Maybe Sigma needs a rework

Let’s see. Nerf the tank that’s been in all but one meta for last 4 years…

Or nerf the tank that is seeing high level usage for the first time but only when paired with another shield…

Tough choice

Ah. So you don’t actually care about the balance and just hate Rein. Got it.

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or we could leave him alone and balance the rest of the tanks first

  1. He doesn’t need a rework. He’s in a perfect place atm

  2. If he was reworked, I think the shield should be the last thing removed. Being able to place the shield anywhere you want is a great feature for a game with shield tanks. Instead just make anti-shield dps or something to nullify double shield. 1 OW2 dps with 2x shield dmg and boom, double shields are a non-issue

No, I care about balance. That’s why I think it’s time we address the fact that Rein has been dominant in this game for 4 years, and is STILL being used in the current meta.

Bizzarely though, Rein mains seem to get incredibly defensive when you point this out. Can’t fathom why. It’s not like they don’t care about balance and just want to keep on using an objectively overpowered character, right?

He needs a weakness, having his shield only block damage when it’s placed will do that. So the trade off is while placing it you are vulnerable, but juggling it, your rock, absord, and orbs is part of the skill of his kit.

They can do other things as well to compensate, like absorb being cancellable and telling you how much health you’re getting as you absorb damage, and removing the delay when moving his shield.

Also Rein is fine, he’s the only shield Tank that was done right.

LOL. I guess Dive wasn’t a thing for two years when you played.

Rein is strong. But nerfing him won’t get rid of double shields. He’ll just get replaced with Orisa (who is arguably already better than him in this comp at higher levels) and you’ll end up with the exact same problem.

If you want that fixed, you have to address the character that is causing the problem. And it ain’t Rein.

I mean I did say ONE meta that he wasn’t in. But that doesn’t fit your narrative so I get why you chose to ignore that.

In that case we can test it. Let’s nerf him and we can always buff him again if it really doesn’t change anything

Argued by who? I can’t think of a single top level player who’d ever willingly take an Orisa over a Rein.

Ah I’m glad you agree. Let’s nerf Rein

Welp, so much for that clarity.

With these changes he would rely very much on his barrier as his only defense mechanism.
Ok, it‘ will all depend on who’s gonna peel for him, because he would still be able to deal high damage while barrier has a good uptime.

Yup, basically it’s a “penalty for not having an offtank or heal pocket”

Aka, a vulnerability to Dive

First double barrier was Doom, Reaper, Moira Lucio. It might go back to it, though, (but I see that’s hard to tell).

Personally I can play Sigma as either a main or off tank. He’s quite versatile.

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The point being from the previous metas was that all the heroes, including the tanks were heavily resistant to Dive.

I.e. Lucio, Moira, Mei, Doomfist, Reaper, Sigma, Rein, Orisa

I confess I imagined Accretion booping people away like Doomfist punch, in a straight line to the direction the resulting vectors would send the person.

Sigma should probably reworked in a way where his main form of tanking is his kinetic grasp similar to Dva because as it stands, no matter what happens, either he and orisa are meta on ladderbecause of how well they work together, or both of them are garbage tier. Sigma’s design as hurt the meta at the core.

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Yes, he is, and that’s kind of the problem. If he can shield your team AND provide all the benefits of an off-tank, well, he’s going to be better than every off-tank. There’s just no reason to bring another one because he can do so much more than them.

I don’t really like removing main tank options, but I don’t see how you keep him as a main tank with a barrier without SEVERELY nerfing everything else about him. Would rather keep his playstyle largely intact and just get rid of the barrier, making him effectively an off tank full time.

Edit: quoted the wrong person.

You gotta add trade offs, either make him deal less damage or his barrier reposition less or easier to flank around.

Like his barrier always goes forward as a projectile, but to hold it in place gotta keep M2 pressed, but can’t attack while holding it.
Or barrier only appears when you set a place for it, but it won’t appear while moving forward.
Or less range, or less AoE radius, or less damage numbers and stuff.
Things like these.

But he isn’t imo. D.Va’s the off tank for dive, and Zarya still pairs better with Reinhardt I think.

Sigma’s range is the problem imo. And the biggest problem with orisasig double shield as well. Tanks are supposed to threaten their immediate space. Doublebarrier threatens stuff at range.

I was thinking it could be more like Zarya but instead of using high dmg like she does It could be high sustain in the form of shields. So he gets shields from his own kinetic grasp but if there was a way he could get more from giving something similar to teammates? The amount of shields he gets might have to get tweaked but he already has high enough dmg and cc to be an effective off tank with no barrier.