at all, they nerfed turret damage, which isn’t even really a good balance change anymore, since most don’t have a problem with torb and sym anymore. I’m pretty sure they promised separate balancing, and still didn’t try to do it.

We didn’t sign up for poor communication. I don’t see a reason for them removing text chat from console, it’s completely optional to use it. Keyboards for typing are NOT the same keyboards for unfair advantage, there are keyboards just for typing, that don’t work for controls in game (At least on Xbox, but I am pretty sure there are on PlayStation too).

We know the report system is abused on PC, but we had to wait 15 months for the same crappy report system, and there isn’t even a way to fix a wrongful ban/suspension.

This would be a lot different if Blizzard was trying to help, we wouldn’t feel neglected if they tried.


No, it straight up isn’t; nothing more to say other than ‘See below.’

  1. Then why did Blizzard promise separate balancing from day one?
  2. Jeff has even stated himself in an interview that both Microsoft AND Sony have been very flexible with Blizzard, despite some complications. This was when he was asked about Console PTR in April 2017, you see.
    Reference (replace commas with periods): www,express,co,uk/entertainment/gaming/792883/Overwatch-news-PTR-on-PS4-Xbox-One-Kaplan-Blizzard
    And yes, I am aware that this source also references that it would make balance slower. Just letting you know with this that there’s more flexibility for Blizzard than you think.

There are API’s that can detect and prevent these things, just so you know. Maybe not for sure with PS4, but certainly for sure with XB1). Same thing also goes for input conversion devices too. In addition, it’s also Blizzard’s choice to manage the game how they want to (repleace comma with period). twitter,com/XboxQwik/status/965334394662567936

Responses are in sentence order:

  1. We already have acknowledged that there’s an approval process; it’s not something that we are denying. So keep this argument out.
  2. See above; Blizzard has way more flexibility than you think. Also, see #4.
  3. See above; Blizzard has way more flexibility than you think.
  4. If you think that money is a problem for Blizzard, then you’d be better off looking somewhere else. Blizzard is a massive company in terms of money, and they also have the backing of an even more massive publisher. Also, see #1.
  5. Then I challenge you to justify the 21-month wait for things that we’ve been asking since launch. Needless to say, it’s implied that they are things that we’ve been asking for way before the Overwatch League was even announced. I also challenge you to answer the questions in this post too (replace commas with periods): us,battle,net/forums/en/overwatch/topic/20761026717?page=1#post-19

Given everything and after answering every question, if you still think you can justify that excuse, then by all means, I’d love to hear it.


Good list of issues, thanks for tracking these!

Of these, the number 1 thing I think would help is console-specific subforums. That would at least show that the devs care about tracking console feedback, even if they don’t decide to address every one of these issues.

And, with console-specific forums, each issue could be broken into its own thread, to be elaborated on, tracked, and (hopefully) addressed by devs independently. It’s frustrating seeing 20-odd different issues crammed into a single megathread, but it’s also frustrating to know that if each was its own thread, they would get buried immediately under the General Discussion deluge.


Another issue I’m having is the reporting system in general. Before the system was implemented I could report toxic players via the Xbox reporting feature. Players who got avoid me had difficult times finding appropriate matches which quite rightfully punished them for their behaviour. I know it’s been abused for players who picked off meta heroes but the point is most of those toxic players weren’t able to use one of their many smurf accounts any longer. Since the console reporting system was implemented we have a smurfaggedon, unbelievably toxic behaviour and a lot of throwers.

To be quite honest I don’t even know what I could report effectively. We should not report kbm users which with aim assist is actually cheating. I can’t report toxic PM’s which on pc would definitely give a harsh punishment. I reported players who ddosd some of my team members who then weren’t able to rejoin any matches - it was so blant obvious what they were doing but none of us reporting those guys via the reporting feature got an overwatch notification that something was done against those players. So what can I actually report as a console player?

I’d love to report players for abusive chat but don’t see the point in doing so… One of the main communication functions is via pm (when they’re not in voice chat or don’t bother joining our party) and the messages you receive are rarely nice. I can report their messages via the Xbox reporting feature and the player will get a communication ban in Xbox parties. But again those extremely toxic players get away unpunished in the console reporting feature in overwatch itself.

The only thing which I could report is boosting. But again what’s the point? We have so many smurfs on console and nobody cares for their accounts any longer.
I know this is also a microsoft problem but I think it’s time for blizzard to acknowledge the smurf issue on consoles. It’s gotten way out of hand and further ignoring it won’t help the console playerbase. It isn’t fun anymore. Make people actually care for their main accounts in overwatch. I’m not an expert but there must be a way to actually purchase another overwatch license for another account - like you’re doing it on pc or any other method to actually limit the accounts which can use one overwatch license.

We love your game and care about it. Please help us helping you to give everyone a better gaming experience.

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It’s incredibly distracting when someone is spamming thanks or I need healing. It’ll fill the entire bottom left portion of the screen, just like a chat box. So I’d personally LOVE to hide that.


True full customization of reticles. I want to use circle but I don’t want it to vary in size depending on the character. I want it to be small, almost like a dot, but not a dot.

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That happens what feels like every other game to me. .-.
I’d love to be able to hide it. I mean, we can already hear call-outs from the communication wheel (at least, 99% of us can), so why not let us just hide the chat box all together? Especially even more so since we don’t have text chat.

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Sure! I’ll just throw away the game I paid for, the countless hours logged on the game, leave all my friends who play Overwatch with me, buy a high end PC, a new copy of PC Overwatch, ignore my wrist injuries, and do everything over again.


Go for it, you’ll have a much better experience. Smart lad~ Regardless of how crappy the truth is console Overwatch is garbage get over it. I never said stop playing, I never said go to PC. You’re being sarcastic for no reason and only make yourself look foolish.

Blizzard, are the concerns of your Console Player-base just an afterthought to you guys?

This issue is now 3 months old as of when it was thrust back into the forefront on the original forums on November 30th. Please, at least give us some kind of update to show that you guys are at least listening. Anything at all would be insightful; ranging from giving us the ability to play in all of the 13 possible languages without issue*, to the potential of a Console-specific forum, to items that are already on PC just fine.

I should also mention that those are just a few of the items that we’ve been asking to have in Console Overwatch way before Overwatch League was even announced! And I also know full well that both Sony and Microsoft have been very flexible with you guys at Blizzard, despite some complications. Jeff himself has even admitted this when interviewed about Console PTR. I know that he admitted as well that it would make balance slower due to dealing with the approval process on Console for it as well, but we’re full acknowledging that there is an approval process. It’s just not the point of this thread (or this post either).

This isn’t meant to sound offensive to you guys; I know you guys work hard. However, the least that you guys can do is respond to us and show us that you guys are listening and do at least treat us as valued members of the community. Even Bill Warnecke does a great job at responding to the Console Players of Overwatch; and he’s hardly even on the forum! As such, I know you guys are capable of doing this on the main Overwatch Forums too.
(Bill is on reddit for those who are unaware)

*NOTE: I already have tried changing my Console’s System Language to every single language that it offers. If I change it to anything that isn’t English, French, Castilian Spanish, Latin American Spanish, Portuguese, or Japanese (which works on PS4), then Overwatch will still play in English.

Cuz they don’t test the game on console


I just want hack speed increased by a second