McCree is the new ‘panic Bastion’

I mean I can down it to 4, since thats enough to get the idea across. Even 3 sec might work.

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Even keeping no cd on fth and the nerf to flash alone would make him bad. He was a fairly bad hero for much of this games life span, and never was he as weak as those changes would make him.


:thinking: Wasn’t Mcree allready the “panic Bastion” of the higherish ranks? :wink:

This entirely eliminate’s McCree’s anti flanker stuff. You’d need to be superhuman to capitalize on under a second of making a flanker vulnerable. Then, with Fan the Hammer on a 5 second cooldown, I don’t even think it’d be possible to combo them since the flankers and divers are often extremely small or tanky targets and they’ll only be standing still for .1 second. McCree’s already pretty garbage up close, so straight up disabling his close range fighting ability with NO BUFFS is just bad game design.

After that headshots aren’t the easiest thing to pull off in a fire fight; why in the world would it matter if landing one would reduce combat roll’s cooldown?

Genji can literally fly away from danger, Tracer can teleport away and even get her health back, but McCree has to earn the right to roll a small distance by way of extreme accuracy? And that’d be rewarding “flashy” plays? I think we both know McCree’s not getting use out of this.

A better passive would be literally giving McCree a bullet back in his clip for every headshot if you want to reward flashy plays. Though I think we both know you dont want to reward McCree doing his job by enabling him to do his job.

Oh, but McCree’s gun would be reloaded. Too bad it wouldn’t matter since you likely won’t reload after using FTH since you can’t use FTH as often.

All so flankers can play for free.


Hot take: the people saying he’s balanced either play the hero or don’t play at a level where the Cree is competent enough for it to matter.


well he was weak basically the games entire life due to the fact that he had 200 hp and a fat hit box. it mainly started around when they nerfed his fth dmg to 40-240 from 70-480

i kind of notice that too, but hey if it works it works

Didn’t the devs say that they wanted players to swap around? Why is it only a problem when people do it with McCree?

same thing with bastion, people would get pissed if a player does a panic bastion but its sound strategy just like hammond as a last minute stall

annoying and frustrating but thats the name of the game

I can’t count the number of times that I’ve seen a team, either my team or the enemy team, start off getting rolled badly, and one of the DPS switches to McCree and instantly turn the game around, simply because of his power level.

The hero is just broken, he needs way more nerfs beyond the general hitscan falloff nerf (which was welcome though), especially his HP (which was an unnecessary buff), and reducing the radius of his flashbang.

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I highly doubt it was just McCree that turned the game around. Show a replay code, or you’re exaggerating.


Source: Dude, trust me.

I’d trust Sombra before I’d trust someone on this forum. The people on here are always like “McCree fly down on his jetpack and killed my entire team with his Oneshot Comb TM, and there was nothing I could do!”.


These people are onto something.

Either way, McCree needs more nerfs.


I think blizzard was going the wrong way for nerfing McCree. He just needed his +25 hp buff reverted. The roll and reload didn’t really matter because his flashfan’s strength was already high to begin with ever since it was buffed from 45 damage to 50.


I don’t care how it’s done anymore. I want a break from him from every match.

I’d rather they just implement hero pools, but I don’t care if that means more nerfs if they won’t do that. Nerf his flashbang radius, nerf his health, I don’t care - gut him for all I care.

I just want a break at this point and I’m tired of waiting nearly a year for that.

Put a cooldown on the fth

That’s pretty much the only time I switch to him. Genji isn’t working, panic McCree button. Though I’ll usually try Soldier first unless it’s Pharah/Mercy or I want McCree’s CC for something.

And his changes pretty much remove the threat of a cree up close. Without it being a stun where he can kill you, who cares if he has flash or not. Atm he is only threatening up close because of flash, without it people can just bully him close range. Then he cant break barriers well with fth nerf. What will be the point of being cree then? Only decent at mid, bad at close and long range, and needs to be baby sat to live.

Agree with everything but this. It’s like 4 times the size of wrecking ball…

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