Mccree Buffs are usless: his main problems are FanTheHammer, his ult,mobility, armor/shields and Hanzo

Crazy thought

What if mccree only FtHd while the button for FtH was held- stopping when you let go?

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easy fix for dead eye is your first shot will go to the target closest to your crosshair.

I like the buff. I think Mccree is fine. He just looks bad in comparison with hanzo, and I am worried he will get overwshadowed by new torb and soldier. The new soldier ptr buff is insane for anyone who has good tracking.

McCree is superior to Hanzo in protecting your backline. Heā€™s not supposed to be used to flank, hunt down kills, or burst down shields. Too many people try to play him like heā€™s Tracer or something.

Heā€™s built for when the game was more about team play. Now theyā€™ve changed/created so many heroes to be effective without team coordination, and McCree and a few others have been left in the dust. I imagine theyā€™ll make some more changes to fully update him, but Iā€™d rather they just tune back heroes like Hanzo and Doomfist.

You canā€™t use combat roll to kill though, it literally does 0 damage but okay

Read before you comment, i replied on a guy talking about his ultā€¦

This doesnā€™t say much because McCree also isnā€™t very good at this. Itā€™s why Brigitte exists. No flanker worth their salt has been scared of Flashbang since, like, Season 1. Combine that flanker with literally any other help and McCree instantly dies.

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He needs a new ult. But everything else should stay the same.

Mccree can be countered by a SINGLE TANK jumping on him doesnā€™t matter how good you are if a Winston jumps you and you get no help from ur team ur dead meat. While Hanzo and Widow which should be stationary characters can almost fly away from the location in an instant.

Fan, roll, stun, fan = Winston dead

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a bot Winston maybe but a good one? lmao.

Any decent Winston will just shield dance to render this pointless. If youā€™re wasting roll into trying to deal damage to a Winston thatā€™s in your face, thatā€™s signing your death warrant.

The actual correct play is to stun to cancel the jump momentum and get a couple of headshots in before kiting with roll back into your team. Anything other than this and you die unless the Winston is legitimately feeding.

You make it sound as if its my fault they are only using it to reload because the prime opportunity never presents itself. Its a niche ult. It has its uses but its not supposed to work 100% of the time in ANY given situation. As you make it sound it should.

Well, I would be happy if they reduced his hitbox as a start. Itā€™s way too damn easy to headshot a mccree. Easier than headshoting a tankā€¦ His footsteps are too loud too. Maybe fix the stun so the target stays in the same place I stunned and not behind me.

And a new ENGAGING ULT would be fun. I so hate these ults where you get to do nothingā€¦
Like maybe he gets explosive rounds or, he pops out a shotgun, or he goes dual wieldā€¦ Just something.

His ult might be iconic but damn itā€™s such a boring one.

300+h mccree main.

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He needs a rework for his ult. Just flat out a new ability. I cannot tell you the amount of times a mccree ults and gets zero kills because of dva flying toward him, shields, or just flat out being killed.

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McCreeā€™s buffs are absoliutely not useless. They give him much needed mobility and more overall DPS. Yes, his ult is pretty garbage, no lying or denying that, since it takes literally one widowmaker head click to shut it down. But they are helpful in a lot of ways, regardless.

again read! the post with the 2 quotes is not adresses to you.

it was addressed to himā€¦

Mccree ult is bad and statistics showed it since day 1.

I donā€™t think there is anything wrong with him. Whenever I play Hammond or Winston, I hate seeing a Mccree. When I play support I hate seeing gen a mccree. He deletes these characters so easily. And I canā€™t tell you how many times his deadeye kills me b/c I canā€™t get to cover fast enough. So, from my point of view he is fine. If you have a problem with him either learn to play around his weaknesses or play someone else.

No offense, he might work well somehow in gold ranks but anything above 3400 gets obliterated by dives, hanzos or widows. Without babysitting heā€™s usually the first to die.

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Enough saidā€¦

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