Matchmaking is rigged

Something Something Engagement Optimized Match Making something something.

long and short, outside of comp they do rig the games… they rig them to best optimize how long you will play.

Maybe they use the same phone numbers or IP on all accounts or maybe the matchmaking system is more honest when you are starting but this problem also happens in Grand Master.

Be that as it may, the rank is not the problem I am referring to but rather the game decides when you are going to lose or win.

The problem is how matchmaking affects the mental health of the players.

a big issue with qp matchmaking is also that people can group up without restrictions. essentially there is a “wide grouping” only mode.
which blizzard stated in comp side that wide grouping will lead to lower quality games.

Please, share your evidence.

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Bad matchmaking = bad mental health?

Project much? Its like someone with type 2 diabetes blaming candy producers for their plight.

No one’s making you play this game OP. Stop projecting.

Thinking matchmaking decides matches before they begin is also just copium. If you’re in unranked, the lobby will prolly be wide with its ranks of individual players, but average out to roughly the same for each team.

For people looking for scapegoats, its easy to find one enemy’s rank and be like “they have a diamond player! No fair!” Meanwhile you also have a diamond player on your team, but dont see it. Locked profiles leads to this confusion.

If youre talking about ranked, this thread is completely baseless.

An algorithm controls human players in a team game tho, right OP? There can’t possibly be any other factors in play… right?

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Plus, even if there is a diamond Tracer on the other team, there’s no way to tell if they became diamond on Mercy…

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No way. That’s not mm related. Couldnt possibly be a factor. There’s definitely not dozens of such examples in any given lobby…

:rofl: :+1:

Please check team and general chat when the matches end.

I’ve been in the game for over 5 years and I’m used to it, but new players aren’t and they start a witch hunt in every match blaming the dps, the tank or the supports for losing and they get more and more frustrated.

It’s easy to know when a player of your team is in a lose streak or in a win streak.

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Can also upload as a video if requested…



I already quit, bought a ps5 been on ff, horizen, and many more. Sold my series x, grabbing a 2nd ps5 for my kids.

Please, upload a video.

However, lets be clear, you have not shown any evidence for rigged games whatsoever


They could revert back to ow1 comp system in which SR=MMR.

If I’m not mistaken, ow2 was created from scratch, as a lot of ow1 systems just disappeared in ow2, so in reality they need to make ow1 SR system from scratch, which they won’t do as it would take a lot of resources.

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Isn’t. Just moved OW1 to new repo and had made some changes in graphics, yeah removed lot of ow1 features because they don’t work in OW2 code rebase.

They also said they are putting same ranks on same roles which is bull. When im playing dmg (mid dia) my or enemy tank are mostly like 3-4 division apart which is patheticly bad on the impactfull and solo role. I know there is no tank player, but if you force them as for example peek dia5 to play as hardstuck dia1 player the skill rating of those 2 are massive. Happens on dmg role as well. For what I saw the most balanced role is support, which explains a lot its largest poll of players.

My favorite part is when you feel the L streaks kicking in. All of a sudden you get enemies trash talking, enemies gloating, and teammates infighting. Top tier gaming experience.


Every aspect of this game is designed for you to do 2 things…spend money and not play it. If you find a hacker in your game you get punished if you leave and they get rewarded wtih a win for cheating. So it makes you not want to play. Every week they release a new FOMO skin so gimme money. This game is burnt toast at this state


your sr is equivalent to your mmr.
blizz_winter is Gavin winter, systems engineer at blizzard.

besides that, only mmr is used for matchmaking so it doesnt really matter as far as match quality goes. As both ow1 and ow2 only used mmr for matchmaking.

In ow1 you could have deviation due to the visual decay systems as well.
But in ow2 since s9, they are always mapped since there is no visual decay anymore, and the “card system” is gone.

the core of matchmaking and rating system isnt really that much different in ow2 than what it was in ow1.

It was not written from scratch, it was just a fork/copy of OW1 that they then iterated on. To accelerate development time, they probably removed/disabled many OW1 features pretty early on (fire system, end of game cards, etc) so they could prototype things in the game without having to maintain them. They probably did a number of internal upgrades and engine improvements, and by the time they were ready to ship the game, many of those systems were likely broken and they didnt want to spend any time fixing them before shipping it.

At this point they did overhaul the competitive/matchmaking, but realistically there would be nothing preventing them from moving back to the old system. They likely wouldnt be able to just straight up revert the code, but the old SR system wasn’t exactly complex. It’s just an ELO system and a lot of the details were hidden from the user. For all intents and purposes, the new competitive system is pretty much the same, and the individual divisions are 100SR increments – e.g. diamond 5 is 3000-3099, and diamond 1 is 3400-3499.

I dont think it would be very difficult at all. It will take some resources for sure, but I suspect the primary reason they’re sticking with this system is because it mimics the competitive system of other games, so they might feel its more intuitive for players new to the game coming from other games.

why do you know that :astonished:

you know one of those patched OS like tinyxp, or ultimate xp etc people used to make ow2 is like that, were new team came removed a lot of core features and added a ton of bloatware and called it a new game version.