Matching isn't "better", it's WAAAYYY worse

Sorry but that’s just not enough

After quite literally thousands of hours of being forced to stare at this pattern. Thousands. Since 2021ish, something in code changed. But I know for sure since beginning of 2022 when I started making topics about it

I know not everyone believes it’s a thing. But I cannot believe anything otherwise, when you see something happen thousands of times, it’s impossible to shrug off as “imagining it/confirmation bias/gambler fallacy/skill issue/something else”

That’s my stance man. I can’t prove it, all I have is a mountain of personal anecdotes, screenshots etc.

But Look around and see how many other people are making topics about it

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And thousands of gamblers say the same thing.

Just like anything else with randomness.

Here are the forces at play.

  1. People expect to win 70% of the time. If you blind test stuff, they say the matchmaking is fair when they win 70%.
  2. People don’t expect runs to happen like they do with random numbers. If you get a bunch of differently generated numbers and get people to pick which one is the most random, people get it wrong consistently.

Both of these acting together leads people to complain about matchmakers.

I’ve had the SAME things said about my matchmakers. Exactly the same thing, by people with the same intensity.

They were simple things, just picking the groups with the closest MMR and putting them together, with a weighting to make people who had played against each other happen less, so people didn’t face the same people all day every day.

And boom, exactly the same complaints.

Fair matchmaking DOESN’T feel fair. That is the problem, it ALWAYS feels bad.

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Worst advice of all time. QP matchmaking is absolutely horrid when compared to comp. I’ve had pretty much exclusively close games in comp, a complete stomp maybe once or twice per 20 games and only when 5 stacking. Other than that, comp matchmaking has been great.

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Weirdly enough, my MM experience improved a lot over the weekend. There’s been noticeably fewer stomps and many more close games.

Rank distribution also seems to be better for me. Mostly Masters/GM/Top 500, only a few Diamonds.

They did mention adding MM updates over the weekend. Maybe they fixed MM for high ranks but broke it for lower ranks?

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its complete and utter garbage now… constant silver/golds and top 500 in the same damn games… bronze/silver randoms being put up against full premade diamonds or with the occasional 3 diamonds, a master and a top 500 vs a gold team of randoms.

if you’re lucky both teams have a mix… but i’ve yet to see a game where silvers, golds and diamond 1 to top 500 aren’t put into the same games. absolutely horrendous.

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While I’m far from thinking it’s worse than before, I did have the same matching issues I had before the fix. Plat player in Masters/GM lobbies just yesterday.

I doubt it became worse, but I also doubt the fix really fixed anything. Maybe they said “we fixed it” as in “we fixed the code and it’ll be released on the next update”? Although, since it’s server code, I don’t know if they need an actual patch release for that.

I love constantly being matched against groups.


That simply sounds like you are on very low elo and have good/bad days.

I only play a couple of hours of ranked here and there lately and everytime I see clown games because of the horrible matchmaking I simply refuse to play and stay afk in spawn, ain’t no way I’m gonna try to play when both my dps are diamond and the enemies are GM, it’s not a dps gap anymore, it’s a valley.

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Lol. Elo have nothing to do with it. Wtf are you talking about?
Go see good YouTuber and they always say could have played better and influence the ourcome. Playing beter to influence the result of a match as nothing to do with elo.
You obviously don’t know how Elo works don’t you?
And you presume wrong, I am not low Elo.
And even if I was, who cares???
Low elo players makes for most of the player base and their experience is as relevant as yours.
I hate elitist jerk!!!

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Its not about climbing, its about the matches being stomps one way or the other, it never used to be this way until OW2.

yup, these loser sweat groups always win because they clearly have an advantage, they are extra extra toxic, and do mass reports against players

wow amazing work blizz devs

Lower ELO + good/bad day variance occurs. Cope harder.

You’re not above the thousands of topics here about how the matchmaking is busted no matter how much you want to think you’re a pro.

Don’t worry, it might get better this week. And if not, it might get better next week. And if not it might get better the week after that.

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7 years later…

don’t worry guys we are making changes this week…


as it stands right now with blizzard

Press X to Doubt


Im ngl i think if blizzard had to listen to matchmaking complaints for 7 years and still couldn’t fix it they’d probably just cut their losses and release Overwatch 3 lol

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Yeaup. Most games are stomps like that. Blows my mind that people pretend it doesn’t happen so frequently.


I’m starting to notice some “matchmaking by role” but there are still massive discrepancies in skill level across the teams.

Had a game yesterday where we had 1 ashe and enemy had 1 widow. Both were like 1/2 kills and like 12 deaths.

What’s the point of putting people into matches where they obviously struggle. Doesn’t matter if you matchmake 1 player to another in the same role around the same skill level, if the rest of the team are like 1k SR above, you’re just spectators at that point.


Comparing Overwatch matches to gambling is pretty spot on, imo.

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