Maybe we need to rework how armor behaves

That’s actually purely opinion. I think any damage mitigation is significant. I’m not wrong, therefor your statement is not fact, it is opinion.

Again, it does not. You can keep liking each other but it doesn’t make you anymore right. Armor is extremely powerful in this game and, in it’s current state, shuts down an entire group of heroes. That’s overpowered and restricting by definition to me, and seriously needs to be looked at.

Yes, and until recently only one hero could apply it. That hero also happened to be extremely circumstantial and have a very low pick rate completely unrelated to being able to apply armor.

Enter a hero that is all around good AND can provide generous amounts of armor to the team, and the entire meta of the game at all level shifts. Is that not telling enough for you how strong it is?

Can they even begin to think about heroes in the future who can apply armor (again, in it’s current state) without damaging the balance of the game further?

When a resource is only balanced because it can only be applied situational (as you point out), and immediately when it becomes even slightly more available it shifts the entire game, don’t you think that’s a problem for future balance state of the game as more heroes are introduced???

I like where your head is at, and you certainly have some interesting/awesome ideas, but I really think all of this could be handled by just making Brigitte’s armor from her ult slowly dissipate over time. Say, maybe over the course of 15 seconds after the ultimate is over it fades. I think that would accomplish two things:

  1. Make it so that it is better to rally during a fight as opposed to before it. The way it currently works is that it is usually better to pre-load it onto allies before a team fight, making it very un-interactive and boring. This would solve that problem.
  2. Make it so that Rally happens less often, and Brigitte’s teammates sit with 100 armor each less often, so you don’t feel like you’re going into each fight with all enemies having extra health.

Even if you have to give Brigitte a compensation buff (not saying you do or do not, I’m not commenting on Brigitte’s balance state) somewhere for this, I think it would be a change for the better.

Honestly just rework brigettes ult. Armor is fine when you can only have a small controlled amount of it or for a short time. Make it so her armor decays the moment her ult duration expires. She and her teammates shoulnd’t have permanent armor laying around after the ult. Ive seen bridgettes just use it before a team fight to go into it with a bunch of extra armor on every and it does very well.

A damage reduction of 5 from a 300 total damage Widow shot is far from significant. In fact, that is 1.6% damage reduction. In the world of statistics, we would call 1.6% of anything “not statistically significant”.

That is a mathematical fact.

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Yes it does. You can’t just look at a few specific examples, you have to look at the whole picture.

How many exactly.

Except Brigitte’s pick rate is not high enough to influence the game that much. If it is, then Ana, Genji, and Mccree have more influence.

It would make it even stronger. By reducing every instance of damage by 10% instead of just 5 damage (not by percent).

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I’m gonna go play so I’ll just leave it at this. Keep arguing how certain heroes have shots that are reduced less than others.

It takes nothing away from the fact that armor is too game changing and will be a problem if it’s not modified to not counter some damage types too hard.

Thanks for zeroing on the non-important part of the topic to make your case.

That’s the point of armor, even then, it’s not that good unless you have it in bulk.

What’s the important part of the topic then?

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Well if you think 10% is too much, 5% could also work.

Yes, the high damage sniper would be punished a bit.
Let’s take Hanzo for reference. He does 125 (250 on crit) would become a 12.5/25 damage decrease on the 10% version and 6.25/12.5 on the 5% version.

This is an increase yes but only a slight increase (especially on the 5% version. However there are quite a number of characters which suffer a 50% damage reduction from armor. And I think that needs to be addressed.

People were complaining about this since before Doomfist was released, so it clearly wasn’t fine before Brigitte.

(probably even earlier, I just don’t recall seeing anyone mention it on the forums).

So you want to nerf every tank in the game expect roadhog and zarya ?

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Those characters (like and Tracer) are meant to be countered like that.

Despite what people often say, Brigitte isn’t picked all too often. For reference, Ana is picked more often than she is. Even when she is picked, she isn’t this armor machine people always say she is. She has to either ult for it or can use a cooldown to give a maximum of 75 armor for 5 seconds.

Have you ever considered the spread of reaper weapons ?

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But Reaper and Symmetra should not be countered by that.

And I am honestly a but surprised that you bring up Brigitte and Ana. I am not sure ho that is relevant to the discussion.

I dont think it was ever officially established that Sym and Reaper were supposed to be tank busters. That being said, armor does have counters, in the form of burst damage.

The problem? People hate burst damage as well, and they whined hard enough to get a majority of burst damage heroes nerfed, causing the uprising of armor as we know it.

How many times was buffed/nerfed cuz of her armor/health split?

It wasn’t ok before. Brigitte just made it an obnoxious problem instead of an ignorable one.

And so we nerf heroes that doesn’t need to be nerfed like orisa/rein/ now ) /winston/bastion ?

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Symmetra can clear most armor with her alt fire and Reaper should just have a passive to ignore the damage reduction.

It’s just that most people think that armor is “op” because it’s supposedly everywhere (because of Brigitte) but it’s not. I’m just using Ana as a reference point since people don’t see her as to common as Brigitte despite having a higher pickrate.

How would a 5% reduction work on things that can not be split into whole numbers using that value?

Winston does 10 ticks of 6 damage a piece per second. What would 5% of 6 damage look like? Would it just round up to a total of 1 in mitigation? Essentially mitigating him more then that of other chip damage hero’s due to just bad luck of how his damage applies?

Or would we split it into fractions so that the mitigation is so insignificant against Winston and other chip damage hero’s that armor becomes pointless?

The inherent problem with nerfing armor is you would be nerfing all hero’s that have armor as part of their healthpool. All the tanks but Zarya and Roadhog and Bastion.

I just do not see how going on a percentage based value would be good for the game.


But it would only be a nerf vs characters like Reaper & Roadhog. Why is that an issue for you?

Those two could both use a little help, no?

Not overpowered, just unbalanced. External armor (like Brigitte and Torb) was not taken into account when balancing weapons. Tanks were given armor because they were supposed to be, well, tanks, and not get instantly shredded by pellets.

Now that Brigitte is handing out armor to everyone, and Torb probably will be doing the same thing in the not-too-distant future, it’s suddenly become an oppressive negative scalar for a lot of guns.