McCree noose spray removed

They removed the gallow’s noose from a western themed cowboy character, because it MIGHT be taken out of context with the current, non-western cowboy, climate?

It being removed doesnt really matter, it is just a spray on a hero I dont play, but the reasoning behind it’s removal is just incredibly stupid. It was done out of ignorance and fear.


No, it IS a movie reference.

Mcree is literally a remake of the character from that movie, where a noose plays an important role. The spray is a reference to that. It’s not a vague “Cowboy” reference. It is literally a reference to that movie.

There was also a removed voice line from Mcree where he hums “the ecstasy of gold”, which is the theme of THAT MOVIE.


Only thing is that it’s just a noose and less that 5% of this community will ever know what the reference is from.

In the end I get it.

People always sprayed it around other sprays necks so the movie reference is lost when all you see is hanging heros


My only gripe with the removal of this spray is that i fear it will be a gateway to the removal of many more sprays, and even possibly emotes and skins that could potentially be seen as referencing something controversial.

Hyperbolic, but, next thing you know they’ll remove Mercy’s devil and Orisa’s demon skins for referencing satanic figures.


So we’ve got to toss patrician movie taste for childish people. Man that sucks.

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This is extremely dumb.
By the same inane logic you should remove all characters with guns (McCree included).


Yes, of that you’re probably right. But, I personally am annoyed because it’s my favourite movie and I liked the reference for the reference.

The logic also makes no sense because removing a noose means you should also remove all guns because of gun violence. ect-ect… it’s a silly path to go down and it’s hypocritical. Basically, a reference I enjoyed has to be removed because of silliness.


It’s been a point of controversy since the game launched.


I’ll grant you that it’s a movie reference. Can you answer my original question?

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It’s probably more so towards actual people that ARE suicidal.

I’d say censoring anything in that realm is reasonable.

I’ll save my fight for something less impactful towards people’s actual lives


What question was that?

Yo know what else? Guns. When are we removing guns from this game


Since they removed the noose they should remove genji.


Removing it is about as impactful as removing Aunt Jemima.


There’s other sprays they could release in homage to that movie.
The noose imo is a little aggressive.

I wouldn’t compare it to guns as it’s not a fair comparison and I would argue against them getting rid of anything
Like that.

Yeah but if leaving it in could pave the way for rebel flag and swastika sprays.

The fun thing with “slippery slope” arguments is that they slide both ways.


Yes, I would argue against getting rid of anything at all, because I understand that fiction is fiction.

This is just fiction having to censor itself because of real life sensibilities which is bad. Fiction should be immune to that. It is a bad path to go down.


It doesnt have to be a specific movie reference, the gallow’s noose is a staple in the entire western genre. Movies, TV, books, radio programs. The gallows noose is the western genre equivalent of the anime hotspring episode. If it is a western, someone is getting hung.


If we start removing every aspect of human history that isn’t nice we’ll have no history left. The history of the human race is awful and acting like it never happened doesn’t help anyone.


But where and when are nooses ever useD in modern day.

There’s only one direction for that.

I wouldn’t advocate for a toaster in a tub like I wouldn’t for a noose