[MEGA-THREAD] Sombra's Base Movement Speed Changes šŸ’œ

I do too love hack as it is but let us be honest, there will always be that ones that will whine about it.
Even Jeff said something like it is unfun not beeing able to use your abilitys after you get hacked

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True, letā€™s just try and get Jeffs attention!

I feel that the ability that should be what shines the most should be her stealth if buffed with my suggestions rather than hack. Kind of like tracerā€™s blink or Lucioā€™s wall ride.

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I can understand where you are coming from, however I think her hack is like her secondary weapon/ alternative fire almost like Lucioā€™s boop.

But I do agree, that her stealth need some loving too. I just want to take baby steps as Sombra is a tricky hero to buff due to her kit.

Iā€™ve been loving the replies youā€™ve made to Player in the thread!
Itā€™s so true. When you are hacked you have to rely on your team and your aim to be able to do anything about it. Trying to go it out alone with Sombra as a tank is a dumb decision. Itā€™s when you inform your team and they all turn around to face the Sombra, that I usually chicken out of the engagement! XD

A synergized enemy team is the number one threat to Sombra. Much like any flanker, she thrives on the lack of synergy and chaos of the situation to take control of the push.

I definitely think that she deserves that base movement speed buff! Itā€™s a great edge in the right direction.

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Thank you so much! It means a lot to me, and itā€™s true. I love telling everyone Sombraā€™s true weakness. I feel as if they knew about this, then she wouldnā€™t be nerf like she was now.


It is indeed, hopefully we get an response.

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Donā€™t let this thread get buried under the senseless ā€œNerf This Heroā€ threads.

I feel like with the help and support of the community, we can achieve great things or information As Sombra will Say.

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Somvra, Jelly totally agrees.

You have my supportšŸ˜


Thank you JELLY Now here is the real question, is JAM supporting this idea too? :heart:

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Heck yeah keep the thread alive!!

Personally I would rather have the buffs that I suggested earlier in the thread.

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Trust me, I love you ideas. I just want to take baby steps when it comes down to this hero! If you make a thread I will post your Links that way we can feed off each other!

Jam fully supports as well, and thatā€™s pretty rarešŸ‘Œ

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I am Jamā€™s Favorite! Nice :grin:

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just uploaded my buffs on this thread i made. h ttps://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/sombra-stealth-buff-mark-1/72288?u=djdoo123-1253

remove space between h and t

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I will tie it into my thread for support.

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While I donā€™t see any issue with this, I donā€™t think anyoneā€™s ever thought ā€œI died to that Tracer / Genji because he moves slightly faster than other heroes.ā€
I donā€™t see why those two should have it, let alone Sombra, but since they do - it is probably a good idea to give her it.


Thank you so much! I can never get a thread going. They always die right away.

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I got your back man!

I didnā€™t even know this thread was here, Iā€™m glad I can be apart of itšŸ˜

Letā€™s do this peoplešŸ˜‚

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I see where you are coming from, but if one truly think about it, in a game like Overwatch, mobility is key.

I agree with everything you are saying completely. I just figured that that extra speed and help her so slightly, but it could literally be the difference in each gameplay.