Maybe Sigma needs a rework

I think it basically comes down to:

  1. A debuff to barriertanks if 2x barrier
  2. Only 1 Barrier per team maximum
  3. Make Rein/Sigma/Orisa more Diveable
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It feels like “Rein or lose” because the other barrier tanks had to be nerfed to blunt double shields. And it still came back anyway at high ranks, because they still work well together.

Sigma having a main tank shield with offtank damage and utility has basically ruined the role. Get rid of the shield and make him the offtank everyone already uses him as, and maybe they can finally buff back Orisa and give Rein some competition.

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I heard stuff like with 2x barriers there should be a slower recharge rate or a longer cooldown for Sigma/Orisa.

I’d prefer making it so BarrierTanks are less durable than offtanks, particularly against close range attacks.

Then make it so BarrierTanks have similar killing potential as offtanks.

And then bring Orisa barrier and Sigma barrier back up to Rein tier.

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That doesn’t get rid of double barriers, it just makes main tanks even MORE dependant on keeping a barrier up at all times or they die instantly. They already melt fast once barriers are down because they are large, slow targets that are easy to focus. And it’s not like tanks are lacking in killing power.

Any fix for this mess is going to involve changing Sigma. He just does too much right now.

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Kinda sad how hard it is to get people to understand that close range damage exists.

In particular,
I want

  1. Weaker selfpeel for Orisa/Sigma, I.e. Nerf Fortify and Grasp.
  2. Change armor to be more effective against damage higher than 25, but less effective lower than 25. I.e. Tracer/Reaper damage does more, McCree/Widow damage does less.
  3. Can increase the killing potential on Orisa/Sigma/Rein by increasing the projectile speed by about 20%. Which is great at medium range, but worthless at close range.

Got a lot more details over here, but those are some highlights.

[✅] Expanded DoubleBarrier fixes

I’m not even sure what you mean by this. We are plenty aware that close range damage exists, it’s why Reaper, Mei and Doomfist were so effective the first time double barriers became popular.

I’m just being sarcastic and rude because I didn’t sleep well last night. Sorry about that.

Really though, the whole mechanic is that Dive and ReinLucio comps want to get into close range and brawl.

So rather than having to drill through 2 barriers at medium range, just make it easier and more effective to walk past the barriers and brawl.

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I just don’t see how those changes make barriers less necessary. I REALLY don’t see how that makes it easier for people to just walk through barriers like you’re describing. Just sounds like a way to make tanks even weaker to things they already have problems with.

It seems much simpler to just remove Sig’s barrier, rebalance him around Grasp as his primary defensive ability, and then buff the other tanks so they don’t feel like garbage without him.

Double barrier was never a thing before because Rein, Orisa and Winston have playstyles that don’t really mesh well together. Sigma wrecks that. Makes more sense to change the character causing the problem then to completely alter the tank role just to keep him broken.

If you wanna make him an Main Barrier Tank, then you need to either reduce his damage while barrier is up or make it reposition less.

I prefer making his primary projectile speed 20% faster.
Make his barrier stronger
But make it so his Grasp refills his barrier not his TempHP.
And probably remove the stun entirely from Accretion, maybe give it a boop, but make it do more Damage at longer ranges

… they rework bad heroes not good ones leave him alone jesus

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I know people hate this answer, but I think its really just the meta that favors him. Most of his hard counters like Doom, Reaper, Mei, Sombra ect… aren’t viable even though these heroes shut him down they’re eaten alive in the current state of the game. Also no matter who it is 2 barriers will always be strong simplyu because of long range hitscans being able to delete teams.

Reinhardt enables him. He plays well in the double barrier meta which typically involves a Reinhardt.

Let’s stop nerfing other shield tanks. It’s always been Reinhardt. Sooner we acknowledge that, the sooner we can break out of shield meta without completely destroying a hero’s viability

LOL, what? You nerf Rein and he still gets enabled by Orisa. The problem was never Rein. It’s clearly Sig.

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Let’s see. Nerf the tank that’s been in all but one meta for last 4 years…

Or nerf the tank that is seeing high level usage for the first time but only when paired with another shield…

Tough choice

Ah. So you don’t actually care about the balance and just hate Rein. Got it.

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or we could leave him alone and balance the rest of the tanks first

  1. He doesn’t need a rework. He’s in a perfect place atm

  2. If he was reworked, I think the shield should be the last thing removed. Being able to place the shield anywhere you want is a great feature for a game with shield tanks. Instead just make anti-shield dps or something to nullify double shield. 1 OW2 dps with 2x shield dmg and boom, double shields are a non-issue

No, I care about balance. That’s why I think it’s time we address the fact that Rein has been dominant in this game for 4 years, and is STILL being used in the current meta.

Bizzarely though, Rein mains seem to get incredibly defensive when you point this out. Can’t fathom why. It’s not like they don’t care about balance and just want to keep on using an objectively overpowered character, right?