{MEGATHREAD} Console Players Still Feeling like 2nd Class Citizens. [400 likes, 1500 responses]

Did Blizzard ever even comment on the first thread of this? I have seen it reach quite a lot of likes as well as posts?

As a console player myself I totally understand where everyone is coming from. I am still hoping we get the changes that we need. I am aware that console and PC have two totally different treatments when in regards to the characters as well. I am wondering why we didn’t get “Lootbox Sharing” yet when PC did indeed get it. I am hoping it comes soon but alas, it may take a bit.

If I had to give my two cents, I think that the reason they barley can focus on console as it is is because they can hardly do so themselves with PC alone. They really do have a small number of people working on this game (Last time I heard it was about 100? That’s pretty low in standard for most games) and I am thinking they might need to hire more for their work.

I did notice that not too long ago they gave us the “voiceline wheel” and I think it was thanks to your thread that this had happened. I am sure they heard as it seemed to have came from out of the blue without any warning or indication from Jeff about that coming in.

I support you guys and will definitely back this :two_hearts::ok_hand:t3:I know a lot of console players are dropping out and moving to PC so it scares me a bit as I hope we don’t eventually “go extinct” if you will.


I’m glad to see this post do well on the new forums, hope they respond soon.


What is it going to take for us to get a response to the OP of this thread from you guys on the Overwatch Dev Team?

We fully understand that there is the approval process and certifications to go through for patch updates on Console. But what doesn’t take an approval process is responding to this post.

This issue wouldn’t have been thrust back into the forefront it you guys actually responded to this post. That said, is there something you guys are hiding from us or don’t want to tell us? It’s better to tell us than to leave us in the dust or ignore us.

We don’t want another case of For Honor happening just because you guys on the Overwatch Dev Team chose to ignore your Console player base rather than to respond to our concerns. The choice belongs to you guys though.
(For those unaware: Remember when the players of For Honor boycotted because Ubisoft wasn’t responding to them? That’s what I’m referring to)

Here’s what needs to be responded to from you guys:

  1. When will our issues be addressed?
  2. Do you guys have any future plans specifically for Console?
  3. Do you guys on the Dev Team really see us Console Players as valued members of the community, or are we just here to give more money to the PC Community for your E-Sport?

They blame lack of balance on Consoles which is so laughable. Fortnite and Paladins have consistent updates for Console and PC.

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Going by the numbers, console players make up the majority of the community so ignoring us is shooting themselves in the foot.


Looked at title then read post
Totally agree with you my friend :+1:

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I hear this one a lot from my fellow console players, and I always ask: what do you suggest for this? I play on both PC and Xbone, and I really appreciate how the game feels mostly the same between the two. It’s not such a shock to jump from one to the other, and drastically different balancing would really screw it up. Not to mention they already have a hard enough time balancing the game as it is without adding separate balancing for consoles.

As I understand it, console vendors won’t let Blizzard do this because loot boxes can be purchased with real money. You could have purchased a loot box on your PS4 and had that activity synchronized onto your Xbox, which is a big no-no from Microsoft.

Just going to say that while it’s not THAT important, I would really love if console(s) would have dynamic themes and avatars as well put up on the psn/Xbox online stores. It’s a missed Opportunity and I would really love to know what Jeff thinks about it!

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Take these with a grain of salt, as they are only my opinions.

Ana: Give some of Bio-nade’s power back (either effect durations back up to 5 seconds or healing amp back up to 100%).
Comment: She was a monster on PC in Seasons 2 & 3, don’t get me wrong. But that was not so much the case on Console. I can agree that the speed boost removal from Nanoboost in Season 2 was a good nerf. However, Mercy was dominant on Console even during Season 3. And I don’t think I need to state anything about why Ana dominated PC in Season 3. Ana descended into literal troll pick status on Console once the Bio-nade nerf occurred. It got even worse when the damage was nerfed to 60 (when her average win rate across the ranks dropped below 40%; at least that was brought back up to 70 though). I am aware that she needs help on PC as well, don’t get me wrong. But even during Season 3 (a.k.a. 3-4 Tank meta), Mercy was more dominant on Console. Giving Ana Ally Aim Assist was a step in the right direction, but she needs more; especially with Brigitte soon to be released.

Widowmaker: Give her the sniper shot damage back (base damage goes up to 15, multipliers unchanged; so full charge body shot would be 150), revert the 2.5x multiplier headshot damage for sniper shots back to 2x.
Comment: Similar to Ana, she was a monster on PC at one point, don’t get me wrong. But again, that was not so much the case on Console (with precision aim typically not being as good on Console and whatnot). Heck, if the damage proves to be too strong, they can always consider increasing the time it takes to charge a full shot.

Any reference for this per chance? I’m asking because cross-cosmetics between PS4 and PC are possible (Fortnite has proven this)

It doesn’t have to be a thing between PS4/XB1 accounts (and I wouldn’t blame either Sony or MS for not allowing it between a PS4 and XB1 account that’s linked on the same battle(dot)net account). But it should at least be possible to do this between PS4 and PC accounts, as well as between XB1 and PC accounts.

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Oh, gosh. I didn’t even think of that issue, being from big ol’ America.

