Maximilian´s vault is a joke

See, these skins I would actually consider.
I can’t remember which ones I got besides the punk Pharah and aztec looking Reaper, but none of those are heroes I play much of.


The only reason that cames to my mind - they already own everything from shop, except 4 things, or bug.

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I think you mean “mmmm, takoyaki”

I got Automaton Echo

I don’t play Echo

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Sometimes a skin motivates a player to play a hero. Thats was the case for me and the Spellbinder Mythic.


I did try playing Echo thanks to this, funnily enough

She’s just hard and in an actual game that I actually kinda sorta like winning in, it’s uh…

Not too long before I swap to the only DPS I can play

Nahhhhh I was thinking about what to have for lunch… xD


Now that you mention it … I wouldn’t mind listening to the Calamari Inkantation…

I disagree with you. For it to be a joke, it would have to be funny, and at this point I just find it pityful.

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I don’t get offers for exact skins I own, but I do for recolors of skins I already have.

Besides, the costs are still ridiculous. This vault thing is basically like airline miles. The sooner you spend them, the sooner you’ll be on the website paying cash for your battle pass.

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It’s a joke but not for that reason

It’s a joke that people still look at these “offers” as something worth purchasing

My vault is only good for one thing - never looking at it

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tbh, I am just expecting plaguedoctor Moira to return in shop/vault/box/anything finaly xD

That’s an amazing skin to get for free

If you opted out of receiving personalised recommendations in your settings, it will just offer you random stuff as they can’t use your data for the Vault recommendations.

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Where? How? What? Never heard about it, I just checked all settings and didn´t find anything like this.

Ikr I was so stoked. It dropped at the same time as some other skin that I got instead at the time, but I wanted it bad.

Click on your name at the very top of the forum and choose “Account settings”, then go to Privacy & communication - Personalised recommendations, and make sure “ & In-Game Recommendations” is enabled.


OMG thank you. I didn´t even know that.

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I got offered

  • zombie mercy (41% discount)
  • jingle bells mercy (18% discount)
  • cardboard rein (27% discount)
  • minotaur rein (15% discount)
  • gardener sym (57% discount)

I don’t play mercy so not picking those 2 skins
I already have Reinhardt mythic so I’m not getting anymore rein skins
This leaves with the sym skin which I’m kinda tempted to get, it’s priced 430 coins, and I do play sym somewhat. I missed out this skin that time when it was available.

I could have gotten that with 60% off. Just didn’t want it.
I got my bee mercy skin for -30% so i’m happy until the artists create another skin i want XD.
So far the pacing of those kinds of skins seems to be once in 2 years.

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