Mass Rez Never Returned

This is true, people can go back and check Jeff’s own words - he doesn’t mention “overpowered” or any such word, he does call it “disheartening” to see the enemy team get rezzed after you ult. Mercy was a pretty bad support in the higher tiers, worked pretty well in lower but not so much because of MR as the fact that she’s a consistent dedicated healer (same reason she’s still pretty popular in those tiers). As for the hiding part, I’m sure there were people who did it (I’ve seen McCree players hide for a minute to ult), but I know many cases of “hiding” was either 1) Mercy coming back after respawning with a hail Mary or 2) Mercy heard :poop: about to happen and takes cover to wait out the storm (having been healing faithfully up to that point). I know because I posted a vid of myself narrowly missing to be caught in a Grav, healing my team from a corner until they died to a Barrage, then rezzing them… and hearing I was hiding the whole time.


Whaddya mean? When you mass rez the enemy gets all their ults back. Like Magy said, it’s just a “reset the fight back to the start” button.


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So it’s not “disheartening” to see your own team get annihilated, despite your efforts?

No wonder players aren’t rushing in droves to play tank/support, when no one ever thinks about their efforts.

Disagree with that, because it was healer you were great as, should your team be their usual clueless selves. Which may be an exception at high tiers, but normal state of things everywhere else.

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Mass rez was the dumbest thing this game has ever done to this very day.
Also simply no point to these threads anymore.

Just arguing with people that chose the wrong hill to die on.

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Dumb things work with dumb people. Which is better, than having only smart things, that fail to work, should whoever you use them on be not so smart.


Nothing more frustrating then finally winning the second point on 2CP only for Mercy to come in and resurrect the entire team

This mechanic needed to be changed, it prevented Mercy from being balanced as she was left in the trash to avoid being OP asf, only problem was rework Mercy was the most OP thing I’ve ever seen (well up there with launch Brig), glad that’s a thing of the past

and yet, there are many less dumb things in the game which are at least acceptable

this was the dumbest and fundamentally unbalanced AND majority of the playerbase did not like it.

end of

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Because majority are stupid. Other things are acceptable, because you can counter them in dumb way.

Nothing more frustrating, than watching your team dying and have nothing to stop it.

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Removing Mass Res was the biggest screw-up the dev team made. Yes, it felt bad to be on the wrong side of a successful one, but which Ult doesn’t? More to the point, the sheer amount of tonedeaf comments coming from the dev team and the utter refusal to even offer counterpoints when the community made it very clear why they didn’t like the rework just sent this game into a downward spiral.

Also, the fact that nobody on the dev team thought having Jeff repeat a line that toxic players had been flaming Mercy players with for MONTHS in that announcement video didn’t exactly generate good faith. In fact, I’d go so far as to say that’s where a lot of the “the devs don’t give a crap about how toxic the streamers/pros and their followers are” sentiment comes from.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: A design that you keep nerfing for two straight years to make it “balanced” (read - ignorable by the enemy dps) is a bad design that should go out the airlock.


One you can ignore, if relatively easy to meet requirements are met.

Which is exactly why every other defensive ult is “acceptable” - often it takes just 1 player with correct ult to nullify them entirely.

Just like immortality field before it, mass rez had one “flaw” - no braindead ways to counter it. Simple damage spam, that would make every other “acceptable” ult fail to fulfill it’s function of protecting teammates, doesn’t work here.

I can’t think of any reworks or major changes that blizz has gone back on…and why would you…if it was bad enough to warrant changing why would you want to go back to it…

You move forward…not backwards

Forward towards ravine, yes.


Sometimes you end up in another but you still move forward from something that already didn’t work

If it didn’t work, you go back and check, what caused it. Instead of doubling down on same approach.

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I don’t see how completely reworking a character can possibly be seen as doubling down

You literally deplete an entire team’s ultimates by undoing their results.


Which is lifesaving, if your team isn’t great at getting ults.

It’s doubling down when the players of said character* are pretty much in unison going: “We don’t like how this plays, please put it back the way it was until you can figure something else out.” and you just pretty much ignore that and keep nerfing the design you’ve just been told by players they don’t like for two years.

The amount of abuse Mercy players* got after the rework alone should have been enough to get Blizzard working on a Mercy 3.0 design. Instead of doubling or tripling down on 2.x and trying to gaslight the players* by repeating: “We think the rework was a success, so we’re nerfing it again” in every patch for two years following.

*Players/playerbase at the time, of course.


It’s not as much abuse, as loss of capability to salvage bad games, where one side just uses all their ults to crush any and all opposition.

No I mean abuse - toxic behavior and harassment of Mercy players when it became obvious how OP launch Mercy 2.0 really as.

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