Mccree Buffs are usless: his main problems are FanTheHammer, his ult,mobility, armor/shields and Hanzo

As a McCree main, his problem is FanTheHammer and his ult. FanTheHammer is just a bad ability anyway you slice it. The same can be said of the ULT which is a instant suicide button.
And there is his damn mobility. Every dps hero has loads of mobility. Reaper can wraith and teleport soldier can sprint forever pharah can fly and so on. Then theres mcree. He can roll 5 meters, that’s it. His garbage roll is the worst.

The main weakness with McCree currently for me though is how good hanzo is. He’s got reliable burst with storm arrow, an instant kill at any range, and an ult that actually kills things. Oh and he is mobile…Why would I ever play McCree in ranked when Hanzo exists?Hanzo’s shield break is much more powerful than McCree’s.
Hanzo’s motto: everything you do, i can do better

but hey he is still in a better state than Soldier currently


How about a no?? Mccree is incredibly good with aim and if you’re not hitting anything and getting countered maybe mccree isnt the pick. And I dont want another doomfist situation where everybody kept saying he wasn’t buffed enough and now look at what they did? buffed him WAY TO MUCH


Mccree has the worst performing ult off all dps…

Press Q to go back to spawn or a glorified reload,
combat roll 8-6 seconds who cares its not a good ability,
Flash bang is serious inconsitant.

the only thing mccree has going for him is his peacemaker.


I don’t main McCree, but I have played him enough to have a feel. There is little question that a 6 second roll is helpful… it’s very useful for positioning and his ULT requires a rework, but it’s absurd that can just throw her mech into a crowd with no risk and get potentially 3-6 outright kills at 1000 damage, but McCree has to wait up to six, six seconds to get his off. That is nuts. I can’t say FB seems unreliable, but I hear it enough to believe it, that definitely needed a lower cool down as well.

He needs hi ult to be instantaneous, or literally twice as fast to get going. On top, fix the FB with a lower cooldown. And for a cybernetic dude with smart bullets, he should not suffer fall-off, and he should shoot extensive damage at higher ranges than Hanzo…

dear god please dont bring back 2016 fan the hammer.


Not every hero needs mobility. If you start using that as a solution to every problem you’ll make the game even worse.

To be fair, McCree has been a bad pick for over a year now. Anyone is good with good aim, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t need help. He’s getting more time to shine in his pickrate, but he’s still running a 48% win rate.


No joke hanzo does mccrees job but better,


that’s true though. Hanzo is wild. But McCree has a higher pickrate

Bastion, Mei and Torbjorn would like to have a word with you.

inb4 “new Torb has high mobility with that 30% speed increase on E”

mei and bastion have some kind of heal so they dont need much mobility, but mccree has none

If you use Mccree’s ultimate and die while its active. You are using it wrong. Just saying.


Yeah even so it’s still underpowered. It’s a cool concept but it’s hard to balance. Let’s be honest most other dps ultimates can be so game changing and then there’s McCree’s. It’s like he’s screaming “IT’S TIME TO MOVE UR EYES TOWARDS ME AND AIM AT THE HEAD”.


Continuing the discussion from Overwatch PTR Patch Notes – September 21, 2018:

Would you look at that… buffs to his mobility.
They’re taking baby steps with him… but I’ve heard about how Sniper McCree and FtH McCree basically ruled the game at different times. I’m guessing they don’t want that to happen again and are being careful.


Community: Buff his Combat roll!
Devs: okay does so
Community: why did you buff the worst part of his kit?!


most high ranked Mccrees dont even use it for kills, they use it to reload thats how poor it is…


i am not saying remove his damage falloff and buff fan the hammer. no
i want fan the hammer to be removed from his kit

FtH is one of the most reliable abilities he got, also used for breaking shields faster. Personally, I would not like to have it removed, rather buffed a little bit in some way, maybe a cd decrease as some said.

We’re talking about the same hero with one of the lowest overall win rates in the game, and the hero with the lowest win rate in GM,


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If fth must stay, make it do more damage to shields so it has some use. Only ever use it once in a blue moon. I still think he should get two rolls.

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