Matchmaker is RIGGED

No, it really is a strawman. His comment was all about how making the MMR public somehow makes their intellectual property public. It doesn’t. You than bring up a completely unrelated topic, and expect me not to call it what it is? I’m not ignoring anything, you’re the one ignoring everything that doesn’t agree with your opinion.

Please, respond to what I’ve actually wrote, not to what you wish I wrote.

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I did. I have never once seen you call out the same people who happen to agree with you when they accuse anyone under the sun who dares agree with them as either a troll or as some sort of fanboy/shill. Want an argument to be taken seriously? Then don’t just go after the people you don’t agree with. Call the people on your side out when they also start acting childish.

These people don’t care about anything being fact or fiction anymore. All they care about is if it agrees with their opinion or not. When someone can actually show me in game how the MMR is so against them (got news for you the entire player base is improving. In order to actually play at a higher tier you need to improve faster than the average), then I don’t care about any anecdotal evidence people collect just from their own biased views. These are the same people that accuse people of throwing if they don’t play exactly how they want them to or of being a smurf or hacker if they dare beat them.

Maybe respond to the right part of the argument. I couldn’t care less about the other guy. You called my argument a strawman and it was not.


I don’t think that the matchmaker is rigged - just incredibly dumb/naive.

It calculates everything on the fly and doesn’t care about your “true rank” etc. That would be way too complicated.

It just compares your stats to the stats of other players (that are in the queue) and gives you potatoes, if you are overperforming. Chances are good, that this happens exactly on the other side.

Mathematically it works, but it doesn’t really count groups and synergies into this. Therefore only a minority of games feel balanced. (Bad user experience)

Solo-Queue would solve a lot of problems here.

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That and a clan/team queue where you could have a combined rank for your team. Potentially taking into account how you play as a group much better.

Though it is a little feels bad if they chose to divide it up completely to solo and 6-stack, leaving duos and other groups out to dry but otherwise team wide ranks wouldn’t work as well.

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No, you didn’t. You completely ignored the context of what I said and brought up a completely different topic. And now, you’re trying to make another strawman argument, I rarely post in most topics on the Blizzard forum, mostly because of people like you who use logical fallacies and take what people say out of context.

LOL! The only ones acting childishly in this topic are people like you. Please, stop acting childishly just because your argument has been exposed as a logical fallacy.

And your posts show you to be one of those people.

Plenty of evidence has been shown, you’ve chosen to ignore said evidence.

You can ignore anecdotal evidence from one or two people. But over the years tens of thousands of people have posted across multiple websites about this anecdotal evidence. When you keep seeing similar evidence posted by tens of thousands of people, even if it’s anecdotal evidence, it shows a pattern. A pattern you have chosen to ignore because it doesn’t fit into your opinion.

… red herring. I’ve seen people who think MMR isn’t flawed, accuse people of throwing if they don’t play exactly how they want them to; accuse players of being a smurf or a hacker if they are beaten, etc… People on both sides act like this in game.

Your argument was a strawman, it was also a red herring. It took what I said out of context, pretended your argument somehow refuted what I said by bringing up another separate argument.

Maybe next time, Franchise117, respond to the actual argument someone wrote, not the argument you made up in your mind.

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Yeah you lost what little credibility you had there. “The only people behaving badly are those against me!”

Maybe next time. Take your own advice.

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Didn’t say that, I said the only acting childishly in this topic are people like you; that means people acting like you, not people who are taking a specific stance on an issue. And lets not forget, you’re the one who stated that everyone who disagrees with you is the one behaving badly, not me.

I have. I’ve responded to what you’ve actually said. You on the other hand, continue to take me out of context, use logical fallacies and project yourself.

Please, take my advice, respond to what I’ve actually wrote, not what you wanted me to write in your head.

Edit: Oh, and you lost all credibility when you took me out of context the first time around.

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Like I said. Listen to your own advice not what you want me to have written.

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So responding to what you’ve said, is somehow me wanting you to have written something… perhaps you should re-think that one.

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Right back at you. I’ve been responding to exactly what you’ve said but you don’t like the fact that I don’t agree with you. Bad move.

Oh nice they added an option to ignore forever. Easy choice, dude doesn’t care what you say, only if it backs up his argument or not.

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No you haven’t. You’ve frequently took what I said out of context, used strawman and red herring arguments. That is not responding to what I’ve said, that is responding to what you wanted me to say.

You’re the one who doesn’t like that I don’t agree with you, and outed you as a person using logical fallacies. Bad move, now again, take my advice and move along.

Edit: As you’ve proven incapable of holding a civil argument, I see no need to continue this back and forth. You shall now be ignored. Have a nice day.


if the answer is to stop playing the game so the game’s system can ‘reset’ then the actual issue is the mechanics of the match maker being terrible.

Alright good for you.

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This is actually true. Its job is to make the match a “fair” match. But if there are throwers on either side then we have, all of a sudden an unfair match. If we blame the fact that it was an unpredictable behavior of a player that made the match unfair… then why is rank determined based on other 5 other players’ actions? This is the very reason I could care less about trying 8n OW competitive anymore

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Talking about taking a break to “reset” i’ve done this more than a few times.

I’ve come back to the easiest games i’ve ever seen. Makes me wonder just how hard the MMR has to work to make an “even match” when i’m playing regularly.


Makes me wonder how much of a factor your mentality could be playing as well.

You’re also resetting your mind when you do take a break, that’s a main reason people recommend it. Relax, reset, and come in with a clear head.

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Naaah, it wasn’t about me being refreshed. It was about the literal wood tier players the game put on the other team, doing things i haven’t seen in ages. Shockingly easy. Just, nowhere near the caliber of player that the matchmaker usually puts against me.

Pretty much, the game when it’s unsure about my MMR. So, random. And much easier.

The entire thing is designed to maximize engagement. It’s made to adjust to your play, and keep you chasing SR for eternity.


whyy dose endorsé levlel matter loll


MMR is always sure…you can’t really shake it


these 10 in a row losing streaks only happen when i reach the next tier in skill.