Matchmaker is RIGGED

People don’t want streaks in the first place. That’s the problem.


I dont agree with what is said about Jeff.

But the rest is true. Since WoW. Blizzard’s competitive system for all their game titles is a… a DUMPSTER FIRE now.

I use to always get amazing matches and get to play on teams of really good players.

Now it is so bad, I could think of something better what to with Match maker servers (and the backups of the scripts) for competitive, and that is called putting the hard drives into large Electric Arc Furnace, turning it on and MELTING the metal down for decorative doorstops. and wishing bad Karma on those whom are responsible for sabotaging Blizzard’s community. While everyone is too afraid of terminating them.

Really, it is a harsh truth about the system. It IS rigged, especially when a person is on a 5-stack of SMURFFS that are dancing in the doorway and the other team has a group of players, all with 1,000 hours EACH to their teams.

I am NOT a great player at this game. But I would expect not to repeatedly see hundreds of matches where the players are Dancing smurffs and do NOTHING the entire match.


That’s too bad because streaks happen when you play a series of somewhat balanced games. It’s a mathematical fact. So in order to get rid of streaks, the matchmaker would have to be heavily rigged.

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Funny, when I stopped allowing the MM to connect to games that are objectively not balanced. IE: Backfill, users in stacks, while other team has no stacks, stacks higher than 2, low levels either being new or smurfs. My streaks magically stopped. I would get several losses and wins. But it wouldn’t be the 10 win or losses anymore. And I haven’t gotten since I’ve left games (I DO NOT PLAY COMP) that violate my personal rules of balance. Notice how I still have a 50% WR. But streaks are gone.

You played 10 games and your largest streak was 3. That’s what is expected.

After 10 games there’s approximately an 82% chance you have a streak of 3, and a 45% chance you have a streak of 4.

You’re not stopping the matchmaker from doing anything.

Record 100 games. I’m willing to bet you get a streak of 7.


You know how easy it was getting 10 wins, and than 10 losses. over and over. It was many many times. It stopped, that’s all I care about. I did 100 games like this. Never got more than 4 losses or wins in a row.

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I do not. I’ve never had a 10 game losing streak in my 3.5 years of play. And I’ve very rarely had a win streak that long.

This thing is absolutely rigged, and it makes sense. Who wants to play a game that’s either too easy or way too hard, no one! They want ppl playing their game they want to get them addicted, so they throw some statistically easy games their way and then they ramp up the difficulty by 1000, but here’s the real crappy thing they don’t make the enemy team better they just make your team worst. To where you have to absolutely carry to win that game, don’t think about playing a team oriented hero you’ll get smashed. It’s so obvious to me now, after doing multiple test. They want to addicted ppl


yo, thanks for necroing


Order of wins and losses doesn’t matter. Whether you go WLWLWWLL or WWWWLLLL your winrate is still 50%

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This is actually real. I love the provide evidence weebs. The evidence is clearly the non stop people coming into forums and saying the same thing. Literally the only solutions to this are playing broken meta to hard carry, using op team combos, and to 6 stack with smurfs.

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Try losing 600 sr in a single session. 8 1/2 hours, 26 games, 2 games won, 1 draw.

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Yep. Overwatch in a nutshell. MMR screwing you over every single time.

The OP describes EXACTLY what i see.

Trash game, extremely disappointed in the devs. This game has become absolutely unplayable now. I don’t even bother. It’s non stop idiots and the matchmaker will not let you escape them.

Needs a LOT more PBSR, or to get rid of MMR and just make games by SR.

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This is a great, great point. Never thought about this way. People are arguing that 10 game losing streaks are the result, basically, of a sudden decrease in skill. Then win streaks are a sudden increase in skill again. Yeah, right. That makes total sense.

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Massive necro out of nowhere.

Loss Streak = MMR Misalignment --> Take a Break

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What do I have to do to convince the matchmaker I’m a living carrot?

Like after 20 losses in a row in the <700, can’t it find me teammates that hard-carry me? Or hand me one on the house for just staying connected the whole match? I just had the worst loss streak dropping from 780sr to 600-something. Yikes those games were hard af.

It is rigged don’t even let people say otherwise. You do too well one game and the matchmaker will punish you by having all of the other team be at your rank then the rest of your teammates at a rank lower than you. If you do really well once because you had a huge losing streak and you’re essentially smurfing, instead of raising you up sooner it will give you an impossible game to make you stuck there instead of just giving you normal games so you can go back up after some bull** loss streak from smurfs and throwers.

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One thing I don’t understand is the existence of (no offense) “bronze” skilled players is higher tiers. Had a few games with teammates that literally moved like playing with a controller on PC. Reaction time, aim, pacing and game sense were atrocious. They were so bad and slow, I actually thought they were bots.

I’m not joking. I already faced disguised “filler” bots in other games before, that had real sounding nicknames and acted randomly enough to be convincing for the first matches…

I’m not saying blizzard is filling up slots with bots to shorten the queue times, but it’s not impossible either.

On the other hand how do these players get into gold and above in the first place? I’m really hard carrying a lot of times, pulling my weight, countering enemy smurfs etc. and I hover between 2000 and 2500. It’s not “easy” to play constantly at my personal elo, but it’s manageable somehow.

But when I see these misplaced players, that only barely turn around, run in stupid directions or aim in slow-motion, I get really frustrated. They are obviously NOT playing at MY level, but are somewhat STILL in my SR range. Their APM are only 1/10 of mine. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE? There are only a few options:

  1. New player account, default-placement in gold (very rare)
  2. Soft-Boosted player (Accidentally carried by overperforming teams)
  3. Hard-Boosted player (by high elo friends or service provider)
  4. Soft-throwing player (for smurfing)
  5. Hard-throwing player (intoxicated, tilted or trolling)
  6. Generated bot / A.I.

At this point, I feel like underperforming team mates are MUCH worse than smurfs in the enemy team.

How smurfs climb then? Your logic doesnt make sense lol. You are using it only for you and nobody else ::grin:

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What is higher tier for you? , I thought you are plat. Bronze skilled player can get to plat rank by being 1.boosted 2. By being super lucky in placement on new account.

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