Mass Rez Never Returned

That was TripleTank, and was based on Ana having roughly Double the healing, and a Nanoboost that could do this:

god i miss beyblade reaper
But for a brief time quad tank was meta, especially after dva got 600 hp. Rein-Zarya-Hog-Dva-Ana-Lucio, with soldier taking hog place sometimes when he had 200 dps.
Might mix something up, but the point is that we had the strongest pre-rework state of mercy back then and she was still considered a throw pick, so i doubt she’d be played in goats

You mean when Zarya grav+Hanzo dragons was meta and Mercy existed as a vessel to power boost Hanzo’s ultimate?

No I’m talking the metas that happened like 8 months previous to that.

Moth meta existed until zarya grav->Hanzo dragon, than Mercy got nerfed to 50 hps and was left there to die for a year.

Nope, there was a gap between February and June where it was Moira meta. I.e. “Slambulance”.

Mercy/Moira Comp pickrates (PC)

Honestly wish there was something that documented everything, I know slambulance was a thing but I don’t remember mercy ever not being the go to support until 50 hps version killed her.

Besides Ana being interchangable with Mercy in the hanzo meta as she could grenade the grav+dragon, than blizzard moved mercy to 50 hps and mega buffed Ana to solidify Ana as the best support in the game for 2ish years.

Same. She is just that reliable option, that doesn’t have annoying “skill checks” to work.

Moira was picked for a moment, but it never developed into actual meta, as players quickly became disappointed with her lack of vertical mobility.

As for Ana - it feels like they attempt to make players love Ana, but it didn’t work on me.

Agreed. I found it grimly ironic that as soon as Mass Rez was out of the picture, the next streamer-initiated gripe campaign was how the game was “Press Q to win”. And thinking, HMM, IF ONLY THERE WAS A WAY TO PUNISH MINDLESS ULT SPAM, LIKE A SUPPORT ULTIMATE OR SOMETHING.

I also find it grimly ironic that one of the big complaints people have about Immortality Field is that it can negate multiple ultimates at once. And, yes, if you don’t want the game to boil down to who can hit the most Q’s at once, then that is the point. We need something that can punish poorly strategized ult spam.


But then players would be unhappy, and Blizzard wants to simplify gameplay in general.

What concerns me, is that no one ever thought “maybe dying isn’t fun”.


Ult economy, if you are playing Anubis second you can honestly win 6v5 most of the time unless the enemy has 6 ults, especially when back then there was a lot less peel so you could very rarely win a fight without losing a player which is basically required to cap 2cp, so on the fights you know they have big ults you just send your mercy to hide, they have to use big ult combo and you’re like nah do it again, and throughout all that you have to not lose anyone. It was a similar issue on last point hybrids and control because of how the ult rotation works. People seem to forget you get 2-3 big ults our from 1 fairly fast charging ult

tbh, that kinda sounds more of a map problem than a specific problem with mass rez.

but i guess deleting the ability was easier than fixing the map

It was certainly easier, than giving Mercy ability for mid-fight.

It continues to be Mercy’s downfall - she has nothing for that area between “healing is enough” and “ults are out”.

Mass Rez was designed to punish poor ult management. How many ults to use during a team fight is up to you, it’s not like once she Mass Rez your entire team’s ults just disappears. If your team decided to use every single ult you deserve to be punished. Blizzard clearly forgot why they designed such ability in the first place. If you play with Mass Rez in mind you can just hold your trump card, wait for her Rez, then wipe the enemy team again.


For sure but it is all 2cp and control maps, plus a couple maps like kings so it becomes a bit iffy blaming on maps more than just how ults work in ow

They didn’t forget - they just realised, that players in decent amount of games are unable to counter such strategy. Mass rez allowed to save games, even if enemy team got ahead in ult economy.

That I can agree, OW playerbase are pretty bad at calculating and strategize.


The issue is when you have a fairly standard comp back then like tracer genji Lucio zen Winston DVA (assume not a mirror because that’s where issues usually are) attacking a final point 2cp you pretty much have to tank ult +blade +something else then use a support ult to stabalize, there’s then a Rez and you’re left with pulse support ult tank ult which can be easily mirrored by the defending support. So either you try win the fight with a dry blade which just won’t work or you have to ult dump, that’s just the nature of ow you can’t punish something that’s intended in the game

More like they do not want to. It’s not fun.

Blizzard showed active bias against defensive stacking and for offensive stacking. Basically, stacking up damage is ok and “good strategy”, but stacking up defense to survive that stacked up damage isn’t.

It caused further degradation of strategies - why bother to come up with something complex, when brute force solves everything.


Except it was. You got the enemy team to blow ults and then you come out, press Q, and your team uses ults against their team who no longer has any, and you win. No offense, but you’re literally plat so you have no idea what you’re talking about…

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