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3 weeks in for the new forums. 3.5 months on this thread overall. Hell, it’s been 2 months since the last time you guys responded to a Console-Specific thread at all. Don’t you guys think that’s kind of pathetic?

Please just give us a response to this post, Overwatch Dev Team. The lack of response is why this issue was thrust back into the forefront. We want to believe that you guys care; we really do. But if you guys aren’t going to respond to us, then you can’t blame us for feeling like this. That’s completely on you guys; no one else.

Not to mention that a simple response to us does not take any kind of approval process or certification to do. Just give us some kind of insight from you guys via a response. Is that too much to ask for?


First of all: great post! :+1:

I would like to know whether reporting on console actually works, or, if reports are ignore now. I’ve never received any feedback regarding my reports from Blizzard, but when I filed my first report with Sony about an offensive username I got a response from them within 24h.

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Glad to see this issue reappearing on the new forum. Hopefully it will get addressed at some point, or at least acknowledged.

And console players, don’t be too hard on the PC master racists who stop by to spew garbage in the thread. They are inadvertently helping keep the thread alive and the message out there. Irony can be so ironic sometimes.


I wanted to make a post about this but I’ll do it here then. The reason I felt discouraged to do so is because Most console posts die in 2h and disappear in the depths of this Forum.

So one thing I want addressed is customisation which influences hero skill.
Why do console players not have the same options as PC? Let me be more specific: Why does Lucio not have the “hold to Crossfade” slider? It makes him a lot better to have access to this. Jayne explained this in one of his Lucio analysis. For one, it allows you to bunny hop with Lucio, albeit still taking a lot of practice to perform.

And second: when you get shattered for instance, and you’re holding to be in speed boost, your speed boost is useless. However, if you set “hold to crossfade”, and you get shattered, Speed sound switches to Heal sound, which can increase team survivability during a teamfight. I know it sounds petty, but why do we not have that option? executing on console is already more complicated on console than PC because of our limited options in terms of input. Why not give us access to the few QoL changes that exist?!

Also, I know this will be impossible to get from Blizz but I still want to try: Please give us Deadzone Sliders. And most importantly, give us a "Maximum turning speed " slider or whatever you want to call it.
We as console players cannot do 180 degrees by just moving our arm like MK users.
And the best option we have is play with a 100 sensitivity. But:

  • it completely messes our aim as it affects the sensitivity across the board.
  • it’s still not fast enough.

Allow us to get a Slider which lets us choose how fast our hero turns when fully tilting the joystick. And that would perfectly go along with Deadzone sliders as it would allow us to choose when this full tilt should take place.

The use of this is of course Tracers who abuse blinking behind you and back as they can throw off your aim and kill you before you get them back on your aim.

Also, it allows Rein and D.Va players that extra DM/Shield coverage when Trying to block fire coming from multiple directions. As well as D.Va’s stalling ability by flying and on point and just smashing everything around.
I’m well aware we can’t have that exact same speed as MK users, but right now it takes us almost a whole second to do a full turn and I play on 60/50 with 0 Aim Smoothing. Above that and I risk losing aim precision.

I really wish we console users would get less ignored, I’m not asking for console specific balance. Just a right to a good gameplay i terms of mechanics and options.

Also, I really hoped Blizzard would actually create a specific Console forum platform where only console posts would be. That would for one help console players find console specific posts and also allow the devs to see what we think and see.


Each console did get a looking for group forum area, so that’s something.

My recommendation would be to not let it deter you. If everybody has an equal opportunity to be heard on the forums (even if slim), you should take it.

Okay, yeah; that’s questionable of why we don’t have it. I just logged on to PC to test Hold to Crossfade with a Controller. And yeah, it works just fine, even with a Controller. The ease at which this can be implemented to Consoles is literally on par with HOLD to Crouch (I capitalize ‘Hold’ in this sense on purpose so as not to confuse it with Toggle Crouch). HOLD to Crouch was something I also tested on PC with a Controller before it got implemented to Console; and yeah it also worked just fine. So yeah, if you want to go about making that thread, then by all means, feel free to use this post to prove your point of just how easy it is for that option to get implemented.

Before anyone mentions it, I know; I sound silly for doing this stuff on PC with a Controller. But it’s one of the main reasons I use my PC account; to test this kind of stuff with a Controller (kind of hard for me to play with M&K on a non-gaming laptop).

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I’m going to keep supporting this post until something is done


Just to give you an idea: I made that post about lucio’s hold to crossfade and it got swallowed by the forum almost immediately.

A lot of people who agree with you will just leave a like, not respond which brings about the topic’s death… whenever I see a post I like and encourage and want to have success I leave some sort of comment in the hopes that other people will do the same but some people don’t get it.

And we console users managed to get thrpugh with linear ramp requests but that’s because on the old forums we could bump. Now that this is no longer possible and the console community being generally less mobilised on forums I feel like we’re already doomed now.

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As far as hero balance for console goes I think it’s pretty well done, but Symetra on console seems like a problem for lower skill players. Maybe it’s that way on pc too, I don’t know. One time in quick play we had the usual QP comp and the other team was running a Sym/Lucio combo. I could only look on in horror from the spawn room as my team mates wiped over and over.

I think the deadzone is a big one. I somewhat addressed the issue with an elite controller. But not everyone has the money to do that. We also need much higher sensitivity.