[MEGA-THREAD] Sombra's Base Movement Speed Changes šŸ’œ

More like tracer with extra steps.

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I like your idea on what you said but this is what I also want for her.


  • Now shows sugar skull above head and shows the timer of how long the hack will last until it runs out. (Just like hacked health packs)
  • Gains 1% ult charge for every 10 HP towards hacked health packs for herself only

Machine Pistol

  • Reload speed decreased from 1.5 to 1.25
  • Damage increased from 2.4-8 to 2.5-10


  • Casting time decreased from 0.7 to 0.5 stealthing/unstealthing
  • Duration increased from 5 seconds to 6 seconds

McCam Comments: After receiving a huge nerf and nothing to compensate along with the bugs she has gained I believe this will help her be more towards a flanker/disruptor. Gaining ult charge from health packs for only her seems fair when everybody else uses ability to heal gain ult charge she should as well. Since her utility has been weakened its only fair to put her damage up by a small margin to compensate for the lost. Hacked targets having a sugar skull on their head allows team members to follow up easier and to know how much time they have left before it wears off. Hopefully this would make Sombraā€™s job much easier.


Off topic, but Sombra showed her natural hair in Rialto.


bump, really hoping devs see this post :[ sombra is in a terrible spot, worse than ana imo and people donā€™t exactly realize it

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With the recent Sombra changes, iā€™d love for her to have more speed. I use stealth more for speed than the perks of invisibility (but then again that is because of how she is now. I have to rely on the spread changes to kill targets, because hack and translocation isnā€™t very reliable)

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Exactly, I always told myself this.

Good evening McCam, I really love your ideas.

I love the fact that these ideas are more so QoL Changes,which should not really effect her in terms of making her overpowered.

You have my support. :purple_heart:

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I love that picture. :purple_heart:

I am too hoping that we get some form of attention from the devs. It doesnā€™t have to be this thread, but hopefully one of the mega-threads.

Hey Somvra! We Spoke before plenty of times in other post about Sombra lol. But yeah I figured everything I said she kind of needs. The one thing I forgot was not being able to hear voiceline from decloaking through walls but so sure about that.

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I agreed. I even made a whole separate thread about what is holding Sombra back (in game) and one of them is her speed, she need to have 6.0mps to match both known flankers Genji and Tracer.

Sometimes after I hack somebody I feel as if Iā€™m getting slower because people are some how able to outrun me.

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I feel as though the voice line (Audio/ Voice Que) is there for reasonings. I may not agree with the reasoning, but I do understand why it is implanted into the game.

I just donā€™t understand how she can be a stealthy hero, but make so much sound.

This is common, as she does feel sluggish.

I swear its only when hacked though. I feel as if thereā€™s another hidden penalty we donā€™t know about when Sombra hacks somebody. Like maybe she gets slower? It sounds kind of silly but I wonā€™t be surprised.

I feel as if she getā€™s this minor buff which is the increase to base movement speed, then she should be fine. That being said, that should somewhat indirectly fix some of her known sluggish issues.

Yeah I would like all these changes a lot. Especially gaining ult charge from packs at least for myself. They just totally took it away. It sucks sometimes waiting to ask to be healed by my healer to help them gain ult charge

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It can be seen as a win-win for both parties, but I also like the idea for getting a small percentage of ultimate charge when successfully hacking a enemy, instead of getting ultimate on hacked health.

Or the ult charge gained from the amount of health healed is given to the person who took the health pack. :laughing:

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Oh gosh, I can see it now. :sweat_smile:

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