Maximilian´s vault is a joke

Cause you have everything for the characters you play? Also, I play Rein and I got two Rein skins - Imperius and the Fallen Knight (the one that was in like mega battle pass bundle or something).

You have everything in the game?

I got 3 Lucio skin options.

I…really do not play Lucio often :frowning:

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I’ve got Imperius rein skin and some others that were outshined with this one

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I got only Kiriko and Mercy skins but since they brought lootboxes back I can’t justify buying skins unless they’re really cool…. Which I what I was doing before to be honest.

This event is a complete joke

it offered me cybervision zarya which i already got from another lootbox

The more I see these the more I believe lootboxes were kludged in to the latest update in order to salvage the game.

They aren’t working with all the systems and the fact they had to neuter the opening animation makes me feel like they are crowbarred the heck in.

I actually got all rare skins that you cant even get anymore like the Zen Kaiju skin that was a skin only offered from buying coins i think it was 2 years ago

Good news guize n gals, my 5 offers were actually ones I wanted! Well 4 of them.

I got Strawberry Mei and Echo, Flower Child Mei, Saint-Tropez Widowmaker and Sparkplug Brigitte. All fine choices, I must say. Well done Maximilien :tophat:

I might buy the Saint-Tropez skin. Its only 760 coins! Stonks! :partying_face: :chart_with_upwards_trend:

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WAIT…WHAT??? I go every week into gallery - filter shop skins and she is NEVER there! I have to check.

Heck no! Do you think I buy every single skin? LOL. This is supposed to offer you shop skins. I can assure you, that I DON´T have MAJORITY of shop skins for my mains.

It says you can buy it if you click on open shop, but don’t buy coins for it, it will give you an error. I unfortunately attempted it (on a locked souvenir) and found out the hard way.

Too late xD But I want it! I am waiting for over a year now :sob:

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You have that but i keep getting torb skins


I heard if you change your region in you can reroll your vault. Give it a whirl?


BRO, I just tried and not only that, but even “For you” in shop offers a different stuff xD
But I got offers from heroes I don´t play again. But thanks for a tip.

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Mine was the same last night, I checked again this morning and it had the items there. Keep checking!

And for me I got offered for things/heroes I’m clearly not interested in.

Got one hero I play. And its an epic. Rest are legendaries I do not play often. They are just heroes I have played. Like I have personalised setting on SINCE OW2 LAUNCH. And I NEVER get anything tailored to me in just for you nor in maxs vault. It really shouldn’t be hard to see my mains are Moira, Ramattra/Doom and Echo/Venture/Reaper

Yep, it does that.
It often shows offers on already owned stuff, I dont know what genius designed the vault but this was so obvious the basic check to ensure the skin isn’t already purchased got missed out.

Makes me worry about their quality control team that let this thing pass and didn’t notice it.

Not to mention, this was raised when the vault was shown earlier, and on its re-appearence it is still not fixed.

and ofc, no planning to track if this user actively plays this hero or if they have clicked on this skin on this hero a lot more so you give offers on that so you have higher chances of a sale, nope. none of that.

Pure RNG

Fun fact. Maxamillion the hero was finished in design back in 2017 with Queen, Soj, and Kiri. He was suppose to be released YEARS AGO in ow1. What this trash dev team has done with him, is anybody’s guess. He was a deployable dps hero. Another Aaron Keller special.