Maximilian´s vault is a joke

Not only that, but those two cards were already uncovered, when I entered the vault xD

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I would kill for Mauga stuff.

One of my best friends got a legendary Mauga skin out of a lootbox. And it was Jotunn! One of the best ones!

I got hella jealous…


They removed skins they said would be PERMANENT for having Game Pass Ultimate then put the skins into the vault…

The freaking audacity of this company…

This is the new Blizzard…

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Its funny watching them try to copy LoL’s “Your Shop” only forgetting to add the meaningful discounts. Basically all of mine are like -17%, yipe I love discounts that dont actually change how much money Id need to put in in order to buy it!

I swear if I was God King ruler of the World for a singular day Id make premium currencies illegal. Nothing but obfuscation and abusing breakpoints.

Blizzard really want me to be a Mercy main, because lootboxes keep giving me shop stuff for mercy :sob: Is anyone who’s getting stuff for Juno, Lucio etc willing to trade?!

So far I’ve got:

  • one of her shop name cards I forgot which idk
  • Hard Light weapon skin
  • Kitty Shimmy highlight intro
  • Parasol victory pose

Overall I’ve had some of the best luck with her of all heroes lol. Hard Light complements my mythic set-up quite well, but I was already using the Rose Gold weapon w/ her golden gun… :sob:

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I think it worked, because I just got Lucio’s Poet skin. It’s the recolour of his Bard skin and it’s my favourite version. Out of a normal lootbox too!! :sob: I can die happily now

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I got Mercy shop skin - but it´s the worst shop skin of her ever xD recoloured ugly YELLOW beach guard, or how it´s called.

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Vegemite Mercy…


I got skins for heroes I never ever play :smiley:


I want that Kitty Shimmy Intro! :scream_cat:

I think I got a Dragoon red recolor Legendary Mercy skin. Or was it Legendary Orisa? Hmmmm…

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Mine was Ana/Kiriko shop. I don’t really play Kiri but the skins were desireable, discounted price was only decent on one though. The ability to trade or gift would be fun, but then the concerns about whale account hijacking would probably be a headache that they’re trying to avoid.


I didn’t get any skin for the heroes I play, not that the discount worth anything to begin with.

I have mine enabled, I didn’t get any of my top 3 people, they gave me 4th, 5th and 6th most played who all have less than half the hours played as my mains. They don’t want my money lol

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I got bunch of epics & one legendary.

Anyways the only reason i open Max vault is to hear his voice. So can they add Max to hero roster plz.