Mass Rez promoted "Suicide Playstyle"

Yeah no. Gonna disagree on that hard. Mathematically makes no sense.

It’s pretty easy. Valkyrie just makes doing it a lot more boring. :frowning:

When it comes to damage boost there is no way the effects of Valk can be replicated via single target boost application.

Well ofc it can’t be exactly replicated but the impact of both methods are extremely similar.

I dont think so. Imagine a dive scenario, with chain damage boost you’re catching Winston, Dva, Genji, Tracer, etc, all at once, no down time. Cant even be remotely approached by juggling damage boost from target to target via single beam.

In certain scenarios. Valkyrie is undeniably better than juggling beams yourself but the problem is that it makes the whole process more boring because it’s just ez mode. In most scenarios, people would much rather juggle beams to gain similar amounts of impact to Valkyrie rather than using Valkyrie because 1, it’s more fun and skilful and 2, you are less likely to get targeted or counter ulted.

You’re not limited to skyboxing in Valk, you can just as easily use traditional LOS limitations etc so technically you don’t have to be more exposed to ults or focus.

Yes it does make it easier, cant argue that. However the effects of chain specifically when it comes to damage boost can not be replicated with single beam at all.

They can be replicated to an extent.

With damage boost? Mathematically you won’t even come close. I dont consider that replication.

Let’s just agree to disagree then.

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Sounds good to me.


Woah. It actually happens.

  1. What percentage of rezzes were 4 heroes or more?

  2. The current rez is the living definition of a “suicide playstyle.”

  3. Many of us don’t want mass rez but tempo rez. Longer fights = more thrilling fights.


really? because I seem to recall the devs saying it was changed because players found it “unfun to play against”

though honestly if Mercy mains are finding Valk to be boring wouldn’t they be the best ones to speak to as they are the ones using this hero?


You are objectively correct.

That aside, it also promoted a counter-intuitive play style for Mercy. Sure she could stay in a team fight and Rez. Just as a Starmie could stay in to fight a Gengar or in SSB Zelda could go up against Mario. But that doesn’t mean those choices were optimal. (What I’m getting at is, hide-and-rez was the safest and most efficient choice hands down, even if there was another “acceptable” way to play.)

And by “acceptable” I mean “if you stay to heal you’d be considered a throwing Mercy” yaaaaay fun and 100% not-toxic-at-allllll!!!

90% of players have a suicidal playstyle even without mass rez. Have you just sat down and watched people play? Most people just rush point blanks, spam everything thats not on cooldown and pray the other guys not standing when their gun is empty.

…What else are you doing during Valkyrie? I’m not saying your point about mass Rez is wrong, but it’s not like there’s some secret mechanic of Valk that Mercy players have just forgotten about. Valk gives you:

  1. Longer beam range - You said this is wrong to use in your post
  2. AOE beam - Mercy has no direct control over this. Also indirectly included in your original post
  3. Flight - You said this is wrong to use (for safety) in your original post
  4. Perma-regen - Ideally, Mercy should never be taking damage even in Valk. You’re just putting yourself in unnecessary danger and feeding ultimate charge to enemies without gaining any yourself
  5. Infinite ammo - Her pistol is still pretty bad, especially when you have AoE beam available. Even if you’re able to secure a kill, why do you need 21+ shots? You’re wasting so much time doing so. Also, there are a number of reasons (which I’m not going to get into) why damage boost is objectively better than pistoling
  6. Vision of enemy health bars - Probably underutilized by many Mercy players, but also is passive and doesn’t interact with the rest of her kit, so not relevant to your original point.

Sooooooo, you’re saying Mercy should be body blocking shots and pistoling in Valkyrie? I’m very confused

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People just complained about mass rez because of group mentality. In reality the vast majority of Resurrects where 2-3 players, yet the community would have you believe 5 man rez’s where happening every 3 minutes ingame. Blizzard should listen to the community, but this is an example of listening to closely.

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