Matchmaking is rigged

Really mess with the system, every time you lose, insta quit the game, watch it struggle to figure out where to put you in MMR.




If i had ever been below a 55% overall winrate i might believe this :slight_smile: well over 4k games too

So, you’re thousands of years old? (I couldn’t resist)

Whenever time doing something matters in a conversation, I say how long I’ve been doing it. I don’t just assert that I’ve been doing it longer than other people, because it comes off as disparaging and insecure. People don’t want to agree with someone who comes off as a Richard, regardless of facts.

I grew up playing Atari as well, but that doesn’t showcase my age or expertise. Again, people don’t like agreeing with pompous Richards.

I too remember when developers didn’t care whatsoever about the quality of matches and how much fun it was to stomp considerably less-skilled players into the ground. I also understand that not eveyone wants wins to be handed to them (myself included, once I became less of a pulsating Richard), that they want to actually earn it. If you like the system, good. You’ve found some happiness. If not, move on to another title that doesn’t have it. Don’t make it a problem for those who like it.

Winning half of your games is not a problem, what I want to point out is that losing 10 games in a row with toxic teams in all of them and winning 10 games in a row after losing is not normal and is bad for the mental health of the players.

As a Nintendo fan I can confirm that there are still enjoyable games with healthy communities like Splatoon, Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros.

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