"Matchmaking isn't forced/rigged!"

People keep saying they’re compromising matchmaking to make queues shorter, but that doesn’t make sense. That wouldn’t change the support bottleneck. All they could do is take people from the middle ranks and shift them into games in the outer ranks, but people in Top 500 say they’re getting 20 minute queues still, and queue times are great here in gold/plat. I think people are just refusing to accept that queue times are good because it doesn’t fit their narrative about crappy supports and an overall dying game.

Finally! Someone has thought it though.

Blizzard themselves are saying it is a problem. Not that the game is dying but that there is a lack of support players, and they are having to make changes to fix it.

They have all the data, so, I’m going to guess they know if it is a problem or not.

So you’re silver, not plat? Or silvers are in your plat comp games, but only on your team?

What’s the highest rank someone should be able to achieve with level 1 endorsements?

endorsements and rank are VERY different beasts.

Endorsement based matchmaking would be funny as hell. At high ranks, “I’m being stomped but everyone is so polite about it”


It’s irrefutable that tanks have the longest queues, and that certainly won’t get better in S2. But from my own anecdotal evidence I wouldn’t call it a major problem facing the game. My queue times are typically no higher than 3 mins tank, 2 mins DPS, 1 min support.

And you will gladly provide a proof of you having at least 5 games in a row without any good teammates against highly skilled enemies? Like maybe a stream recording or something, right?

What we need to see:

  1. Every teammate’s profile to know that there are a couple of endorsement level 1 players;
  2. Every enemy profile to know that they don’t have a single one;
  3. Both teams gameplay;

I think Blizzard is more worried about the speed which it is shifting, rather than the current position.

I mean, DPS queue times got bad over time in OW1, they didn’t start awful. It is the direction and speed of the movement which would have me worried.

I think Tank queue times mid next season could get “interesting”

Don’t be a dick, you know that is an unreasonable request, so you can then say “See there isn’t a problem because they won’t do all of this for me” - when they know you will nitpick a few single interactions in the videos if they did provide it and it did show that.

Do I believe them? not really, but I you won’t seeing me try this on as an argument either. It is bad form.

Tank queues will be terrifying all throughout the season as f2p players will be unlocking Ramattra at different times. Man I hate being a Doom main

I had so many interactions with such people who believe in some kind of rigged matchmaking throughout the years (not only in Overwatch, but other Blizzard’s games too, mainly Hearthstone) so I can say with 100% confidence that Skull is either nitpicking a few games without even thinking about those where everything was alright, or simply exaggerates

At what rank?


Believe me, I am with you 100% on this one. I’ve written matchmakers and had to deal with people telling me it was rigged when I knew it wasn’t.

It’s frustrating as hell.

70% of people think they are above average drivers. It is a thing, you can’t out matchmake that.

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Exactly this.
I’m a plat 1 support and am constantly being thrown into masters games.
I shouldn’t even be in the SR range to play with masters, but presumably the lack of support players means I just get thrown in there to alleviate the tank and dps queue time.

The consequence? My games are no fun for me and presumably a chore for the masters players that get put with me.

Games essentially boil down to whichever team has the fewest players thrown in as a queue time band-aid, wins.

Masters can group with Diamond players. Plat can group with Diamond players. It makes sense you’d bump into Masters players now and again. I don’t believe “constantly”, do you have a number?

I just explain it as a Coinflip.

Kinda like how people complain about “Always” being on the less fun Defending side in Quickplay, and “Never” getting to play Attacker side.

When it’s literally just like flipping a quarter for heads or tails.

They see 3 matches in a row on Defence as a trend. When it’s literally 50/50 random.


Sometimes I also heard nonsense like “Look, I have a 10% chance of something, which means it has to happen every 10 rolls right?”

Rolls might be tied to reports. If you get reported, you might be placed with other reported people, regardless of the type of report.

Say I get reported for playing a certain hero, that’s not meta. I get placed on the same team, as the person who got reported for throwing, or game sabotage.

Game believes it’s sorting out the problem players, but it’s only exacerbating the situation. Just a theory.

(But if true, makes since because I play heaps of Moira, and Torb.)

I investigated the conspiracy theorist’s “sources” that a rigged ranking system exists, which you can see midway through this forum. Even their “smoking gun” has absolutely no credibility to it.

I should also add that these people are firmly against providing any kind of evidence besides their own personal experience and statistics.

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I don’t think you can daisy-chain ranks into a match like that.

In OW1 you could only group within 1000 SR below masters, and Masters+ had a 500SR gap allowance: so the lowest master could only group with the lowest diamond (3500 and 3000 SR respectively)
I’m plat. I am nowhere near 500 SR away from masters, we should not be in each others games.

Believe it or not, I don’t sit with a notepad jotting down every time it happens. It happens a lot though, enough to be ruining my experience. You can believe me or not, that’s of no importance to me :man_shrugging: A quick look on Reddit or similar and you’ll see many many others are experiencing the same.

Matchmaker is garbage fr

That’s exactly why I asked, because that person seemed to be implying some sort of rank and endorsement connection, and I wanted them to explain their hypothesis.

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What’s it like being a clown