Maximilian´s vault is a joke

This was BP skin, right? Funny.

It’s a challenge event skin

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I’m super stoked!

Totally going to rock the pink Reinhardt!

I actually got this skin offered on multiple accounts now!

:sob: :+1:

It’s research disguised as a “sale” and paraded as an “event”.

How much of a discount before a certain amount of people buy skins?
Which skins sell at which pricepoint?

etc etc.

Wouldn’t touch.

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I don’t understand the point of the vault if it did give you skins for heroes you don’t main or play.

I got Ana, Rammatra, Sojourn, Kiriko, and a Zen.

Ana I flex with at best but I haven’t played on the regular since 2023.

Zen was the only offer I got and I already have his mythic. I don’t get the point of the vault.

Just let players get 6 chances to pick the skins they want for the discount they want

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So I just opened my Vault.

I got:

Cupid Hanzo
Raijin Ashe
Some Wife leaver Skin idk
I forgot the last one tbh

The only two id even consider buying are Cupid Hanzo and Raijin Ashe. Because I think they’re cool


I’m not spending real life dollairs on these, Jesus Christus

I got the Diablo Moira skin, 60% off, and I kind of want it. But I already have her mythic, and I don’t want to switch, as it already looks great in black/gold. So, I’ll pass. Everything else was meh. At least they aimed for people I play more this time. Still no Mercy skin in sight though, and she’s my most played lmao

So I got Black Cat Mercy. (From a loot box)

I like the skin but I can’t help but feel like the universe is taunting me.
My Vault skins were both lifeguard Mercys, lifeguard kiriko, an Ashe legendary, and Hashimoto Kiriko.

Last time I gave them the benefit of the doubt at least it gave me skins for heroes I kinda played recently. This time it gave me 2 widow skins. Widow is my third least played hero and i haven’t played her in months. She only beats out lifeweaver and hazard in playtime LOL

ok but “Surrender to your mother” is a fire ultimate voiceline have you considered that

It´s the opposite for me. Diablo Moira is my favourite one and for me - much better looking, than her mythic. I got her mythic ofc, but I don´t really use it.
I am waiting forever, until plaguedoctor Moira comes back in any form - was hoping Max would get a hint xD


You can buy Plague Doctor Moira in the hero gallery, sort by unowned and click on open shop when viewing it.

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I guess the joke is on all of us for looking! :tired_face:

They were surprisingly on point for me this time with 2 Kiris, 1 Ashe, 1 Sym, and Illari. Unfortunately still not ones I’m really interested in or not enough off the two I’d be semi interested in.

Just an fyi tho, you can try for different pools by logging into the other regions. Didn’t bring me anymore luck (indeed, seemed much more random in terms of heroes) but it’s worth trying.

This. If Blizzard actually wanted to make money they’d let people reroll every day.
Also whatever algorithm they use to choose the skins is busted. Kiriko is in my bottom 3 played and I get 3 skins for her? Make it make sense.

Yeah I wasn’t offered a single skin I would remotely want.

Mauga, Hog, Ram, Hanzo, Cass.

Heroes I barely even touch. Do you want my money or not!?

Weird, mine was all Kiriko Mercy Moira Zen skins which is exactly what i play

it is a joke im not really interested in skins offered

yea I got two sombra skins (I’ve played like 3 other dps more than her recently) and I got an orisa skin (I haven’t played orisa in like 4-5 years)

But that’s exactly why her mythic is unbeatable. You can just turn her into the void slash nothing (sort of)
A hood with nothing in it, I like a lot. Then the gold/balck gives the robe eyes.
I do like the Diablo skin, but I already feel bad for getting the Lich King skin, and then Rein mythic dropped. I will not be torn in the same way, so soon lol

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Me, too. I get to play Noita in Overwatch.

Shadow Wizard Money Gang

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