McCree's Stun McCree's Stun

Remove McCrees stun. Give him something else. Bring the hate.


As long as you remove all the other stuns. Personally, I dont like them either they’re just a band aid fix to mobility heroes

Give him a lasso, delete Roadhog.

Have McCree regenerate health by drinking whiskey.


I think it’s fine that a character with low mobility has a low range stun. Honestly, I’m far happier with McCree having the spotlight compared to certain other characters.

Although this would be amazing.


This has to be immortalized.


Give mcree smokesxjjfjfjfjfjjd

Every stun in overwatch should be replaced with a slow.


I’m good with that…no stuns…

Next experimental mode is about reducing CC, so probably gonna reduce McCree stun duration

Might as well remove it entirely then as that would defeat the point of even using it in the first place.

I don’t think you need a 0.85sec stun, when you got a gun which fires every 0.42sec

Its a FLASH BANG! It shouldn’t stun you. It should blind you. Like make your screen go white for a second but you can still move. Like jump dodge and weave to avoid the headshots till your vision returns.

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Fan the Hammer doesn’t finish in .42 seconds, which is what the stun is for. Like it or not it wasn’t intended to be used so you could keep left clicking on heads, because the devs know not everyone can reliably do that, especially across the full roster of heroes.

I don’t think McCree needs plenty of time for a double headshot, and flash+fan is pure cheese, and doesn’t need to be encouraged.

Flashbangs also don’t discriminate, so McCree would be victim to it too…

Game logic.

You’re joking, right?

It’s basically an instant Mei Freeze+Icicle combo.

And I’m very much aware how much people dislike that, and that’s got a 1.5sec windup.

I don’t see how the comparison matters, fallacious as it may be.

Flashbang and FtH are meant to counter flankers that get out of position too close to McCree, but because you, for some strange reason, think that “cheesy” abilities are too easy for you, no one should use it and no hero should be capable of it…

This is a game with instant movement acceleration and a huge variety of hitbox silhouettes, I think I like McCree as he is, thanks.

Also…repeatedly quoting the entire post of the person you’re replying to directly underneath is kind of weird.

Well, considering the devs are going to significantly reduce CC in the next Experimental mode, and there’s a good chance that goes Live.

Maybe the devs have a distant different perspective on that.

I mean, flash in general is a super cheesy and low skill ability. It was fine before the fire rate increase where he was only allowed 1 headshot during it, but he shouldn’t get a free instant kill just by pressing E in someone’s general direction lmao. So either nerf the flashbang duration or reduce the fire rate back to what it was.

…It’s still easy to pull off. This means nothing. If you can’t pull off at least ONE headshot while the target is stunned and unable to move, then FPS games probably just aren’t for you idk