Massive FPS drops after patch 1.25

I consistently got around 90-100 FPS ingame with my hardware. After the reworked Symmetra patch, my system struggle to get to 60, i’m getting around 58 top with severe drops during teamfights down to 30 or less. Sometimes when holding tab to display the scoreboard/teams heroes, the FPS keep dropping to arround 10 or even less while the scoreboard is up. The same issue seems to happen when looking at multiple sprays overlayed on glass doors of spawnpoints. None of this issues ever happened before, using latest nVidia driver that came out on the same day as patch 1.25, it might be related.


same man i was hoping i wasnt the only one :frowning: never had it this bad


Having the same issue here. Not sure if this happens when there’s no Symmetra on the match, though.


Hi, i had the same isue, i have a i5 8600k with a 1080ti and fps went from around 400/380 to 60 droping til 10/15 and it was stuttering like hel in group fights.
I just uninstalled the game, restarted pc and installed it again, now it works fine again.
I did not try the repair fuction, some say that works to yet some say it does not.


Hi, here is a fix that worked for me

That’s exactly what happened to me. I reset windows, reinstalled the game, clean installed the graphics drivers, and turned off game mode. Nothing is working.

It work for me too and not only for overwatch,I did the same for hearthstone and it runs way better now (maybe is a general blizzard-game problem, I try with some steam games and the improvement was little to none)
Thanks !!!