McCree noose spray removed

… Seriously I don’t get how this went right to suicide, not to take away from that discussion. I was definitely under the assumption this was to combat recent events regarding racism and lynching… I’m sure it’s applicable to both.


Well on the other hand I’m not going to lecture you in whether you are right or wrong like you’ve done to me.

Instead I’m going to say I respectfully disagree and end our discussion Ike an adult instead of that drivel you just spewed out.

We disagree move on


People when an ugly skin is released: “ZOMG WHAT ARE YOU THINKING” “Cheap / rushed / lazy” “Whichever artist did this should be fired” “THIS IS AN INSULT TO ALL OF THE [hero] MAINS, RIOT”

People when the ugly skin is fixed: “THANK YOU for listening to your fanbase”

People when one of the more boring, basic sprays is removed because of feedback from the fanbase: “SLIPPERY SLOPE” “SJWs” “SNOWFLAKES” “ARTISTIC VISION”


I don’t know, I assumed it was some type of disingenuous deflection, but that’s just little, old cynical me.


Eh??? I said you were wrong and then you tried to make out like I was saying you can’t have an opinion which isn’t what I said at all. I just said that you were wrong and explained why.

You’re the one who’s been disrespectful.

Yes, that’s for the best.

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This is what happens when people dont dig for information. They believe everything that a news outlet says and then runs with it.

My guess the reasoning was because the spray was “racist” or it offended people. But we cant talk about this stuff in a calm collective manner because it is either 1 way or the highway.

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Oh no, the Christians have no social weight. No one will do anything because filthy Jesus-people said to. Only Right-Thinking people.

Don’t get on high horse with me. There are plenty of people who have not only attempted suicide by guns, they or their loved ones have been victims of gun violence.


Ya I totally get that… All I mean is I have seen a number of articles and posts popping up lately, albeit they’re all unverified social media posts, showing really dumb things like people making fun of nooses or hangings… and it’s just sort of coincided with recent events revolving around racism.

“In America, the hangman’s noose has come to symbolize a deplorable act of brutality, along with unbound fear and hatred towards African Americans. It’s a reminder of America’s dark history of racial violence”

I mean I totally agree with it potentially being removed as a suicide relevant issue… probably both… I’m just sort of surprised no one else brought that into the discussion yet.

When you say someone’s opinion is flat out wrong that’s not respecting the opinion of the person you are having the discussion with

Although I disagreed with you the entire way I never once said you were flat out wrong.

You have a lot to learn my friend

Much love
Peace out

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Except it was a reference to an awesome movie. It wasn’t boring/basic to the people who understood what it was referencing. It was actually one of the coolest sprays.

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Cowboys used ropes to wrestle cattle, sheriff’s used it for hanging

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Removing because of history. It’s either applied selectively and at that point is just meaningless. Or we actually follow through and remove everything that can be seen as problematic which would just be silly.

Junks mines for example reference landmines, a banned weapon.
Guns in general.

The whole noose thing is just pandering. It’s pointless. That’s all.


I thought it was just the garage handle from McCree’s Nascar crew days

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When your opinion is wrong then I have to say that it’s wrong and explain why. I did that. I’m not going to say that it’s right when it isn’t.

So? If you’re wrong and I say that you’re wrong, that isn’t rude or bad or anything. That’s just saying that something is wrong.

No, YOU have a lot to learn. :crazy_face:

You say that like you’re going to stop replying to me, and yet you continually do so. Are you actually going to stop now?


But the design and meaning of the spray was/is offensive. Was the tracer pose ok because it was a ‘reference’ to something?

I can’t heal through stupid ~WildPants


Yes. Well, the tracer pose was ok regardless, because this is fiction.

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So if you made a game, that was literally 1:1 with the Holocaust but renamed the Na*i’s that would be totally okay with you because it’s fiction?

How can one cry so much about the removal of a spray.

It is offensive and I was shocked how some people use it.


Don’t engage with people who argue in bad faith.

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