Maybe we need to rework how armor behaves

Think of a character like Reaper or Symmetra, whose primary weapons are meant to be anti-tank. They suffer greatly from an enemy possessing armor, more than they ought to in all honesty.

I’m not sure what to suggest but I feel like armor needs to basically work the opposite way to how it does, and be more vulnerable to shotguns and less vulnerable to sniper rounds.

Am I nuts?


Armor is inherently overpowered. It just didn’t matter because it was only attached to Torb before


You’re right. And it’s going to get worse whenever Torb isn’t a throw pick.

They probably need to give Reaper/Roadhog the ability to do full damage to armor at close range.

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How is it op exactly?

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It’s hard to tell in the chaos of things, but it significantly reduces all forms of damage. That little yellow chunk of health is effectively WAY more than any blue chunk of health you see with shields.


Why nerf a thing that before Brigitte was fine instead of fixing the thing that caused this problem ?

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It only reduces it by 5. It does almost nothing to characters like Pharah or Mccree.


looks at title

Yes. Armor is too specifically powerful. Let it grant global DR instead of having a bilateral dev’s wet dream as a mechanic.

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Why are you bringing up Pharah and McCree when the topic was how armor really hurts heroes like Reaper? :man_shrugging:

Sounds more like a Reaper problem then.

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Which is why reaper needs Cone Damage, to deal X amount of damage consistently and reliably at Y “Meters” until the damage floor (aka max falloff) is achieved and you reliably do X damage at the edge of the cone and beyond.


No it does not.


Good Evening everyone,

I don’t think armor is op or anything, brigitte gives a lot of it and its fairly annoying sure, but i believe a solution could be to introduce the next character to deal with armor.

A couple of days ago i posted a topic to a secondary healer that did damage directly to life ignoring armor and another spell that pretty much deleted all armor in splash if landed directly on someone with armor ^^
Feel free to have a look in the topics i have posted to find it i think the character is pretty cool but i have a few non coherent bits here and there that i am working on to fix as well as a main tank :slight_smile:

That said, armor as it is, only appears strong because of Brigitte’s ult and there are a few ways to play around those annoying abilities of her.

Have a good night,

The Frog King

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Well now I know how you got to 2.5k posts with garbage responses like this. You could offer up some form of debate about “significant” or not but all you did was be a jackass.

The fact is that when armor is readily available in the game, it very much shuts down certain types of heroes. Whether it “significantly” decreases ALL heroes damage is irrelevant to the main topic.

They’ll have to do very little damage or they’ll be able to deal easily kill the tanks and Bastion.

I offered you a statement of fact.

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Yes it is because it properly expresses how powerful it truly is.

Only 2 heroes can apply it. One has it on a resource meter and to other need to use their ult or overheal with an ability to apply armor for 5 seconds.

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I don’t really like this idea as I like the design philosophy for there to be room for ‘x’ to outplay ‘y’ within a reasonable limit rather than pick ‘x’ to hard counter ‘y’.

Maybe it’s a pipe dream in OW, but I’d rather the developers focus on that than adding more hard counters to the game.

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Reaper does 7 damage per pellet, 20 pellets per shot, 2 shots per second.
That is 280 in a second.
With armor each pellet does 3,5 damage.
Which means he does 140.

These can headshot. 280 with headshots.

The maximum armor on a tank is 200.
They can get 100 more from Brig.
They can get an additional 75 from torb.

So at worst reaper needs to deal 375 damage with his 140 dps.
Which would take 2,6 seconds.
At best he would kill the armor in less than a second.

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No I think you are spot on.

Armor could provide something like a a flat 10% damage reduction and would solve this weird issue. Essentially treating all damage the same.