"Matchmaking isn't forced/rigged!"

The main thing that scares me about the matchmaking is, why are so many players 2 ranks lower or higher then they were in OW1. I saw a sojourn go from silver to masters

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Well, it could be an account that got sold, or gifted to somebody else.

Or that person playing barely had any free time, but then got a ton of free time.

And sometimes people are mechanically really good, but their game sense sucks. But as soon as they fix that, they rocket up the ladder.

Or the opposite, they have good game sense, but their aim sucks. But if they grind aim trainers enough. They can fix their aim issues.

And then you also just got paid boosting. Or just somebody getting hard carried by a friend.

But also OW2 is a game that heavily rewards getting kills, compared to OW1 which was more about building the best defence. So if somebody sucked at dealing with shields, but was mechanically really good. They would get a huge spike in SR between the two games.

Also you got people playing “underpowered” heroes, but if that hero randomly becomes meta (I.e. Roadhog) then you got Hog mains shooting up the Tank ladder.

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haha, I would be lucky if it was 5 only


58% winrate on Kiriko. 54% winrate on Ana. Top played hero’s with 31 and 20 hours. Somehow not climbing. It’s certainly not based on performance or winrate.

Likely because you need to have a 60%+ winrate if you’re playing them in every game to make any noticable progress. Then, once you realize your WR is somewhere between 45 to 55 percent, then you likely hit your skill peak until you get better. (Assuming you’re not already top500)

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Well also, until you hit Diamond. Your SR gains are more about how well your stats are doing, relative to a typical same-hero player.

It’s performance based. Not winrate based.

I noticed you had to edit your comment to get the full quotation in. Make sure not to quote the entire post, otherwise it will get auto-removed.

You’re right, but it’s a habit now.

Have to agree - I’ve played with diamonds who are endorsement level 1. Maybe there is a good reason, but they’ve usually behaved in my lobbies.

I’ve also played with some reaaaaaaal scumbags who are level 3 or 4. :laughing:

Doesn’t seem like a reliable indicator of much to me.

So yeah. Safe to say, I won this argument.

Bro just declared himself the winner in on online argument

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You’d say that but if you’re implying it’s OP, how is it I’ve seen a 4v5 end with a victory for the team of 4? This is a team game. Whichever team is better wins. Doesn’t matter if you got a MVP on one team if the rest are what some diplomatically call “wood tier”.

Insert GIGACHAD emote here

It is Koticks revenge for leaving bad comments about OW2

If it was, the games would get easier when I go on losing streaks :stuck_out_tongue:

Are we sure this is how it still is, since this was only confirmed in ow1, and mm has certainly changed since then?

Edit: Bad system if so, just means you play to pad stats per 10.

This is also a really weird decision if true. Like, “you’re not winning hard enough”

Im consistently endorsement level 1
I can promise you I’d carry your a$$ tho

I don’t think so. Because considering how ranked is essentially a pyramid scheme, the higher you climb, the more wins you need to be able to pull of in order to stay where you are.

Im currently GM although realistically Im like diamond/maybe low masters

Yes, that is how it works. It isn’t 60% for GM, more like 55% but it is above 50%