"Matchmaking isn't forced/rigged!"

Yeah it’s been provided in the dev statements regarding MMR rigging, as well as official documentation with the US Patent Office. An entire hitlist portfolio dedicated to grooming I mean rigging for monetization. An entire “sequel” client that is nothing but barebones + in-game store. Not even an LFG. It’s clear the entire company is aligned towards scamming kids for cash. Think not? Cite your grounds.

The koolaid guys need to provide some kind of written, official, counter-factual evidence to support the claim it’s NOT rigged.


Yea except for the fact, matchmaking clearly shows zero concern for match quality…

Which is literally the only legitimate purpose of a matchmaking system

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Are you just trolling? Or?
Here, this is all you’ll get from me:
Search Results - Overwatch Forums (blizzard.com)

Hard, right?
You know what? Here, i’ll even pick out a few good ones, just for you , since you seem to be such a well-versed individual.
Activision Patent to Manipulate Matchmaking - General Discussion - Overwatch Forums (blizzard.com)
Matchmaker is rigged - General Discussion - Overwatch Forums (blizzard.com)

happy now? It took me exactly 2 minutes to look up. And no, it’s not a “conspiracy theory”, they LITERALLY have patents active, which cost MONEY. Do you think this company really just patented a bunch of scummy systems for april fools whilst they squeeze every single cent they possibly can out of everyone at every possible chance they get otherwise?

True, but that is a completely separate and irrelevant argument. But what I will say is that it might have something to do with a massive influx of players, both new and returning that is causing the steamrolling issue. I’m assuming, or at least hoping, that it will eventually sort itself out by the end of the next season. But only time will tell.

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Im shocked the mods did not remove that post linking the patents…

Guess they felt pruneing it would create more suspicions

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It wont, the same patterns existed in ow1 matchmaking, they just werent nearly as flagrant…

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I have. Some people might not use coms, only play arcade (you are much less likely to get endorsed in arcade deathmatch for example) or are returning players who came back post endorsements implementation.

If anythings it’s because the games gone to 5v5 has thrown what 6v6 algorithm it had out the window.

We saw it happen when comp first came out, then the arcade comp variants, then role queue beta and now 5v5.

1 vs. 5 quality games. Useless players that do nothing but die over and over without killing anything.

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I’m endorsement 1 because I play exclusively with friends in stacks and therefore cannot be endorsed (literally can only decay). Years ago when i only duo’d with my buddy i was routinely endorsement 4.

So yes, I can confirm, endorsement level means literally nothing.

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Nah, I think they are dumbing down the matchmaker to get faster matches.

Because they are overcompensating for slow queue times caused by a lack of Support players.

Heck, remember when you could set the SR range that you want to search in when doing LFG? It’s like that, but with a large SR/MMR range for everybody.

I can assure you that you’re part of the 0.5% that exclusively plays full stacks. No, it does not “mean nothing”, especially when i solo queue which means i am guaranteed to meet at MOST a 4-stack. If you endorse a random every single game you will be permanently End. 2 at the very least unless you are toxic, horrible at the game or extremely new.

Sure feels like it. I get faster matches than ever but the quality is the worst it’s ever been for me, both in OW2 and OW1. In OW1 i only rarely got poorly balanced matches and climbing was fairly easy until i reached my “hardstuck” rank, where games were usually close wins or losses with me meeting opponents that i could genuinely call equal or better than myself.

Now it’s just watching my entire team run into the enemy team’s line of fire and dying 15+ times a game in the dumbest ways possible, or watching the reverse happen to the enemy team.

Now imagine how bad it’s going to get when Kiriko loses her “Newest Hero” status so they lose a lot of Support players, and they get a ton more Tank players because of Ramattra.

And what few Supports are left matchmakered across an even wider MMR/SR range.

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Yes the game does give you games that you are unlikely to win, especially after you have been doing really well. That’s how match makers calibrate MMR, winning these unlikely games will move your MMR up more while losing them won’t move it as much.

