McCree's Stun McCree's Stun

This is purely speculation. We know they have plans to change CC. We don’t know what abilities or to what degree, nor do we know if it will go live or not. Wait and see.

idk calling for nerfs to McCree is super weird to me in general.

Regardless, what I personally can do or not is irrelevant; I’m not the only person that plays this game, or McCree, for that matter.

Your personal opinions aside, McCree exists as a counter to a specific kind of threat; nerfing the stun duration of Flashbang (.85 seconds) to anything lower would just ensure he has an even more difficult time doing his job, and for what?

I mean, you understand that the character has had over a 7% pick rate on ladder for a few months now, right? Hanzo had that pick rate, and got plenty of nerfs to bring him back in line. It’s definitely not outlandish for people to want a nerf to McCree. When he’s not banned, he’s in almost every game.

Because it’s the longest duration regular ability stun in the game and on an already extremely lethal character. It doesn’t take much skill to flash somebody and left click on their stationary body. It should only allow time for 1 headshot. Having it allow 2 takes so much skill out of the character. It makes him super forgiving, it lets him just mindlessly win duels without having to think at all. It needs changes.

Dude if you get stunned just dodge the mcfan in the back, it’s not hard :blush:

So? Some heroes will always be among the top picks, it’s the nature of the game. You going to nerf Zen if he ever gets that high a pick rate? What a clown world that would be.

Hanzo was nerfed because he hit like a freight train super accurately from across the map in a split second. Hardly a good comparison.

Depending on when, where, and what is going on, it can be extremely difficult to land a headshot, let alone two on a flashbanged enemy. It can also be easy if you catch them unawares outside of a teamfight, but that just means they’re bad at game sense because McCree is so damn loud, so shouldn’t they get an easy double tap?

It is astounding to me how elitist you are by implying it’s the easiest thing in the world to double tap any hero in the head just because you stunned them… for less than a second.

That is the definition of skill. You don’t just pick up the hero for the first time and start 2-shotting people at point blank just because you stunned them for less than 7/8ths of a second. You learn how to do that and then you relearn it again and again because each hero has a different hitbox and requires different muscle memory to pull off… you can discount this fact all you want, it doesn’t make it any less true.

In your opinion. In mine, you do because your opinion sucks. You would rather nerf a hero that kills you because you believe he is too OP when in reality you’re just bad at pay attention to your surroundings.

What a :clown_face:, smdh.

Except they aren’t whining about “McFan”, they’re literally complaing about the skill shot double tap instead. Clown world on these forums.

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He could put his hat on you, as a stun. Actually, that should be a emote. Toss the hat on a dead body.

They’re putting out an experimental card with stun changes soon
Edit-Source is here:

Machine gun McCree can 2 tap faster than Hanzo can even charge up an arrow and headshot someone lmao. And it’s hitscan.

Nah I just think you’re bad tbh. My McCree sucks and I don’t miss a flashbanged target. I’ll miss every other shot until my E comes up and then I’ll yeet it in their general direction and take my free kill. It’s just that easy.

Lmao it’s not elitist bud. The target is unable to move. You don’t even NEED to land both headshots. You can miss one shot completely and still make up for it with a headshot, because the game gives you two chances now.

I mean, that’s literally what I do though. I play in GM. My McCree is probably diamond level. I can still pick him up and do things because McCree. He’s a super overrated character in terms of skill. He USED to take a lot of skill, but they’ve powercrept him and given him buffs every other patch for over a year now and he’s kinda a joke tbh. The hitboxes literally don’t matter because they can’t move. The only thing that’s muscle memory about it is knowing how to move your mouse onto their head in a 0.85 second time frame. It’s really not hard.

God forbid it take aim to score kills with him, amirite? :clown_face: yikes lmao

okay this made me laugh

I think McCree’s stun should not actually Stun, but blind the enemy for a few seconds

McCree is the only viable counter to a handful of units in the game. You can see Tracer, Genji, Pharah, and Wrecking Ball run around uncontested right now and it’s awful.

This is especially true after the Mei nerfs.

No, learn to play, bring the hate.

You nitpicked my entire reply then agreed with me. Questionable. :clown_face: indeed.