Matchmaking is rigged

They give you a winning period and after some time the lose train with the most toxic teams begins.

Team 4, Blizzard and Microsoft play with our minds to keep us addicted to the game without thinking about our mental health. Putting players in defeat queues makes them more toxic and increases harassment in the game. Then the period of winning without effort returns and the players who were losing think that they are improving and play the game more until the train of defeats returns…

Team 4 I know you’re not going to admit it, but you should think about a game that takes care of the mental health of players.


I had this happen to me just yesterday can share evidence/replay codes if needed…

Long win streak followed by unwinnable games…

I also think they should take steps to make the rank system more transparent for example make MMR visible…



Let’s take a stand and refuse to play the game. who’s with me?


No one?



I didnt play for some time now, so kind of im in on that rn? Is it how it works?

Let’s poke holes in this shall we?

You can’t climb/fall if games are rigged…last I check the top players in world all end up in the same place on their various accounts

You should be facing harder/weaker teams anyway as you win/lose

Rigging would imply you can do nothing and end up with the same result…wiling to risk penalties to test it?

You actually think the game can predict match results?

By your theory I could hand your account to a top 500 player and it will remain wherever it is


How would forcing you to lose make you want to play more? It doesn’t make sense that the devs would rig matchmaking. How do they benefit?


Yet another person who can’t accept that winning half your games is the goal of any good matchmaker.


yes but it doesn’t feel right. You don’t feel it? Winning 50% is fine, but it feels forced.

Open your third eyes people

Competitive rank is basically MMR, but probably the main reason people give for not wanting to play competitive is not wanting to stress about their rank. MMR being visible would drive those same people away from QP, too.

It’s funny because people complain about matchmaking quality in QP, but then they refuse to play the mode that’s built entirely to fill lobbies with people of similar skill level. They could have the matches they want if they could get over number anxiety.

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The match-making isn’t “rigged”, what happened is that your win streak brought you to a higher rank (above your skill level), which is why you went on a losing streak.

The same think happens to me, I used to think I was “hard-stuck in Plat”, but now I realized that I’m in Plat because that’s where I belong based on my skill level lol.

Qp has the same mmr system as ranked, they’re just tracked separately. And since the accuracy of your mmr is dependant on sample size, it can feel like there is no mmr in qp if you mostly play ranked and only do qp occasionally with your friends. And if you play different amounts of qp than said friends, you might have different mmr’s, which can cause weird matchmaking. And since you can’t see your qp rank, that further feeds into the thought that qp has no mmr.

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The whole point of the system is to keep ppl hooked for as long as possible.


By angering the players to the point where they no longer want to play….duh

Is that not the goal?


So i didnt play ow in a few weeks and im not planning to come back either but i did decide to come check out the forums now that im waiting for my order and this is the first thing i saw when i did :rofl::rofl:

Op you are genuienly delusional if you believe that :rofl: good laugh tho ty

Dude don’t keep us guessing….pizza? Tickets? Mail order bride?!?!?!


I thought everyone else drops a cool $20 after a 10 game loss streak. I know I sure do.


2 hotdogs for my cousins and a burger for me :rofl:

It’s a fool proof business plan!

Step 1: Infuriate your players by intentionally making the matchmaker bad (they could fix it anytime they want, but they just hate their players sooooo much).

Step 2: Infuriated players always express their anger by buying skins and battle passes. They also talk about the game in a way that inspires their friends to start playing!

Step 3: PROFIT!


Do not get these confused.

Marrying a pizza is one of the least problematic results you could get :slight_smile:

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insert Phillip j fry here