Aaron isn’t sitting in a dark room rubbing his hands menacingly together saying “Hehe, now to team up Skullgetti with a no mic Sombra and two Mercy one tricks.” because you won a few games in a row.

And I can assure you that you are wrong. There’s plenty of people who are end 1 that are not toxic or a troll.

Except that the “loss streaks that are nearly unwinnable after win streaks” is a proven profit making strat that has been used by other companies as a scummy way to create addiction.

In my experience this is false

Oh it’s always nice of Blizzard to give me the deadweights of the other team while the other team still keeps all the good players. Rigged garbage.

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More like a wide SR range makes it so you get more matches where one team is substantially weaker than the other.

But it’s more like a coinflip, than a trend.

Sometimes you flip a coin and get heads 3 times in a row.

That’s not a pattern, but it feels like one.

It’s similar to people complaining that they “always” get put on Defence, and not Attack. When it’s really just a coinflip.


COIN FLIP? IT HAPPENS EVERY SINGLE TIME YOU WIN A GAME WITHOUT FAIL. How is that not rigged? You’re basically forced to keep at the bottom of the scoreboard to trick the matchmaking into giving you a winning game yet it’s even hard to do that considering the other 4 on your side. You can’t make it too obvious otherwise it’s AFK or sabotage. So what else can you do besides wait to lose an impossible onesided game? Losing is one thing but being forced to lose twice in control maps with the same team is another.

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That said, I have noticed a trend for specific SR brackets in Comp.

Right around 1900SR, 2400SR, and 2900SR, etc, you are almost going to get to another skill bracket. But you keep getting a series of almost unwinable games.

My theory on why this happens? Because you get people who try hard to get into a higher SR bracket, and they get a higher Comp season reward.

And as soon as they reach that point they slack off and fall back down. So you’re fighting a downward current of people, right at the edges of the separation between skill brackets.


Another trend is that people just get really sloppy about trying to win right around the end of a Comp season.

Since they aren’t likely to get much higher than where they are at for their season peak. So why try to win.

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OK, so before I go and tear these “sources” apart, first I want to say this: WOW, it is incredible that we live in a time where something as basic as providing evidence in order to provide a convincing argument is considered “trolling.” This is either because you’re too lazy to do any research, or you have very little faith in the legitimacy of your claims. Anyways, on to the sources.

The first “source” is literally nothing more than a search list on the forums about players (as usual) complaining and insisting on the conspiracy theory that a rigged matchmaking system exists. This is not what I would even consider to be a “source” much less as evidence for your claim.

The second source is and interesting one. This particular player says that the matchmaking is designed around putting players who don’t spend money cosmetics with players who do. And guess what? This has absolutely nothing to do with a rigged system that was designed specifically to screw you over. But let’s not stop there, because unlike you, I went ahead and did further research on this “Source.” The OP linked a YouTuber who covered Activision’s matchmaking patent, and his source was a news website called Glixel that is now defunct, meaning that I literally cannot go to the original article in order to find what their sources were for the patent because it no longer exists. If, however, what that article in the defunct website is true, then you’ll see in YongYea’s video that a spokesperson from Activision said that this patent wasn’t even implemented. Now, the question we would then ask is, “Well, do we know if any of this is true or not?” And the answer is:

We don’t know. Because we cannot access the original website and YongYea himself has provided zero evidence or sources for these claims besides the now defunct Glixel.

As for the third and final source, this one is actually very interesting to me. Because it’s essentially the same thing with the defunct news website, as they both provide a similar patent that demonstrates how matchmaking is made. And guess what? They’re the same! Or at least, one of them- which would be the matchmaking based on who-bought-what. The same exact patent which we still cannot confirm whether it went through or not.

But that’s not all! Because from the looks of it, other patents in the third source actually point towards the opposite of what you’re claiming. Here, I’ll even provide the identification number for you to copy and paste to Google: US20200114268A1

So yeah, everything that you’d hoped would prove your case is a dud at best, and a backfire at worst. There is. no. rigged. ranking system.