Can be combined with his previous mobility passive Wallclimb.
4 second cooldown.
Hanzo does not need to reload at all.
Able to be used in midair.
Does not interrupt his Sonic arrow or Storm Arrows.
McCree’s Fan the Hammer
Deals 40 damage per shot, with six shots.
No headshot damage.
Large Spread
Unable to be manually interrupted without using an ability.
Falloff damage.
Uses up all McCree’s ammo and requires him to go through a long reload time afterwards.
No cooldown, but unreliable.
Hanzo’s Storm Arrows
Projectile (But extremely fast projectiles).
Deals minimum 80 damage per shot, with 6 shots.
Headshot Damage is possible, allowing it to possibly take out every normal enemy extremely quickly.
Able to be paused while using another ability and go back to the ability without worries, so long as one keeps track of the meter time.
No falloff Damage.
Again, Hanzo does not need to reload, so he can continue firing his bow non-stop even after the ability ends.
8 second cooldown, but extremely reliable so long as the player’s aim is decent.
The new Hanzo vastly overshadows McCree and makes him a relatively weak pick. Why choose McCree when you could go Hanzo? (Don’t say because of Pharah, the new increased projectile speed and Rapid Fire ability with no falloff or spread makes it a lot easier for Hanzo to deal with Pharah) If this current iteration of Hanzo is being put into the main game as is, McCree will need to be modified so as to make him his own unique individual, rather than just a weak Hanzo.
All these comparisons to McCree are pointless. The reason McCree is picked over the likes of Soldier and Widow competitively is for the close range threat and Flash Bang.
I don’t know the exact measurements, i was just exaggerating to emphasis how little their mobility seems to move them, though Lunge is un-objectively better than Roll through the other features and possibilities surrounding it.
Mccree really needs some love. But hanzo does need more aim and projectile expertise to master than mccrees aim. They won’t buff mccree because they are scared what it will do to owl. Since most pros have godly aim they dont want him to be must pick.
I think a buff on mccree would be to reset combat roll on every headshot kill. Or even a decrease on roll cooldown by 2 seconds or 3 seconds for each elimination.
What close range threat ? 10 second CD stun ? why would you need that when you have an insta-kill on primary fire ? And if you can’t land that ,press E ,Shouldn’t be hard to land enough spam on a 200 HP hero.
Let’s not forget that hanzo has legal wallhacks for half the match.
With Hanzo’s new Rapid Fire (with even more damage potential than FTH) and large Projectile hitboxes, he’s going to be an even more of a deadly threat at close range than McCree is.
The only thing McCree really has now that Hanzo doesn’t is Flashbang, but Hanzo basically just traded that for Sonic arrow.
Unless hanzo gets a stun ability like mcree, it would be in your best interest to not compare these 2 heroes. Mcree can fire his shots faster than hanzo can. if a hanzo shoots a mcree at medium range, more has more than enough time to land a headshot followed by a bodyshot, In the end it comes down to skill. The roll and the new hanzo movement buff are 2 separate things, mcree mostly uses it to continue his dps because of the instant reload, hanzo is going to use it to disengage. As for hanzos new ability, well everyone wanted scatters removed so blizzard gave hanzo a really nice ability to compensate for it.
In the end, it doesnt matter what hanzo gets, players will always have something to complain about. I already saw someone wine about the increase of hanzos arrows, like seriously? Does mcree need a buff should be what your post should say. The answer is yes, I agree that mcree needs something to that roll of his. However I dont think people should start comparing hanzo to mcree, mcree is hitscan, hanzo is projectile, They will never be the same.
Flash bang is the only thing i’m arguing. Damage alone isn’t always enough to peel for your backline. Hanzo could probably kill a Winston if all of his rapid arrows land, but that’s got to be even more difficult than landing a scatter arrow in an EVEN match up. Buying a little time can be significantly more valuable.
I was just comparing similar abilities, and showing how Hanzo’s are unquestionably better. Regarding Flashbang vs Sonic, they shouldn’t be compared, as they accomplish two entirely seperate things, while Hanzo and McCree’s other abilities accomplish much the same thing, but Hanzo accomplishes it much better now.
I’m not trying to say that Hanzo’s super overpowered an unkillable (Though he does seem just a little too strong with Storm Arrows).
I’m just talking about how the new Hanzo makes McCree look and feel extremely underpowered, and makes him seem like a wasted hero-choice in comparison.