McCree Vs New Hanzo

What close range threat ? 10 second CD stun ? why would you need that when you have an insta-kill on primary fire ? And if you can’t land that ,press E ,Shouldn’t be hard to land enough spam on a 200 HP hero.

Let’s not forget that hanzo has legal wallhacks for half the match.

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With Hanzo’s new Rapid Fire (with even more damage potential than FTH) and large Projectile hitboxes, he’s going to be an even more of a deadly threat at close range than McCree is.

The only thing McCree really has now that Hanzo doesn’t is Flashbang, but Hanzo basically just traded that for Sonic arrow.

Do you mean his stumble? That thing barely moves him out of Pharah’s rockets aoe.

mccree was trash anyway. he needs a full rework more than ever.

? It’s 80 damage per shot. The third shot is the killshot but has damage to spare.


80 + 80 = 160. Of course it will take one more shot to finish the enemy.

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Unless hanzo gets a stun ability like mcree, it would be in your best interest to not compare these 2 heroes. Mcree can fire his shots faster than hanzo can. if a hanzo shoots a mcree at medium range, more has more than enough time to land a headshot followed by a bodyshot, In the end it comes down to skill. The roll and the new hanzo movement buff are 2 separate things, mcree mostly uses it to continue his dps because of the instant reload, hanzo is going to use it to disengage. As for hanzos new ability, well everyone wanted scatters removed so blizzard gave hanzo a really nice ability to compensate for it.

In the end, it doesnt matter what hanzo gets, players will always have something to complain about. I already saw someone wine about the increase of hanzos arrows, like seriously? Does mcree need a buff should be what your post should say. The answer is yes, I agree that mcree needs something to that roll of his. However I dont think people should start comparing hanzo to mcree, mcree is hitscan, hanzo is projectile, They will never be the same.

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Here’s what Jeff had to say about this (click link to see whole comment)

Flash bang is the only thing i’m arguing. Damage alone isn’t always enough to peel for your backline. Hanzo could probably kill a Winston if all of his rapid arrows land, but that’s got to be even more difficult than landing a scatter arrow in an EVEN match up. Buying a little time can be significantly more valuable.

You forgot one comparision

Flashbang Vs Sonic arrow

also, the fact that mccree does not require to charge shots and has a higher rate of fire

I was just comparing similar abilities, and showing how Hanzo’s are unquestionably better. Regarding Flashbang vs Sonic, they shouldn’t be compared, as they accomplish two entirely seperate things, while Hanzo and McCree’s other abilities accomplish much the same thing, but Hanzo accomplishes it much better now.

When you go on the PTR and kill a Hanzo even with his “buff”.

As long as you strafe and such, your going A-Okeh!

I’m not trying to say that Hanzo’s super overpowered an unkillable (Though he does seem just a little too strong with Storm Arrows).

I’m just talking about how the new Hanzo makes McCree look and feel extremely underpowered, and makes him seem like a wasted hero-choice in comparison.

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when was mccree not a wasted hero choice? without mercy he is worse than pharah.

I doubt they really care much about Mccree.

Your suposed to compare the entire kit vs the entire kit

because if you only compare the ability on its own its ignoring context

an example of this

  • Moiras heal orb heals 300 hp max, lasts for 10 seconds, 10 sec cooldown
  • Anas healing grenade heals for 100 hp max, Gives a small heal increase

Therefore Moira is completly overshadowing ana, mustnt it?

Well no, we are ignoring the rest of the context

Except now the can both fill the same role, in which you need a longer range hitscan but Widow wouldn’t work. It’s the same as comparing Genji to Tracer, you compare them based on their context within a team fight, not 1 v 1 with each other. McCree was already pretty low on the list of picks but now with Hanzo being more viable, McCree is just going to suffer.

Then widow makes mccree what? She can 2 shot tanks, flink any dps? even at close range

cree needs a better ult that thing gets shut down by everything…

Widow is a lot less deadly at close range than McCree, not to mention the rest of her kit is a lot different from his.

Hanzo is now more deadly than McCree at both close AND far range, and his abilities are just more powerful versions of McCree’s. The only thing McCree has that Hanzo doesn’t now is Flashbang, but Hanzo has Sonic arrow and Wallclimb to make up for not having that.